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I finally have power and some more snow pics
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heathermt75's Blog
My tulips are under attack!! Again!!
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:12 pm This time it isn't Trey attacking them, it is a rabbit!!!! I caught it in the tulips about 3 days ago and I filled up the hole it dug and then the little rascal dug it back up again!! It has killed 2 tulips and darned if it didn't dig another hole last night. So for now I am going to leave the hole so it will leave the rest of the tulips alone til I can get some kind of little fence put up. They usually stay in our backyard and don't bother much, but they have now declared war on my tulips and I will fight back!! Don't mess with a 9 months pregnant lady's tulips!!! The pics aren't that great, but in the first picture, the hole is the dark looking space in the tulips. ![]() This is a picture of the blooms on a couple of them. ![]() Last edited: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:17 pm This blog entry has been viewed 464 times
Update on snowfall, with pics
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:27 am Richie made me go take a look outside just a few minutes ago. we now have about a foot of snow and it is still snowing. He said he was going to take some pics of it with his camera, but I decided to take a couple with my camera phone. They aren't that good, but at least you can kind of see how much snow there is. ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 527 times
Snow!! And it's almost April!
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:44 am It is snowing so much outside!! I can't believe it! I guess that is what I get for moving to Montana!! There is about 8 or 9 inches outside and it is still snowing really hard. Some of the snowflakes are as big as half dollars! My poor tulips...they are tough though. I have been sick with the flu or something like it for the last few days. I swear...I just want 1 week before I have this baby to be healthy!!! I did go to the doctor the other night because I thought my water broke, but it didn't but I did find out that I am starting to dilate. You have to dilate to 10cm and I am only at 1cm. So I could stay at a 1cm for awhile, so I'm not worried..yet. I'm thinned out about 50%, but of course, I will just have a c-section so that doesn't really matter. Just as long as Logan waits til after the 20th so Mama can be here to greet the little troublemaker!!! Also, Mr. Trey celebrated his 3rd birthday on Monday,the 26th. He didn't want a birthday cake, he wanted a doughnut cake!! Don't ask me where he got the idea, but we went to Krispy Kreme and got 2 dozen and made a "doughnut cake" and he loved every bite! I took some pictures, but with my new camera, you have to finalize the disk to be able to put the pics on a computer and if you don't use all the space on the's wasted and those little things are expensive. So I'm going to wait to post any pics until after Easter, so I can get some good ones of Trey coloring Easter eggs and hunting them, plus a couple of Logan before he makes his debut. :) Hopefully I will be feeling a little better in the next few days. I have so much housecleaning to do and I still have to get Trey's baby clothes and get them hung up in Logan's closet and get Mama's bed ready for her to sleep in. I wanted the tim to fly by, but now it can slow down so Richie and I can get everything finished!!!! Last edited: Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:24 am This blog entry has been viewed 493 times
Pictures of my tulip sprouts!!
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:47 am They aren't that great of pictures, but Richie is going to take some really good ones, hopefully this weekend. We need to level out the dirt in the flower bed, but I am afraid to level too much until I can see how many tulips actually survived the tulip killer's rampage last spring. For those of you who aren't sure who the tulip killer is, check out my older blogs..they have pictures of the culprit. I can't wait to see how many are going to come up. So here are just a couple of pictures of them. The dirt that the tulips are growing in is really hard dirt, so when I can get Richie to go to the store, I'm going to have him get some good potting soil to help soften it up a bit. Hopefully soon I will have rose pictures for ya'll!! ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 1976 times
My tulips are definately dead
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:21 am Well, I was just tinkering around the yard today taking some new pictures of the roses and decided to dig up one of the tulips that had turned brown after Trey watered them too well. The bulb is a mushy and Mama (glendann) said that they were ruined by all the water. So I will dig them up and replant them all this fall. At least a few bloomed before Trey attacked. I also found 2 iris had bloomed and our neighbors' dog walked all over the top of one of them, but the other was standing tall and I got a picture of it, so I will post it as soon as I can. This blog entry has been viewed 443 times
My poor tulips
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:32 am Well, I figured I would share a few pictures of my poor brown and decapitated tulips. I sure hope some more bloom, but it doesn't look too good for the little guys.I tried at least. Here is a pic to show how brown they turned ![]() Here is a picture of the whole tulip bed in all it's glory.. or not ![]() Another pic of how brown they are. ![]() My poor decapitated tulips.. they never had a chance! ![]() A pic of the water hose wielding, tulip decapitating bandit(With nacho cheese Doritos on his face and in desperate need of a haircut!) ![]() If anyone has any advice on my tulips, I sure would appreciate any!! I also posted some pictures of my rose bushes that are starting to finally come to life.. go take a look! Take care ya'll! This blog entry has been viewed 399 times
Well, my tulips turned brown a little...
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:42 am Well, I think Trey watered my tulips a little too good. :) The leaves on my tulips turned a little yellow and brown all of a sudden. My mother-in-law said it was ok that they just got a little too much water and they would turn green again as soon as it gets hot again, which will be in the next day or two. So, I will post some pictures of them as soon as I shrink them down. Well, it seems like most of the gardners in my family has recently joined gardenstew. My sister-in-law and mom just joined in the last few days. I can't wait to see their pictures!!! Please pray for my tulips!! They look pretty sad! I also have irises that are fixin to bloom! I can't wait to take pictures of those little guys and post them here!! Will update soon! This blog entry has been viewed 450 times
I didn't kill my tulips!
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:02 am Hello Everyone! I am new here so I will just kind of explain about my tulips. I got them as a birthday present and I planted them and prayed that they would bloom in the spring. Well, I pretty much kill anything I try to grow, so I was really suprised to see my tulips survived!My cousin is a member here, her screenname is jubabe296 and she told me about this website. So I thought I would post a few pictures of my yard,some lilacs and my son with my tulips. I will hopefully be posting some pictures of some roses I "inherited" with the house my husband and I bought in 2002. So far they are still blooming every spring and I can't wait to see what they do this year! Take care! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 852 times
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