My poor tulips
all my tulips | Posted:
Tue May 23, 2006 4:32 am
Well, I figured I would share a few pictures of my poor brown and decapitated tulips. I sure hope some more bloom, but it doesn't look too good for the little guys.I tried at least.
Here is a pic to show how brown they turned
Here is a picture of the whole tulip bed in all it's glory.. or not
Another pic of how brown they are.
My poor decapitated tulips.. they never had a chance!
A pic of the water hose wielding, tulip decapitating bandit(With nacho cheese Doritos on his face and in desperate need of a haircut!)
If anyone has any advice on my tulips, I sure would appreciate any!! I also posted some pictures of my rose bushes that are starting to finally come to life.. go take a look!
Take care ya'll!
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