The roses are starting to grow!
My roses | Posted:
Tue May 16, 2006 12:22 am
Hello ya'll!
Just thought I would tell ya'll that my roses are turning green and starting to grow. I was afraid that they weren't going to come out this year, but they fooled me again. A couple of the rose bushes aren't looking to good, but it is only like 2 of them out of 20.. yes I said 20 rose bushes. I didn't plant them all. All but 4 came with the house when we bought it, so of course 2 of the 4 I planted are dying. That's ok, I'll just wait a week or two and see how they are doing and if they are indeed dead, I will replace them. So hopefully I will start getting some rosebuds on the bushes and I will take some pictures of them and update them as they grow. Hopefully some of ya'll can look at each picture and tell me what kind of rose each bush is because I have no idea what each of them are. My tulips were violently attacked yesterday by a 2 year old little boy named Trey armed with a waterhose. :) Boy, he sure did have fun though. But,all is not lost.. I still have a lot more that hasn't bloomed yet. I'll write more later!
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