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I finally have power and some more snow pics
Posted: 13 Oct 2008 Posted: 11 Oct 2008 Posted: 09 Sep 2008 Posted: 06 Sep 2008 Posted: 20 Apr 2008 All Entries |
My roses are bloomingIt has been raining a lot here the last week or so, so I haven't been on here for awhile. I took a couple of pictures today of some of the little rosebuds and a couple that have bloomed a little. I will get them on here in the next few days. I was trying to go unlock for my door for my husband and I hit the wall with my little toe and broke it. So I haven't been in the great a mood in the last few days. I think I would have rather just went ahead and broke the whole foot, at least I could have gotten crutches and not had to walk on it. Anyways, I will update in a few days or so. Also, I don't know if I have mentioned this or not here on GardenStew or not, but my husband and I are trying to get pregnant with our second baby and so far no luck. We have only been trying since January, but we got pregnant with Trey in a week. So I don't know how many of you pray, but even if you don't, just keep us in your thoughts and pray we get pregnant soon. We need all the support we can get!! This blog entry has been viewed 415 times
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Hi Sweetie, Hope your toe gets better soon .I fell app. 4 ft.and broke 3 toes
My thoughts are with you Heather. Best wishes, Frank :)
Your in my thoughts. I understand the emotions behind trying to get preggers. Rob and I have been trying for 8 yrs with no luck at all. Lots of luck and green (fertility) energy your way!
OUCH!! Heather I'm sorry about your toe, I know it must hurt!! I have a sore toe too, so I sympthize with ya!! I dropped a can on my toe a couple of months ago and my toenail started to come loose, but was starting to grow out, so I thought all was ok!! Boy was I wrong I woke up the other night and my toe was hurting soooo bad and was very swollen and red!! The next morning I could hardly walk and there was pus under my toenail where it had started growing out!! Everyone told me to soak it in very warm water and salt, that made ot feel some better but not very much. Then everyone told me to take a small drill bit and use my fingers to turn it on my toenail until it made it through the toenail and the pus would come out! Well I did and it made a big difference ,but my toe still hurts when I walk too much and it soooo gross and ugly looking!! LOL!
I know I'm just being impatient about getting pregnant. I know I just have to wait til it's my time, but that sure is hard to do.Denee, I have a friend who tried to get pregnant for 7 years and she finally got pregnant after using Clomid. We aren't even close to that point yet,but we will just see. I'll pray you and Rob get preggers too!! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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