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heathermt75's Blog
April, 30th is the date!!
Category: My life | Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:52 am Well, went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was perfect! 116/64!! I was so happy! And the doctor scheduled my c-section for April,30th, but if I go into labor after April,10th.. he said they wouldn't stop it and he would just do the c-section then. So at least pray Logan waits until after April,23rd. That is when Mama is going to be flying up here. So, we are in the home stretch now! This blog entry has been viewed 415 times
Pictures of my tulip sprouts!!
Category: all my tulips | Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:47 am They aren't that great of pictures, but Richie is going to take some really good ones, hopefully this weekend. We need to level out the dirt in the flower bed, but I am afraid to level too much until I can see how many tulips actually survived the tulip killer's rampage last spring. For those of you who aren't sure who the tulip killer is, check out my older blogs..they have pictures of the culprit. I can't wait to see how many are going to come up. So here are just a couple of pictures of them. The dirt that the tulips are growing in is really hard dirt, so when I can get Richie to go to the store, I'm going to have him get some good potting soil to help soften it up a bit. Hopefully soon I will have rose pictures for ya'll!! ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 1976 times
Feeling better
Category: My life | Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:33 am Mom I know filled ya'll in on my blood pressure. I feel a lot better, but I'm still pretty tired and having some dizziness. But the tiredness is from being anemic so I will start taking iron supplements along with my prenatal vitamins so that when I do have the c-section, I won't hopefully need a blood transfusion so I gotta work to get my red blood cell count back up. It isn 't that low, but they really want it to be normal. The doctor is going to set the date for my c-section next week, so I will have a date, at least. I could go into labor before then, but the dr. sounded happy with my blood pressure and labwork. So we will keep trucking in the right direction!! Logan sure is kicking a lot and the other night, we could actually feel the outline of one of his little feet!! Talk about weird!!! The whole thing is kind of like a sci-fi But, he is doing great. I only gained a pound since the 9th, but at least it's going up. So that is what has happened with Logan so far. But I also have some gardening news...finally!! Last spring, Trey tried to help me by "watering" my tulips and drown them I thought. I was coming home from the doctor's office the other day and was commenting to Richie how I wished I had some flowers to look at other than the ones posted on Gardenstew and low and behold we look in my barrin tulip bed and there were tulips sprouting!!!!! I didn't get a chance to count how many there were but it looked to be around 9 or 10! I couldn't believe it! So when I am able to, or I may get Richie to take some pictures of the sprouts. I am so suprised!! Hopefully more will come up too! So I will have some tulips this year after all!!! I will post some pics as soon as I can. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. It helps keep my spirits up while waiting for Logan to make his debut!! It means a lot to me!!! I'm very grateful to my friends here on the Stew!!! This blog entry has been viewed 472 times
Jubabe made Logan a baby blanket!!!
Category: My life | Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:53 am I got a package about a week or so ago from Jubabe and in it was a baby blanket that she made for Logan!! I love it!! I can't wait to lay him on it and take his picture!! It was his first gift so far, except for all the clothes that Nana (glendann) has sent him already. I swear Mama sent so many clothes when I had Trey I didn't have to buy anything new for him until he was 2 years old. But Jubabe's blanket is Logan's first handmade gift. It's Winnie the Pooh and so cute!! I wish I was that talented. I can't even sew on a button!!! Here is a close up picture of the quilt and when I can, I will try to get a better picture of it soon. And as soon as little Logan is born, you can bet I will have a picture of him on it as soon as I can get it on here. Thanks Jubabe!! I can't wait for Logan to meet his mommy's favorite cousin!! ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 542 times
Went to the doctor today...
Category: My life | Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:47 am Well, I had another 2 week check up today and I thought everything would go great and it did, except I didn't gain any more weight and my blood pressure was a little higher today than it has been the whole pregnancy. That is what happened when I was pregnant with Trey, except it went really high about a week before my due date and Trey was delivered a week early. It is happening pretty early this time around. But the doctor said he wasn't worried just yet and I will see him again in 2 weeks, unless I start having the symptoms of preclampsia (pregnancy related high blood pressure) So just keep us in your thoughts. Logan is doing well, he is head down(for now) and is kicking my ribs and lungs all the time. I didn't feel that with Trey. He was breech the entire time, so this feeling is new to me and boy does it hurt!!But at least I know he is ok. I had Richie take a picture of me today since I am 32 weeks along or in other words 8 months. It was a pretty day today, but it was still a little chilly but hopefully it will stay nice outside. ![]() So far so good...Now if only I could gain a little more weight!!! I will let ya'll know how my next doctor's visit goes in 2 weeks!! This blog entry has been viewed 554 times
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