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heathermt75's Blog
Had the ultrasound..looks like it might be a .......
Category: My life | Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:50 am Looks like another boy, or at least that is what the ultrasound tech thinks, about 80-90% sure a boy but told me not to buy anything yet. So I'm going to say it is a boy til it is born adn proves me otherwise. If it is a boy, his name will be Logan Aidan Walker. I couldn't decide what first and middle name I liked the best, so he will just have 2 middle names. Here are a couple of new ultrasound pictures. The first one is of it yawning and boy was it a big yawn.It yawned for about a minute! It was so cute! ![]() Here is a picture of it's little face. ![]() This I think will be the last ultrasound I have, unless something bad happens and let all pray that doesn't happen!! I hope ya'll have a very Merry Christmas!! I will post Christmas pictures as soon I can! This blog entry has been viewed 962 times
A picture for Frank and some belly pictures
Category: My life | Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:57 am Frank, I have my own little knome at home!! ![]() Richie told me to post this picture for you Frank and tell everyone Happy Holidays from him. We were doing a little last minute Christmas shopping and he saw this cone thing and couldn't help himself. I thought it was pretty funny. We have been so busy trying to get christmas gifts wrapped and some shipped to my family in Texas and I made some homemade chocolate hazelnut truffles and cranberry cinnamon almond granola for our bible study and let me tell you.. I won't be doing that again! I love to cook and bake, but I just haven't felt that great the last few months and I didn't really have the energy to do all that, but it's Christmas.. ya know! Anyways, now I can rest a little.. hopefully! Here are a couple of pictures that Richie took of me tonight. Now, forgive the no makeup and my night attire, but I thought I would get a couple of pictures on here. I'm finally starting to look pregnant. I'm not sure how much I have gained, if any so far, but I will know on the 22nd. Hope ya'll are have a great holiday season!! ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 1280 times
Feeling a little better.
Category: My life | Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:42 pm Well, I just thought I would write a little bit and thank ya'll all for the kind words and prayers while I was in the hospital. I haven't thrown up since I have gotten home and I am finally starting to gain a little weight. 5 pounds, but it is better than nothing. I am still pretty tired and weak and the places where they had the IVs are still really sore! Anyways, I did have a ultrasound on Thursday and they said it kind of looked like a boy, but it was still early to tell yet, so I will have another scan on Dec,22nd to make sure the baby is growing and healthy. So hopefully they can tell if it is indeed another boy or a girl. Thanks for being patient with me and my blog and comment posting. At the end of the day after chasing Trey, I'm pretty wiped out. My mom doed keep me updated on the Stew's daily activities though so I'm not completely left out! Here is a picture of the ultrasound they did on Thursday. Take care ya'll! ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 567 times
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