Well, I'm sure you've heard Trey did it again!
My son Trey | Posted:
Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:44 am
Well, if you read my mom glendann's blog, you read that Trey tripped and ripped the internet cable out of the wall. Well, after just being without the internet for one night, which is forever to me, I'm back online! Thank goodness my hubby is a computer and electronic whiz. We just switched over to digital cable,phone and internet so Richie was pretty upset when Trey was chasing our one cat Buddy and ripped out the cable. So, our phone still doesn't work, but Richie got the internet back on. As for our cat Maggie.. she has been acting funny for about a week and I have been keeping a eye on her, but for the last 2 days or so she hasn't been eating or drinking water and yesterday I picked her up and she just felt like she had lost weight, so I talked it over with Richie and then called the vet. The vet said to give her til Monday and see how she was, but today she seemed worse and she was just so lethargic so I took her to the vet. Of course being on a Saturday, it was more expensive and we are on a TIGHT budget, so it was a really hard decision to make. My mother-in-law felt sorry for me so she said she would help pay for the cost. Well, they kept her overnight and might keep her til Monday. She is really dehydrated and has a fever. The vet said she could have been playing with our other cat Buddy and he could have bitten her and she could have a infection. He also said he was going to do blood work(of course) to check her kidneys, but since she is only 5 years old, he didn't feel that would be what was wrong.So, hopefully it is just a infection that can be treated with antibiotics and fluids because it it is anything more serious,like feline leukemia, we may have to have her put to sleep. I will keep you updated on how she is doing.
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