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I finally have power and some more snow pics
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heathermt75's Blog
I had to have IV fluids yesterday..
Category: My life | Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:13 am Well, I hadn't bee able to eat and keep any foods down for 4 days and I got really dehydrated and my OB/GYN doctor sent me to the hospital to have IV fluids,vitamins and anti-nausea meds. I still feel pretty yucky, but at least I haven't thrown up since yesterday, so that is a good sign. I have been getting a lot of rest because my anti-nausea meds make me really sleepy and Richie has been working from home trying to help me out with Trey. Hopefully this stage of the pregnancy goes away at the least the 3 month mark. So, hopefully I will get some pictures of my roses before the snow starts. It didn't snow over the weekend, thank goodness, so maybe when I feel better I can get some pics. This blog entry has been viewed 547 times
Well, the due date is........
Category: My life | Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:12 am May 20, 2007! I also got some medicine for my nausea and it is a miracle drug!!! It's called Zofran. It started working like within 30 minutes and works for 8 hours. So maybe I will get some sleep tonight. The nurse said that if everything continues to go good, that we might be able to hear the hearbeat on my next visit on Oct,13th. She said that was still kind of early, but she would try. She said as long as we hear a heartbeat by 12 weeks, we are good. They took some blood to check for anemia and blood type, etc. So hopefully everything looks good and continues that way. This part of the pregnancy is so scary because the thoughts of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage is always in the back of your mind. I'm about a couple of days past 4 weeks pregnant, so it is still really early yet, so please keep all the prayers and good thoughts coming! I worried like this with Trey and the way I see it, if something does happen.. it's all in God's hands and he knows best!! I will keep ya'll updated and hopefully get some pics of the roses before I put their "winter coats" on!! This blog entry has been viewed 454 times
Well, the weatherman said it is gonna snow this weekend.....
Category: My roses | Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:43 am So, I'm going to try to go out and take some pictures of my roses before it does snow. Maybe it won't, but you can never be sure. I'm going to go and cover the roses with some dirt, and pine needles to protect them during the winter months. If any of ya'll have any advice on that subject, any help would be great!! I guess until Spring hits.. all I can blog about will be the new baby!!! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I will let ya'll know what the "official" due date is. This blog entry has been viewed 1704 times
My mom had a really bad day today
Category: My Family | Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:52 am She is so upset that she can't even blog about her day. She went to have all her vacation film developed and the guy developing all 8 rolls messed them up and ruined 6 rolls. She has cried all day. So she said she couldn't type about it cause she would start crying all over again. So go say some encouraging words to her. I told her that I had a lot of pictures from her trip..but it just the idea of the guy not paying attention to his job. This blog entry has been viewed 538 times
I got some news today.......
Category: My life | Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:48 am ![]() Don't know how well ya'll can see that picture, but it is a pregnancy test and it does say PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited!! I had Trey hand the test to his Daddy and Trey told him " I'm Pregnant" it was so cute!! I will definately be writing that down in Trey's baby book! Well, just please pray that I stop throwing up (having pretty bad morning sickness, except that it is at night) and that I have a healthy pregnancy and baby!! I will keep everyone updated!! This blog entry has been viewed 565 times
Camping in Livingston, Montana
Category: My Family | Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:05 am Well, we have been going camping every weekend for the last month and it has been so much fun!! I don't know how many of you have seen the news reports about the huge fire that is burning in Montana. Well, our campground is about 15 miles from the edge of the fire. We were there over the Labor Day holiday and it got within 15 miles of us and it was so smokey that we decided to come home on Monday instead of Tuesday. But we still had a lot of fun. These are just a couple of pictures I too while we were there. I can't believe Trey actually sat still long enough for me to take these pictures! ![]() ![]() ![]() He sure does love the water! ![]() ![]() ![]() That's all for now. I hopefully will get some new pictures of the roses for ya'll. They don't seem to be blooming anymore, but they still look pretty healthy though!! fall is almost here and that is my favorite time of year so I will take some pretty pictures of all the fall colored leaves on our street.I love it!! This blog entry has been viewed 499 times
Camping with my mama Glendann
Category: My Family | Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:55 am My mom,glendann, was up here in the first part of August for vacation and we went camping in West Yellowstone. It was so much fun! Here are the pictures: Here is a picture of us having dinner on our first night. That's my mom, Trey, Richie and his mom and dad. ![]() These two sure did have fun camping out under the stars. (Well, kind of under the stars..we were in RVs) ![]() Trey making smores with Papa and Daddy ![]() But it is so much more fun eating them! ![]() Papa just had to buy these glasses and hat for Trey. ![]() Madison Lake ![]() My first fish! I know..I had to throw him back, along with the other 4 I caught that were his same size. ![]() Trey helping Daddy fish. ![]() Trey found himself a little wading hole ![]() He just had to take his pants off to get in the water... ![]() Hanging with Papa at Rock Creek ![]() Man, camping is hard work!! ![]() These were taken the day that Mama was leaving. Her and Trey both cried when she left to get on the plane! ![]() Trey is definately a Mama's boy! ![]() He loves his Nana too! ![]() ![]() This is one of my favorite pics of Trey so far!! ![]() I will post other pictures of our most recent camping trip after Mama left in a another blog entry. This blog entry has been viewed 547 times
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