Heard a heartbeat yesterday, so I feel a lot better
My life | Posted:
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:33 am
The baby was moving around in there and kept kicking the little probe thing that they use to listen to the heartbeat with. The heart rate was 165 and very strong. So I feel better about everything. The dr. told me some new meds to try to get the sickness under control and if I am not doing better in 4 weeks and haven't gained any weight, I have to go to a stomach doctor. So hopefully it goes away soon. I will have lots of snow pictures coming up in the next few days for ya'll. The high on Monday is going to be 6 degrees...yeah, I said 6 degrees! That isn't including the wind chill...so I will take the pictures very fast!!! I hope ya'll all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did miss my family in Texas. We always have lots of food at my Mama's house and we just pretty much had the basics here, so I can't complain. Take care until next time! Thank you all for the comments and encouraging thoughts!! Love ya'll all very much!!
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