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cajunbelle's Blog
Cajun 101
Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:18 am boucherie (BOOSHREE) butchering When we were children boucherie time was really exciting. Several local friends would come and help Dad butcher the hogs. We knew that special treats were in store, such as boudin, a savory sausage made with rice, pork meat,and seasonings; hogheads cheese, another savory dish made with the head and other meat, cooked down and poured into loaf pans. When it cooled it was unmolded and sliced. Cracklings, fried hog fat, were also a favorite. It was like a big party and we all passed a good time. This blog entry has been viewed 3250 times
Category: Cooking | Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:14 pm Definition: A thick soup/stew made with meat or seafood, served over plain rice. It can be thickened with roux, okra, or file'. File' is a powder made from ground sassafras leaves and definitely an aqquired taste. I prefer to think of gumbo as a mixture. The old Cajuns made it to use leftovers to keep them from spoiling. Mom always used roux and file' and sometimes okra also depending on what type of gumbo she was making. File' was not used in seafood gumbo, only in chicken and andouille, or duck and other wild game. If she used okra she did not use file'. She also did not use andouille in her chicken and okra or shrimp and okra gumbo. Basically, it just depends on what you like and what flavors you like to taste together. I have eaten it with everything in it, chicken, shrimp, okra, roux, file', chicken livers and gizzards, and probably a few things I had no idea of. Most people make it during the winter, I make it whenever I get the ahnvee for one. This blog entry has been viewed 657 times
Rainy Days and Mondays
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:28 pm Well, it is raining. We really needed the rain so I am not complaining! We were going to make a raised bed for vegetables. Richard has all of the wood cut. We are using the electric service pole that Hurricane Rita broke, and the 2x4's we used to shore the new one up while the dirt settled in. It will be a good size, 6ft. 7inches long by almost that wide again. I think it is a little too wide, but that way we won't waste any of the lumber. Richard made me promise I will not take it over for flowers, but I think it will need some marigolds planted around the edges to help keep the bugs away, and I will also plant some on the outside of the bed. We are thinking of doing the lasagna method. We have oak leaves, oak leaf mold, grass clippings, and compost. We will use the cardboard liners from the meat cases at work for the bottom to kill the grass. We can also haul a couple of wheelbarrow of dirt from the back. We are going to try to get some manure , either horse or rabbit. If we get it done in time we will put some mustard green seed in, if not we will cover it with plastic for the winter and plant in the spring. So I guess since we can't do yard work, it will be house work today, which really needs doing. I have to go bath Mom sometime today and clean her bedroom and bathroom. A lot of the cats are in bc of the rain. They have places to get outside, but would rather be in with us. OK, enough computer time I need to make the roux for the gumbo and finish getting everything in the pot. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:22 pm This blog entry has been viewed 631 times
Cool Front and Cats
Category: Pets | Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:49 pm Our land is set up with our mobile home and Mom's facing one another with a good size yard inbetween. We have a security light for when I have to go back and forth at night. Last night we had a cool front moving through. It was nice and breezy with no mosquitos buzzing. Well the cats decided it would be a good night to play. There must have been at least a dozen of them running around, climbing trees,and chasing each other. They are so fun to watch with their antics. Tiny can jump 4 feet straight in the air from a standing still position. He is quite the acrobat. Big fat Bubba will hide behind a blade of grass, peeking out, and he really thinks no one can see him. Of course, the others play along and let him pounce out and "attack" them. Ms. Kittle, the youngest and smallest of the pride, is also the toughest. She cuts no one any slack. And when it is time to eat, guess who eats first, Kittle. She will get in the middle of the food and growl. All these big tomcats just sit back and let her eat. Then there is Bobbert with no tail and his long back legs. It is so funny to watch him run. When I got the inside cats in for the night they were still romping and stomping. I wonder if the others stayed up all night playing. This blog entry has been viewed 635 times
Not A Good Day
Category: Pets | Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:19 pm It is never a good day when you have to dig a hole to bury a pet. We lost one of our rescues. He was a big fellow, solid black. They came from next door, the mom had them in one of our feral shelters. The neighbors brought the mom home then never fed her so she ended up eating from our food table. We had her spayed and all of the kittens neutered. We found him and he was semi paralyzed, he would drink, but not eat. I think he ate a blue tailed skank, they are deadly to cats. I have seen a few around here, but they are too fast to kill. We do know that while he was here he never went hungry and was always loved. This blog entry has been viewed 633 times
Hurricane Frenzy
Category: Other Stuff | Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:35 pm I work at WalMart in the meat department. Before leaving for work Saturday I checked the weather to see what was going on with Tropical Storm Ernesto. It was then being reported that it would enter the Gulf of Mexico sometime early this week. I knew then what my day at work would be like. After Huricanes Katrina and Rita last year everyone is a bit gun shy and you can't blame them. The store was packed with people buying everything from meat to flashlights. Katrina was a living nightmare for everyone down here, and it still is for some. The people who left New Orleans thought they would only be gone a couple of days and then they could go back home. Many of them ended up with no homes to go back to. They had nothing except what they had brought out. Our district warehouse took a hard hit and we could not get supplies for several days. Once what we had onhan d was gone the people really panicked. They knew if WalMart shelves were empty things had to be bad. When the people that stayed in New Orleans to ride out the storm started coming in they had the same look as someone coming out of a battle zone. Some were still in shock, some were very angry, and then there were the ones who had a peace about them. Those were the ones that knew the Lord, and He was the only thing that got them through. It is now a year later and some people still are without a home. I met a lady the other day that has been going on weekends trying to get it all back together. Some of the people cannot afford to have their ruined homes demolished and cleared off of their land to start over. Now if the city has it cleared they take the land as payment leaving these people with nothing. Please pray for these people. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:42 pm This blog entry has been viewed 674 times
Lucky and the Rooster
Category: Pets | Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:10 pm We let Lucky and Charity out one night for their last run before bed. After a few minutes we called for them, Charity came in, Lucky didn't. DH went out the front door to look for her, I went to the back door, turned the light on and called, she came to me and came inside. I let DH know. I went to give them a treat and I saw what I thought was blood all over Lucky's face and down her neck, not a lot, just like her fur was tinged with it. Well, the neighbors across and a little up the road from us had gotten a rooster a couple of weeks before. It was always coming in the yard. My first thought, after checking to make sure it wasn't coming from her, was the rooster. Here DH and I go looking for the evidence to destroy it before the neighbors find out. We are each with a flash light, like to idiots, scanning the yard for rooster remains. We found none. Now I go back to earlier in the day. I was at work and I sometimes bring home buckets from the bakery. They are different sizes and are useful for all sorts of things. I needed a compost bucket for inside so I picked one up and when I got home I set it in back of the trailer. Back to Lucky. When we found no evidence of the rooster I went back in to clean Lucky up. BTW, her knickname is Lucky the Hog. I got a towel and wet it with warm water, sat on the floor and called her over to me. I made her sit and started wiping the red whatever off of her. Then the smell hit me, it was a very sweet smell. I started laughing like a mad woman and DH said,"What is wrong with you." I had tears rolling down my face and when I regained a little control I asked him, "Do you remember the icing bucket I brought home this evening. He said, "Yes". I said , "Guess what color icing it was, RED." Well Lucky the Hog found the bucket I forgot about and had herself a really good treat. Boy did she have a sugar rush. This blog entry has been viewed 500 times
Lucky the Dog
Category: Pets | Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:06 pm Imagine seeing Benji, the movie dog, but only weighing about 70 pounds, that is Lucky. She was born to the small stray dog at a store I worked at. She had them under a storage trailer. When they were two weeks old the owner decided to put them in a pen before they started crawling out into traffic. He sent one of the boys who worked there under the trailer to hand the pups out. You would think 5 or 6 pups right. Wrong!!!!!! 12 puppies, the mom weighed only about 25 or 30 pounds. We had decided before we even saw the pups that we would take one. Sarah had never had a puppy and she wanted one. When they pulled that many out we decided to take the pup then and bottle raise it. Lucky has been a joy, she is very protective of the girls. I think she would bite someone's throat out if they tried to hurt one of them, even though she is not aggressive. She is 9 years old, I think. She is slowing down a bit, she has arthritis and is a wee bit overweight. I am hoping we have many more years with her. This blog entry has been viewed 515 times
Birthday Party
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:17 pm We are giving Mom a birthday party Saturday. She will be 84 on August 1st. She hasn't had a party in a while. I used to give her one every year when we lived in the big house. Then we moved to a trailer park for 6 years and didn't have a yard or the room. Since we have moved on our own place I just haven't done it. So we are doing it up right. All the family has been called, all the friends that I could get in touch with have been called. Now I have to start cooking. I am making a punch that needs to be frozen, but I don't have room to freeze it. I hope there is room in the church freezer, that is where the party will be, in the fellowship hall. Lots more room. I am making little meatballs in BBQ sauce, tuna sandwiches, crab and cream chees roll ups, deviled eggs, the punch, a fruit dip, a veggie dip, for trays my sister is bringing, she is also bringing a large sandwich tray, a chicken wing tray, and homemade cookies. My niece, Mom's oldest granddaughter is bringing the birthday cake and chips and dip, and I am also making a coconut cake. Wow, just writing about it makes me tired, plus I have to decorate the church, tomorrow will be a very busy day. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:46 pm This blog entry has been viewed 562 times
Guess What I Get To Do Today...........................
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:19 pm take my 14 year old daughter to the mall. Ugh!!!!! For one thing, she spends way too much of my money. It takes her forever, she wants to look in every shop and try stuff on, then she decides to go back to the first place she looks to buy something. I hope I can keep my cool, but I am tired and just don't feel like doing this. She leaves for church camp this Saturday, so she has to have some new stuff and this is the only day we can go. One bright spot, I get to stop at Home Depot on the way back. Then it will be her turn to say, "Oh come on Mom, hurry up, I'm tired and want to go home." Maybe I will look through the whole store and then go back and buy the first thing I looked at. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:47 pm This blog entry has been viewed 588 times
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