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heathermt75's Blog
Heard a heartbeat yesterday, so I feel a lot better
Category: My life | Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:33 am The baby was moving around in there and kept kicking the little probe thing that they use to listen to the heartbeat with. The heart rate was 165 and very strong. So I feel better about everything. The dr. told me some new meds to try to get the sickness under control and if I am not doing better in 4 weeks and haven't gained any weight, I have to go to a stomach doctor. So hopefully it goes away soon. I will have lots of snow pictures coming up in the next few days for ya'll. The high on Monday is going to be 6 degrees...yeah, I said 6 degrees! That isn't including the wind I will take the pictures very fast!!! I hope ya'll all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did miss my family in Texas. We always have lots of food at my Mama's house and we just pretty much had the basics here, so I can't complain. Take care until next time! Thank you all for the comments and encouraging thoughts!! Love ya'll all very much!! This blog entry has been viewed 456 times
Well,this baby is not showing me any mercy!!
Category: My life | Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:43 am I am still really sick with morning sickness and have lost a lot of weight. I put on a maternity outfit that my mom sent to me and Richie almost started crying, saying how terrible I looked. Now, any other time I would have been very ticked off and told him what I thought, but I know what he meant. I have felt so bad for so long..I sleep all the time it seems. I can't sleep any at night because I'm either gagging or throwing up all night. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'm going to tell the doctor he has to do something, or I will change doctors. I can't live like this anymore. I did however feel the baby move about a week ago. It was at 4am and I had finally fell asleep and was laying on my side with a pillow tucked under my stomach and I guess I was crowding the baby and it kicked really hard..just one time. I just laughed and rolled over on the other side. Sometimes I think I fell it move, but I have been having these horrible nightmares that it has died, so I'm afraid to think it is moving until tomorrow when I hear it's heartbeat. I know I sound paranoid, but it seems like all the women I know from our bible study have all had miscarriages with their 2nd babies. I know of at least 5 girls that have had that happen. So, I will feel a lot better after my appointment tomorrow. I will have another ultrasound on Dec,7th so that will make me feel even better to see it. This just hasn't been our month. On top of the morning sickness, I picked up a really bad cold and am on antibiotics. Then of course poor Mr. Trey got that from me and he has been on antibiotics for that and then today, he woke up and went to Richie's parent's house and has throw up 6 times today. We have no clue what is making him throw up, but Richie's dad is throwing up too. So we have gotten hit with sickness pretty bad this month. Hopefully December will be a lot better!! Just thought I would let ya'll know how come I haven't been on that much lately. I do try to read everyone's comments,blogs and the forums. I miss ya'll and hopefully will feel better soon. I am going to start taking pregnancy pictures of my belly here pretty soon. That way we can all see how fat I get!! :) Last edited: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:47 am This blog entry has been viewed 559 times
Trey on Halloween and my Pooh pumpkin
Category: My son Trey | Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:29 am Well, I'm sure you all know it has taken me some time to figure out how to work my new camera to get my pictures off of it. Richie finally figured it out last night and here are a couple we took of of Trey on Halloween.He dressed up as a cowboy. We tried to take him trick or treating to the local mall but he started throwing a tantrum so we just left. But we had bought candy for all of us, plus his Papa and Soo-Soo (Richie's parents) had plenty of candy for him. Also, I LOVE carving pumpkins so this year I made a Winnie the Pooh one this year. I think I did a great job, if I do say so myself. Anyways, just thought I would share a little bit. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 853 times
Finally some snow pics
Category: My roses | Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:16 am We finally figured out how to get the pictures off my new camera yesterday, so I have a couple of pictures of snow for ya'll. It only snowed like 4 inches, so they aren't that great. We should be getting some snow here in the next few weeks though. Maybe we will have a White Christmas this year. ![]() ![]() I will post some new pictures of Trey from Halloween under Trey's catagory. This blog entry has been viewed 544 times
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