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Daisy Comeback
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cajunbelle's Blog
Things I Have Discovered
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:09 pm Last year I bought a native passion vine, because I want the fruit it produces. I put it in a pot, babied it and ended up with a very puny vine, three flowers and nothing else. The caterpillars ate it up, but it put out new leaves which they ate again. Kittle was laying in the pot the other day and I had just about given up hope, especially since I didn't mulch or protect it in anyway over the winter. Well yesterday I passed by the pot and it has four healthy shoots coming off the roots. Hooray!!!!! Now I have to decide If I will leave it in the pot or put it in the ground. My Dallas Red lantana is also coming back as is my Bengal Tiger Canna. No show from the Blue Daze, White Plumbago, and Mexican Heather, I think I have lost them, and also two orange and yellow lantana's. The purple Louisiana irises are in full bud, it won't be too long before I have flowers, no sign of the copper or yellow irises blooming yet. My amarylis have flower spikes coming out, they seem to be enjoying their new place as are the bearded irises, which have gotten huge. I found some irises in a place we didn't plant them, I guess they kinda just wandered around somehow and ended up there. Those things will grow anywhere. I was given a pink climbing rose by a friend last year and it is putting out new growth and some healthy new shoots, which I have to train to the fence. I have more glads coming up and all of the daylilies seem to be doing good, I have to move some bc other plants are taking them over. I bought a tropical shrub last year, grewia, never heard of it, but it's pretty lavender flowers were too pretty to pass up. I put it under the shelter to overwinter it. I was going to prune it yesterday, but it has flower buds all up and down the stems. So I guess I will wait till the fall. It bloomed off and on all winter, just three or four flowers at a time, but they were pretty to see on a dreary winter's day. Oh well, sitting here typing is getting nothing done in the yard so I gotta go. Oops, forgot to add, I am going to Home Depot today, I will try to be very good, I hope they have their bulbs reduced and I am looking for a Duranta. Will let y'all know what we find. Last edited: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:14 pm This blog entry has been viewed 907 times
The Return of Spike
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:46 am Several years ago I planted a large round flower pot with various plants. One of these was a spike plant to give the container height. Don't ask me the name of it, a dracaena probably. Well, as common with my container plantings, by the end of the summer the only thing still alive was Spike, and he was a healthy fellow. Spike lived happily in his container, getting bigger and bigger. Two years ago, due to a complete lack of attention, Spike passed away. I never did anything with the container, just let it sit. This winter, when I made a shelter for my container plants I put the large round pot with the deceased Spike in it under the shelter. I did this because I knew a cat or two would get under there to sleep and I thought the container would make a good nest for them. Well lo and behold, the other day I was inspecting everything to see what had survived and what had not, and there coming off to the side of the old trunk was a brand new Spike. He is already about 10 inches tall and I think I will just call him Jr. Simply amazing!!!!!!! This blog entry has been viewed 971 times
Busy Yard Day
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:49 pm Well the daylilies are planted. We put two new rows between my Mom's driveway and our property line. There is a Bradford pear and two Japanese persimmon trees there and we planted on each side. We could have put them all there but one spot is really low and we didn't have the dirt to fill it in. So we will work on that and divide them next year to plant there. We also reworked a flower bed, took the overgrown canna's out and put my gladioli and the rest of the lilies. It already had daylilies and glads in it, plus a crinum, which I will move, some irises which I have already dug out, a dahlia, and a cardinal flower, which is a native plant. I put the canna's behind Mom's house which has a low spot, so I will see if Glenda's advice works. I am sure it will. Now I have to rake leaves after supper to mulch so my dirt doesn't wash away during the rain. There was 30+ clumps of daylilies, some with as many as 4 fans in them, I figure more than the 50 he said. There was one really different looking daylily so I planted it separate, along with some from another spot that was not doing well bc of lack of sun. I am very anxious to see what the different one will look like. I did save about 8 clumps to share with people who have been so generous with me in the past. All in all it has been a very satisfying day. Last edited: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:51 pm This blog entry has been viewed 819 times
Interesting Flower Trivia
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:07 pm There are approximately 1300 species of Begonia and the number of hybrids is estimated between 1000 and 2000. Within the Begonia genus, there are plants which are tiny enough to grow in an egg shell and others which can cover a greenhouse wall. In heraldry, the rose is used as a mark of cadency for a seventh son. The first recorded plant collectors were the soldiers in the army of Thothmes III, Pharaoh of Egypt, 3500 years ago. In the Temple of Karnak these soldiers are shown bringing back 300 plants as booty from Syria. The rose is the emblem of the British royal family. The Wars of the Roses are so named because the Lancastrians whose symbol was a red rose were fighting the Yorkists whose symbol was a white rose. The fleur-de-lis or white lily was the symbol of the French royal family. It is still the symbol of Quebec. The florin (an Italian gold coin) was so named because of the fleur-de-lis on the back. The fleur-de-lis was also the badge of Florence. The cactus family is divided into more than 100 genera. For simplicity North American cacti are placed into five groups: the prickly pears, the saguaro cactus group, the hedgehog cacti, the barrel cacti, and the pin-cushion and fishhook cacti. This blog entry has been viewed 766 times
6 Days Off, Hooray!!!!!!!!
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:22 pm My anniversary date is coming up at work and I had 3 vacation days left, so along with my regular 2 days off and a personal day that is a total of 6 wonderful, no work filled days. I can do what I want, when I want and how I want. Today is the first, I am cooking a gumbo, we should be able to eat off of that 2 days. I want to go out to do some work in the yard, but right now I am just relaxing. Tomorrow I go junkin', can't wait. Calamity is bringing me some horse poop one day, probably Monday, so I have to dig her some plants. Sunday is church in the morning. Tuesday Mom has some test to run. So hopefully, weather permitting I will get the yard cleaned up, some weeding done, and if it isn't too wet, some planting done. It is just so nice to know that I don't have to go to work for 6 days I could explode. Last edited: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:51 pm This blog entry has been viewed 998 times
Can't Wait Till........................
Category: Garden Junk | Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:10 am Friday. I get to go junkin'. There is a Trash to Treasure sale sponsored by some organization for a children's foundation. It will be at Cortana Mall in Baton Rouge in a now defunct huge department store. It runs 3 days, Friday being the first. I would also love to go back on the final day, bc then everything will be marked down for quick sale. I am going with 2 friends, who also love junkin', but they call it garage sailing. We will possibly hit some garage sales on the way home if we pass any, imagine that. I am also hoping to have time to stop by a few nurseries to check out what they have new this year. I will be looking for stuff for mosaics, my fairy garden, and of course glass for totems, and any other interesting looking stuff. Maybe I will find a new room for all my junk, I sure need one. Think they have those at garage sales. Hurry up Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog entry has been viewed 910 times
I'm Upset
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:03 am I started my Sunset Hibiscus seeds, had a really good germination rate going, about 75%, and guess what, they dampened off. I am so upset. I used peat pellet, have never had a problem with them and I would think they would be sterilized. I did not over water them and they had excellent air circulation. Now I have 2 seedlings left, with maybe 2 or 3 more peeking through. I have a few seeds left, but I think I will save them and start over in a couple of weeks. AAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog entry has been viewed 812 times
Last Bubba Update
Category: Pets | Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:35 pm Bubba ate a whole can of cat food last night, so he is back to his normal self. He has two days of meds left and his eyes are still a little fa-di-ka, (yucky), but not bad. He insist on going out, so we let him, as he has no congestion. Now the problem will be to get him to eating dry food again as he loves his canned stuff. He is a charming fellow and I am very thankful that he is doing better. This blog entry has been viewed 873 times
Bubba's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Category: Pets | Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:48 pm Well the big guy is back to normal. He is eating like his old piggish self and he now protests his meds. He tried to bite me last night the bad boy. His nutrirional supplement is finished and he has 4 days of antibiotic pills left. I will be glad when he is finished those. His eyes are still a little runny but that's all. Thanks for everyone's concern. This blog entry has been viewed 815 times
PM Bubba Update
Category: Pets | Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:02 am Bubba if feeling much better. He is eating more, has had his second dose of meds. We let him out for about 5 minutes, just long enough to potty. He came in and got on back of the sofa, preened a little and is now sleeping with is strippety tail slowly swishing. I feel all better knowing that he feels better. For those of you who do not know, we raised Bubba cat on a bottle from 2 weeks old. His mom was a feral who brought us the litter of 3. We raised them all and kept Bubba. This blog entry has been viewed 745 times
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