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heathermt75's Blog

Doctor's Appointment today

Category: My life | Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:22 am

Well, the doctor changed my due date to May,2nd. So I was off by 3 weeks. So I am around 11 weeks pregnant. I will be 12 weeks along on the 19th. The doctor also told me the reason for my bleeding was because I have a condition called placenta previa. It is where the placenta,the organ that "feeds" the baby through the umbilical cord, has formed close to or covering the cervix, where the baby comes out. It can cause hemorrhaging in later pregancy and preterm labor. But he didn't seem alarmed by this news because he said it was still early enough for the baby to grow more and the placenta to move upward and not cause a problem. So I won't worry until he does. If it doesn't change, I will have to have a c-section and since I was already going to have a repeat's ok. I got to hear the heartbeat today and it was 150 and very strong. The little booger kept moving, so they had to chase it down to get the heartrate. So I will go back to the doctor in 5 weeks to check on things. So that is all I know today. It's getting colder here, and should be snowing here pretty soon. So I will post pictures of the snow when it falls and hopefully we can get some good pics of Trey in the leaves when some more fall on the ground. Take care!

This blog entry has been viewed 578 times is the results of the ultrasound

Category: My life | Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:33 am

Well, the baby is just fine! It was floating around in there and kicking it's self off the side of my uterus and twirling around in there, having the time of it's little life, while I have been worried to death!! It is very healthy and it was too early to see if it is a boy or girl. The ultrasound tech said it was measuring at 11 weeks and 2 days, but I have that I am about 8 weeks, so I will ask the doctor tomorrow what the deal is. So either the due date is May,2nd or May,20th. But I just thought I would share the picture of the ultrasound for ya'll to see.

This blog entry has been viewed 833 times

Talked to the doctor today

Category: My life | Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:47 am

I called the doctor again today and he took me off of bed rest and told me that if I had a miscarriage right now, he couldn't stop it cause I'm only 8 weeks along. But he doesn't think I had a miscarriage, but he want to do a ultrasound on Thursday to check things out and then I see him on Friday, unless some shows up on the ultrasound, then I will see him then right then. So I will let everyone know what happens and thank you so much for all the comments and prayers. Keep them coming!

This blog entry has been viewed 456 times

The baby and I need your prayers...

Category: My life | Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:29 am

I woke up today feeling like I have felt for the last few weeks, but today was very different. When I woke up, I started bleeding..which when you are pregnant..isn't good at all, especially early in pregnancy. So I called the doctor on call and she told me to lay down and take it easy, because if I was having a miscarriage..there wasn't anything they could do to stop it. So, I have been laying on the couch and in bed and praying. As long as I am laying down, the bleeding slows or stops. I was still bleeding earlier this evening and so I called the doctor again and she said to keep doing what I was here I lay on the couch with Richie's laptop. I have to call my dr. on Monday and get into see him then. I already had a appointment to see him on Friday, so maybe I can get in earlier to have a ultrasound to see if the baby is ok. I really hope I don't have to stay on bedrest for 7 more months..that would be awful! But if that will save the baby... I will do it. So, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I will update ya'll as soon as I can.

Last edited: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:30 am

This blog entry has been viewed 475 times

I got lots of cool things for my birthday!!!

Category: My life | Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:11 am

Wow! Richie woke up early and took Trey and let me sleep in and then we went out to his parent's house and he cooked me a dinner which was steaks, fresh mashed potatoes, and cauliflower with cheese on it. Then the presents were opened. Now, last year, we didn't do too much because we didn't really have the money to and all I asked for this year was the Grey's Anatomy 2nd season DVD. So when I opened my gifts, I was shocked! Richie got me the Grey's DVD, plus the complete first season of CSI and a Sims 2 video game for my computer. Then I thought that was all, but his parents really got me! They got me a new Handycam video camcorder, plus a bag to carry it in and memory card and the CDs that go with it!!! I was so shocked Plus they gave me money to order this ice cream that is made in Texas and I can't get it up here and since I have been pregnant, I have been craving it so first thing tomorrow, I'm ordering me some ice cream!! As soon as I figure out how to use the new camera I will post some pictures I have taken on it. It takes still pictures as well as being a video camera!! I really appreciate all the warm birthday wishes for ya'll. It really means a lot to me! Next blog with be about my doctor's visit for the baby. Hopefully we can hear the heartbeat!

Last edited: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:19 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 3242 times

Birthday flowers, the only flowers I have pictures of!

Category: My Family | Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:12 pm

My mama sent me some flowers for my 31st birthday yesterday! They are so pretty! They are fall colored and I love it!! Sorry I haven't been on here lately. Still feeling pretty sick from the morning sickness, but it seems like it may be starting to slow down a bit. Here are the pictures of the flowers Mama sent me!

Hopefully I can write more later. I have to figure out what to talk about to ya'll when winter does come and I have no flowers. I guess I could take pictures of the snow and our Christmas tree!!! Take care all!!

This blog entry has been viewed 4583 times

I had to have IV fluids yesterday..

Category: My life | Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:13 am

Well, I hadn't bee able to eat and keep any foods down for 4 days and I got really dehydrated and my OB/GYN doctor sent me to the hospital to have IV fluids,vitamins and anti-nausea meds. I still feel pretty yucky, but at least I haven't thrown up since yesterday, so that is a good sign. I have been getting a lot of rest because my anti-nausea meds make me really sleepy and Richie has been working from home trying to help me out with Trey. Hopefully this stage of the pregnancy goes away at the least the 3 month mark. So, hopefully I will get some pictures of my roses before the snow starts. It didn't snow over the weekend, thank goodness, so maybe when I feel better I can get some pics.

This blog entry has been viewed 547 times

Well, the due date is........

Category: My life | Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:12 am

May 20, 2007! I also got some medicine for my nausea and it is a miracle drug!!! It's called Zofran. It started working like within 30 minutes and works for 8 hours. So maybe I will get some sleep tonight. The nurse said that if everything continues to go good, that we might be able to hear the hearbeat on my next visit on Oct,13th. She said that was still kind of early, but she would try. She said as long as we hear a heartbeat by 12 weeks, we are good. They took some blood to check for anemia and blood type, etc. So hopefully everything looks good and continues that way. This part of the pregnancy is so scary because the thoughts of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage is always in the back of your mind. I'm about a couple of days past 4 weeks pregnant, so it is still really early yet, so please keep all the prayers and good thoughts coming! I worried like this with Trey and the way I see it, if something does happen.. it's all in God's hands and he knows best!! I will keep ya'll updated and hopefully get some pics of the roses before I put their "winter coats" on!!

This blog entry has been viewed 453 times

Well, the weatherman said it is gonna snow this weekend.....

Category: My roses | Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:43 am

So, I'm going to try to go out and take some pictures of my roses before it does snow. Maybe it won't, but you can never be sure. I'm going to go and cover the roses with some dirt, and pine needles to protect them during the winter months. If any of ya'll have any advice on that subject, any help would be great!! I guess until Spring hits.. all I can blog about will be the new baby!!! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I will let ya'll know what the "official" due date is.

This blog entry has been viewed 1703 times

My mom had a really bad day today

Category: My Family | Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:52 am

She is so upset that she can't even blog about her day. She went to have all her vacation film developed and the guy developing all 8 rolls messed them up and ruined 6 rolls. She has cried all day. So she said she couldn't type about it cause she would start crying all over again. So go say some encouraging words to her. I told her that I had a lot of pictures from her trip..but it just the idea of the guy not paying attention to his job.

This blog entry has been viewed 538 times

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