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heathermt75's Blog
In Loving Memory of my Daddy- Glendann's husband
Category: My Family | Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:26 am 10 years ago, I lost my best friend, my Daddy. He had throat cancer and his death wasn't quick at all. He suffered so much those last few days. It still hurts today like it did back then. For some weird reason that Friday before he passed away, my friend Marisa asked me if instead of going to our favorite club, could we just take a trip back home. So that is what we did. But on the way to our home town, Marisa's grandmother called her cell phone and asked her where we were and she told her that we were on our way home and she said to drive faster because my daddy had just went into a coma. So poor Marisa floored it to Madisonville, and this whole time, she didn't want to tell me about daddy. She just wanted to get me there. So when I got there, I stayed by his side. I didn't sleep for 2 days straight and finally I was so exhausted I just went to get a little sleep. But I just put a pillow on the floor and slept next to daddy's hospital bed that was in our house. Then, like 30 minutes after I dozed off, I hear a voice say "Baby, when did you get here?" It was daddy, awake from the coma! I couldn't believe it! I told him that I had been there since Friday and when he realized that he had been in a coma, he knew God was ready for another angel. So that whole day, we all just sat around telling each other how much we loved each other and that we would take care of Mama for him. He refused to take the morphine that eased the pain because he knew that if he went back to sleep, he may never wake up. So he put it off for as long as he could and when he did...he slipped back into a coma. When you start the process of dying, your body can't regulate its temperature so you are hot one minute and sweating, then it would stop and a few minutes later, you would start sweating again. I spent most of those last days lying in the bed with him and when he would start to sweat; I would wipe his face off so sweat wouldn't roll into his eyes and burn them. On that last day, my Aunt Carol and Uncle Sonny came over to visit and see if we needed anything. Daddy's hospice nurse had just changed all his bed sheets and gave him a bath and put new pajamas on him. My aunt and uncle were just about to leave and my mom and brother walked them outside. I was sitting next to my dad and was just watching him trying to breathe. Many of you may have never been around a person that is terminally ill, but in the last few days of life the person gets what they call the death rattle. It's a rattling or gurgling with each breath that is from secretions in the back of the throat. His breaths started to slow down and it would be like almost 60 seconds between each breath. So I ran to the door and screamed for my mom and the rest of my family that was about to leave and my mom, brother and I huddled around him and my mom and I held his hand and my brother was on the other side with his hand on my daddy's other arm. We just kept telling how much we loved him and that we would be ok and he could just let go and go be with Jesus. Then he took one last breath and we kept talking to him until I felt his pulse fade away... I was so blessed to have been able to be there for him in those last few moments on earth. I think about him every day. I think the hardest thing about him being gone is that he never got to walk me down the aisle when I got married. He never got to hold his two precious grandsons. He would have spoiled them so much. And now that I am going through one of the toughest times of my life, I maybe almost 33 years old, but right now the thing I need the most is my daddy. I know he is watching over my sons and me, but it just isn't the same. I would give anything just to hear him call me Baby girl one more time. I miss his laugh, his hugs, his jokes...there are so many things...He was such a kind and loving man and he is greatly missed by many. If your daddy is still alive, or even your them every day and tell them you love them. Because we are never promised tomorrow Daddy "Uh huh dear", my daddy would say Not sure of what he agreed to, he would quickly sneak away The hood went up and down he went Into that engine block So engaged in that car, unaware of any clock Hours later, there he was, still working away He may stop for a pizza but then it's off to play I'm not sure if those cars were even broke You really can't be sure But as daddy dove into them He'd swear to you they were There's nothing that made daddy smile like he did As he worked away Except if there were kids around He loved to stop and play There was something about daddy That kids just had to adore Maybe it was his unending patience Or the way he came back for more Or maybe it was the smile he tried to hide The one that turned his forehead red And gave him away when he lied Or maybe it was those stories he told Leaving work and on his way home Laughing so hard Trying to tell us of the chest That started to roam "I tried to give her directions" he laughed As he recalled the fall "I just can't believe, there it was, the whole breast and all!" Daddy loved to play practical jokes The ones that made you laugh until you cried I'm not sure what I miss the most Since my daddy died I think that I miss him being my rock The one whom I relied I miss him so much It's really hard To not see his face Or maybe what I miss the most Is the strength of his embrace No matter how hard I think I just can't pick one I miss each and everything I miss us having fun It hit me like a ton of bricks Even though I had time to prepare I'm sorry I wasn't ready I thought you would always be there But with a sigh, I'll blow you a kiss You will always be the one I miss By Misty Judson I miss you Daddy! 2-17-1937 ~ 9-8-1998 ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 1229 times
In Loving Memory of my Nannie- Glendann's mom
Category: My Family | Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:36 am ![]() Nannie 08-02-1912 ~ 09-05-1998 Most of you that know me know that I talk about one very special lady that was in my life. My grandmother..we called her Nannie. If you were lucky enough to have met her, you wouldn't have ever forgotten her. She was your typical Nannie, but with a little more spunk than most. I lived with her when I was in high school cause she couldn't be alone, just in case she fell,etc. Most grandmother/granddaughters have endearing nicknames for each other like Sweetie,Honey..not Nannie and I..I called her Butthole and she called me A** was always in good fun and that was just the kind of sense of humor she had. She was always playing little jokes on people and loved ever minute of it. I was devastated when she passed away, but I knew she was so miserable here on I knew it was time for her to go and be with all her siblings and her parents in Heaven. She talked to me about the fact that she knew she was dying and that it was ok and that we needed to focus more on my daddy, who was also dying of cancer at that time. She said " Your dad needs the attention now..he is sick, I'm just old" I still remember the day she passed away like it was yesterday. My mom,brother and I were torn because the day Nannie died, my dad had just slipped into a coma. So we went to the hospital to see Nannie, but couldn't stay too long cause we didn't want my dad to die without us by his side. So as Nannie struggled to take her last breaths, we went into her ICU room and said our goodbyes. She was able to hear and see us so she knew who was talking to her. She had emphysema had it took all the strength she had to take those last breaths. So my uncle stayed with Nannie so that we could get back to Daddy. She died that afternoon. I sometimes felt like after Nannie died, then three days later my dad followed, that I didn't get a chance to really grieve Nannie's death because Daddy was so sick and then he died. But now that I look back, that was exactly what she wanted. I was telling a friend of mine here in Billings about some funny stories about Nannie and she went home and wrote a poem about Nannie and she also wrote one about my daddy. So, if you knew her..this poem will bring back good memories. If you didn't know her..maybe you will read this and have a deeper connection to your own grandmother. You can learn so much about life from the elderly because they lived it. I still have a soft spot for older people and I contribute that to my Nannie. So when you see a old person having trouble opening a door, or walking a little slower than you..think about my Nannie and give them a hand, or even a kind word. That would make their day. Nannie Oh my Nannie it's funny to think She would fight for her family and wouldn't even blink She would stand her ground until the end She was a fiesty little thing that wouldn't bend She was a country women who would tell ya what she thought if you didn't do what cha should, she'd tell you ya ought Hurt feelings, no way, it's just how it was Don't get her wrong though, she was on your side til the end just because If you didn't like it when she gave her opinion, it was just to bad She was the first one to tell you when there were words to be had She supported her family whether they were right or wrong She wasn't the typical southern belle oh no, Nannie was strong She would be your best friend when you needed her most She would open her home to a dozen and be the perfect host ummmmm hmmmmmm I can smell it now That southern cook'n only Nannie knew how I can close your eyes and see it, I swear A table stacked full and Nannie right there If she wasnt cooking, there was one other place she would be Buried deep in a watermelon, her hair the only thing you could see Watermelon from one side of her face to other "Couldn't reach my fork" she said, without even a studder Nicknames you gave not the nicest names sure But we loved each other and they were just what they were "Ya know that I'm dying" words she said Who knew they would resound in your head Going out like a fighter, she was destined to go I'll kick the trash can when I get there that way you'll know And kicked it she did I knew that she would Her little way to say I'm here and I'm good See ya'll soon but until that time I gotta go I have the biggest slice of watermelon waiting for me, ya know. By Misty Judson I love and miss you with all my heart Nannie. I know you are with me always and help me in all that I do Thank you for your wisdom,sense of humor and your love of cooking. Play a game of solitare while you wait for the rest of us And remember, save the second biggest slice of watermelon for me!! Last edited: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:41 am This blog entry has been viewed 684 times
Birthday flowers, the only flowers I have pictures of!
Category: My Family | Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:12 pm My mama sent me some flowers for my 31st birthday yesterday! They are so pretty! They are fall colored and I love it!! Sorry I haven't been on here lately. Still feeling pretty sick from the morning sickness, but it seems like it may be starting to slow down a bit. Here are the pictures of the flowers Mama sent me! ![]() ![]() ![]() Hopefully I can write more later. I have to figure out what to talk about to ya'll when winter does come and I have no flowers. I guess I could take pictures of the snow and our Christmas tree!!! Take care all!! This blog entry has been viewed 4584 times
My mom had a really bad day today
Category: My Family | Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:52 am She is so upset that she can't even blog about her day. She went to have all her vacation film developed and the guy developing all 8 rolls messed them up and ruined 6 rolls. She has cried all day. So she said she couldn't type about it cause she would start crying all over again. So go say some encouraging words to her. I told her that I had a lot of pictures from her trip..but it just the idea of the guy not paying attention to his job. This blog entry has been viewed 538 times
Camping in Livingston, Montana
Category: My Family | Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:05 am Well, we have been going camping every weekend for the last month and it has been so much fun!! I don't know how many of you have seen the news reports about the huge fire that is burning in Montana. Well, our campground is about 15 miles from the edge of the fire. We were there over the Labor Day holiday and it got within 15 miles of us and it was so smokey that we decided to come home on Monday instead of Tuesday. But we still had a lot of fun. These are just a couple of pictures I too while we were there. I can't believe Trey actually sat still long enough for me to take these pictures! ![]() ![]() ![]() He sure does love the water! ![]() ![]() ![]() That's all for now. I hopefully will get some new pictures of the roses for ya'll. They don't seem to be blooming anymore, but they still look pretty healthy though!! fall is almost here and that is my favorite time of year so I will take some pretty pictures of all the fall colored leaves on our street.I love it!! This blog entry has been viewed 499 times
Camping with my mama Glendann
Category: My Family | Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:55 am My mom,glendann, was up here in the first part of August for vacation and we went camping in West Yellowstone. It was so much fun! Here are the pictures: Here is a picture of us having dinner on our first night. That's my mom, Trey, Richie and his mom and dad. ![]() These two sure did have fun camping out under the stars. (Well, kind of under the stars..we were in RVs) ![]() Trey making smores with Papa and Daddy ![]() But it is so much more fun eating them! ![]() Papa just had to buy these glasses and hat for Trey. ![]() Madison Lake ![]() My first fish! I know..I had to throw him back, along with the other 4 I caught that were his same size. ![]() Trey helping Daddy fish. ![]() Trey found himself a little wading hole ![]() He just had to take his pants off to get in the water... ![]() Hanging with Papa at Rock Creek ![]() Man, camping is hard work!! ![]() These were taken the day that Mama was leaving. Her and Trey both cried when she left to get on the plane! ![]() Trey is definately a Mama's boy! ![]() He loves his Nana too! ![]() ![]() This is one of my favorite pics of Trey so far!! ![]() I will post other pictures of our most recent camping trip after Mama left in a another blog entry. This blog entry has been viewed 547 times
Trey and Nana and their first bedtime story
Category: My Family | Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:21 am Well, we went to pick up Mama from the airport tonight and boy Trey sure was excited! He told everyone all day today "Going to airport to get Nana" It was so cute. So we get Mama and the ENTIRE way home, he talked..and talked some more.Kept giving Mama kisses all night. He didn't want to go to bed, but when he got his diaper changed.. he wanted Nana to read a book to him and "rock a minute"in the rocking chair. So I had to snap a few pictures of this. Trey's nose is all skinned up from a fall he had early today at the park, but these are priceless anyway. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 519 times
You've seen the other three, but not me!
Category: My Family | Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:23 am I just started thinking that ya'll have seen the other 3 of the Fantastic Four, but you haven't seen me! So I figured I would put a couple of recent pictures of myself and Trey. These were taken around Mother's Day and when my tulips were alive. :) ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 383 times
Update on my father-in-law
Category: My Family | Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:46 am Well, my FIL had surgery on Wednesday to remove nasal polyps and to also check his throat for cancer. Well, his nose was full of polyps and as for the thing they thought was cancer, well the surgeon went down his throat as far as he could go and said he didn't see anything. He thinks that since his nose was so stopped up that he was having to breathe and eat at the same time and that was what was causing him to choke so bad. So they are going to wait a few weeks and let all the swelling go down and if his throat is still bothering him, they will pursue it more. Hopefully they also restored his sense of smell. He hasn't been albe to smell in like 30 years from a previous nasal polyp removal. I told him we could test it out by him changing one of Trey's diapers... that should let him know if he can smell of not! Aren't I a great daughter-in-law? Thanks for all the thought and prayers and I will keep ya'll updated! This blog entry has been viewed 392 times
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