Had the ultrasound..looks like it might be a .......
My life | Posted:
Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:50 am
Looks like another boy, or at least that is what the ultrasound tech thinks, about 80-90% sure a boy but told me not to buy anything yet. So I'm going to say it is a boy til it is born adn proves me otherwise. If it is a boy, his name will be Logan Aidan Walker. I couldn't decide what first and middle name I liked the best, so he will just have 2 middle names. Here are a couple of new ultrasound pictures. The first one is of it yawning and boy was it a big yawn.It yawned for about a minute! It was so cute!
Here is a picture of it's little face.
This I think will be the last ultrasound I have, unless something bad happens and let all pray that doesn't happen!! I hope ya'll have a very Merry Christmas!! I will post Christmas pictures as soon I can!
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