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heathermt75's Blog
You've seen the other three, but not me!
Category: My Family | Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:23 am I just started thinking that ya'll have seen the other 3 of the Fantastic Four, but you haven't seen me! So I figured I would put a couple of recent pictures of myself and Trey. These were taken around Mother's Day and when my tulips were alive. :) ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 383 times
I promise to get some new pictures up on here!!
Category: My roses | Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:12 am I'm sorry I haven't been on here lately. I have been in a weird mood lately. My doctor just changed my antidepressant medicine and I'm just getting back in a good mood. I'm not pregnant again this month, which hasn't helped my mood, but I'll be alright.. just keep on praying for us. I haven't been working on my roses lately and the weeds got out of hand, so when I get them all pulled and get my poor roses looking better, I'll post some pics of them. Sure have missed ya'll! This blog entry has been viewed 426 times
Well, I'm sure you've heard Trey did it again!
Category: My son Trey | Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:44 am Well, if you read my mom glendann's blog, you read that Trey tripped and ripped the internet cable out of the wall. Well, after just being without the internet for one night, which is forever to me, I'm back online! Thank goodness my hubby is a computer and electronic whiz. We just switched over to digital cable,phone and internet so Richie was pretty upset when Trey was chasing our one cat Buddy and ripped out the cable. So, our phone still doesn't work, but Richie got the internet back on. As for our cat Maggie.. she has been acting funny for about a week and I have been keeping a eye on her, but for the last 2 days or so she hasn't been eating or drinking water and yesterday I picked her up and she just felt like she had lost weight, so I talked it over with Richie and then called the vet. The vet said to give her til Monday and see how she was, but today she seemed worse and she was just so lethargic so I took her to the vet. Of course being on a Saturday, it was more expensive and we are on a TIGHT budget, so it was a really hard decision to make. My mother-in-law felt sorry for me so she said she would help pay for the cost. Well, they kept her overnight and might keep her til Monday. She is really dehydrated and has a fever. The vet said she could have been playing with our other cat Buddy and he could have bitten her and she could have a infection. He also said he was going to do blood work(of course) to check her kidneys, but since she is only 5 years old, he didn't feel that would be what was wrong.So, hopefully it is just a infection that can be treated with antibiotics and fluids because it it is anything more serious,like feline leukemia, we may have to have her put to sleep. I will keep you updated on how she is doing. This blog entry has been viewed 387 times
Update on my father-in-law
Category: My Family | Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:46 am Well, my FIL had surgery on Wednesday to remove nasal polyps and to also check his throat for cancer. Well, his nose was full of polyps and as for the thing they thought was cancer, well the surgeon went down his throat as far as he could go and said he didn't see anything. He thinks that since his nose was so stopped up that he was having to breathe and eat at the same time and that was what was causing him to choke so bad. So they are going to wait a few weeks and let all the swelling go down and if his throat is still bothering him, they will pursue it more. Hopefully they also restored his sense of smell. He hasn't been albe to smell in like 30 years from a previous nasal polyp removal. I told him we could test it out by him changing one of Trey's diapers... that should let him know if he can smell of not! Aren't I a great daughter-in-law? Thanks for all the thought and prayers and I will keep ya'll updated! This blog entry has been viewed 392 times
My iris is blooming!
Category: Other plants,shrubs and trees | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:51 am I went outside the other day to check on my iris blooms and I had two that had bloomed but my neighbor's dog stepped all over one of them. So I took a picture of the one that was left and found some more blooms on other plants nearby. I want to plant some different colors next year. ![]() ![]() ![]() I also caught a couple of pictures of a bunny lurking in my backyard. I got a couple of good pictures before it ran to a neighbor's yard and I followed it and snapped a couple more. The other night I was outside and a stray cat had caught one of the baby bunnies and had it in it's mouth, It was so sad because I have been watching the little bunny family for weeks. But here is part of the bunny family.As long as they don't eat my flowers, I won't eat them. Can you tell I'm from the south? LOL! ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 456 times
New plant I won at a party
Category: Other plants,shrubs and trees | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:41 am I went to a Home and Garden party a couple of days ago and I won this flower thing and I had never seen one before. It's called Blue Eyes and I just put it in a spot where my tulips weren't growing. I took a couple of pictures to share. If anyone has this flower, please let me know how to care for it and how much to water it. ![]() See how dry it is at our home. I had just watered this flower about a hour before I took this picture. We have been getting some rain the last week or two, so maybe it will help. ![]() This is a tree in my backyard that my Mama loves!! Just ask her about it. She has been dying for me to put a picture on here and ask if any of ya'll knew the name of it.Mama thinks it's a crab apple tree. ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 467 times
Roses in bloom!!
Category: My roses | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:32 am Oh! My roses are blooming and the neighbors are wondering what the heck I'm taking all the pictures for!! They just laugh and go on their merry ways. I love the pale yellow one with pink on the edges. If ya'll know the names of each rose bush, please tell me cause I don't have a clue! This rose bush is my favorite. If ya'll know the name, please let me know! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here are some different rose bushes. Sorry about all the pics, but I was pretty excited to share with ya'll! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I needed to cut the dead heads off, but I took a picture before I did anyway.. ![]() New buds, sorry they are blurry ![]() ![]() ![]() Hopefully I will have more blooms to put on here in a few more days!! This blog entry has been viewed 2067 times
Trey's new haircut
Category: My son Trey | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:24 am Trey got a new haircut today before we went to church. He sits so still when he gets his hair cut. It amazes me! Just thought I would share! ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 418 times
Trey "horsing" around
Category: My son Trey | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:19 am Well, I took these pictures of Trey on my father-in-law's horse Thirsty on Friday. Trey loves the horses, but his mommy is scared to death of them!! That's my father-in-law in the pictures with Trey. He has to have surgery on Tuesday to remove nasal polyps and to do a biopsy on a spot in his throat. Ya'll just pray it isn't throat cancer because I lost my dad almost 8 years ago from throat cancer. ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 557 times
My tulips are definately dead
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:21 am Well, I was just tinkering around the yard today taking some new pictures of the roses and decided to dig up one of the tulips that had turned brown after Trey watered them too well. The bulb is a mushy and Mama (glendann) said that they were ruined by all the water. So I will dig them up and replant them all this fall. At least a few bloomed before Trey attacked. I also found 2 iris had bloomed and our neighbors' dog walked all over the top of one of them, but the other was standing tall and I got a picture of it, so I will post it as soon as I can. This blog entry has been viewed 443 times
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