Pictures of my tulip sprouts!!
all my tulips | Posted:
Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:47 am
They aren't that great of pictures, but Richie is going to take some really good ones, hopefully this weekend. We need to level out the dirt in the flower bed, but I am afraid to level too much until I can see how many tulips actually survived the tulip killer's rampage last spring. For those of you who aren't sure who the tulip killer is, check out my older blogs..they have pictures of the culprit. I can't wait to see how many are going to come up. So here are just a couple of pictures of them. The dirt that the tulips are growing in is really hard dirt, so when I can get Richie to go to the store, I'm going to have him get some good potting soil to help soften it up a bit. Hopefully soon I will have rose pictures for ya'll!!
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