My tulips are under attack!! Again!!
all my tulips | Posted:
Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:12 pm
This time it isn't Trey attacking them, it is a rabbit!!!! I caught it in the tulips about 3 days ago and I filled up the hole it dug and then the little rascal dug it back up again!! It has killed 2 tulips and darned if it didn't dig another hole last night. So for now I am going to leave the hole so it will leave the rest of the tulips alone til I can get some kind of little fence put up. They usually stay in our backyard and don't bother much, but they have now declared war on my tulips and I will fight back!! Don't mess with a 9 months pregnant lady's tulips!!! The pics aren't that great, but in the first picture, the hole is the dark looking space in the tulips.
This is a picture of the blooms on a couple of them.
Last edited: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:17 pm
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