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heathermt75's Blog

New plant I won at a party

Category: Other plants,shrubs and trees | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:41 am

I went to a Home and Garden party a couple of days ago and I won this flower thing and I had never seen one before. It's called Blue Eyes and I just put it in a spot where my tulips weren't growing. I took a couple of pictures to share. If anyone has this flower, please let me know how to care for it and how much to water it.

See how dry it is at our home. I had just watered this flower about a hour before I took this picture. We have been getting some rain the last week or two, so maybe it will help.

This is a tree in my backyard that my Mama loves!! Just ask her about it. She has been dying for me to put a picture on here and ask if any of ya'll knew the name of it.Mama thinks it's a crab apple tree.

This blog entry has been viewed 466 times

Roses in bloom!!

Category: My roses | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:32 am

Oh! My roses are blooming and the neighbors are wondering what the heck I'm taking all the pictures for!! They just laugh and go on their merry ways. I love the pale yellow one with pink on the edges. If ya'll know the names of each rose bush, please tell me cause I don't have a clue!

This rose bush is my favorite. If ya'll know the name, please let me know!

Here are some different rose bushes. Sorry about all the pics, but I was pretty excited to share with ya'll!

I needed to cut the dead heads off, but I took a picture before I did anyway..

New buds, sorry they are blurry

Hopefully I will have more blooms to put on here in a few more days!!

This blog entry has been viewed 2067 times

Trey's new haircut

Category: My son Trey | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:24 am

Trey got a new haircut today before we went to church. He sits so still when he gets his hair cut. It amazes me! Just thought I would share!

This blog entry has been viewed 417 times

Trey "horsing" around

Category: My son Trey | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:19 am

Well, I took these pictures of Trey on my father-in-law's horse Thirsty on Friday. Trey loves the horses, but his mommy is scared to death of them!! That's my father-in-law in the pictures with Trey. He has to have surgery on Tuesday to remove nasal polyps and to do a biopsy on a spot in his throat. Ya'll just pray it isn't throat cancer because I lost my dad almost 8 years ago from throat cancer.

This blog entry has been viewed 557 times

My tulips are definately dead

Category: all my tulips | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:21 am

Well, I was just tinkering around the yard today taking some new pictures of the roses and decided to dig up one of the tulips that had turned brown after Trey watered them too well. The bulb is a mushy and Mama (glendann) said that they were ruined by all the water. So I will dig them up and replant them all this fall. At least a few bloomed before Trey attacked. I also found 2 iris had bloomed and our neighbors' dog walked all over the top of one of them, but the other was standing tall and I got a picture of it, so I will post it as soon as I can.

This blog entry has been viewed 442 times

My roses are blooming

Category: My roses | Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:46 am

It has been raining a lot here the last week or so, so I haven't been on here for awhile. I took a couple of pictures today of some of the little rosebuds and a couple that have bloomed a little. I will get them on here in the next few days. I was trying to go unlock for my door for my husband and I hit the wall with my little toe and broke it. So I haven't been in the great a mood in the last few days. I think I would have rather just went ahead and broke the whole foot, at least I could have gotten crutches and not had to walk on it. Anyways, I will update in a few days or so. Also, I don't know if I have mentioned this or not here on GardenStew or not, but my husband and I are trying to get pregnant with our second baby and so far no luck. We have only been trying since January, but we got pregnant with Trey in a week. So I don't know how many of you pray, but even if you don't, just keep us in your thoughts and pray we get pregnant soon. We need all the support we can get!!

This blog entry has been viewed 415 times

The tulip killer, before his life of crime

Category: My son Trey | Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:28 am

I just thought since I started a blog on my pets, I better start one on my son Trey. All of my family lives in Texas so they don't get to see him very much, so I figured this would be a good way to let them see some pictures of him. These are kind of old ones, but they are too cute not to post! Just thought I would share!
These are when Richie was building my bed for my tulips. If I had only known what Trey would do to them when he was 2 years old. He is 16 months old in these pictures. He sure was trying to "help" Daddy!

This picture was taken at a family get together at Richie's aunt's home.

I will add some more pictures later! Let me know what ya think of these!!
Take care!

This blog entry has been viewed 640 times

My other babies

Category: My pets | Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:49 am

Well, since my mom put pictures of Oreo on here, I figured I would put some pictures of my other babies on here. I have 2 cats named Buddy and Maggie. We had 2 dogs, but both have passed on. I was pregnant with Trey when we had to put my dog Tucker, a Yorkshire Terrier, to sleep. Being pregnant and having to put him down wasn't a good combination. I think I cried for 2 months straight. We also had a Black Lab named Zach who was mainly my husband Richie's dog. Richie let him out to go potty one morning and he didn't come back and scratch on the door like he always does.It was 5 am and like 15 or 20 minutes after Richie let him out, the sheriff came to our door and said he had just ran over and killed Zach. My husband cried for months over him as well. So we have decided to wait to get anymore dogs til Trey is a little older. But we still have our kitties! Our first cat we got was Buddy. We got him 2 months after we got married in 2001. He was in the city pound and was going to be put down the next day,but we saved him. He is such a sweet cat! Then there is Maggie. She doesn't really like people, except us. She has to have a few days to warm up to you. She really doesn't like Trey and he has only caught her once and that was because I held her so he could at least pet her. She is a calico and a very snobby cat. :) But we love her anyway! Here are a few pictures of them all.

Here is a couple pictures of Zach

Can you tell who's dog he was?

He sleep with Richie and I most of the time. He is laying on Richie's legs in this photo.

He helped Trey learned to sit up on his own. We would prop Trey up against him and Zach would just lay there.

Here are a couple pictures of my baby Tucker. I loved this dog!

He hated to be woke up!This is the funniest pictures I have ever seen!

Ok, now out cats Buddy and Maggie. Maggie is the calico and Buddy is the fat one. :)

Like I said, Buddy is the fat one!

I'll have to get some more pictures of Buddy and Maggie. I have some, I just can't find them right now.

This blog entry has been viewed 488 times

They are green!! Or at least most of them!

Category: My roses | Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:54 am

Well, I have been trying to take some pictures of my roses and other flowers for the last few days but it has rained everyday that I have tried. I'm not complaining, considering Montana has pretty much been in drought status for the last 6 or 7 years, but my tulips sure don't need anymore water.(Just ask Trey) But today it didn't rain, just stayed overcast all day, so I got a few good shots. I actually have 22 rose bushes, I think I had posted earlier that I had 20. Not that all with live, but a couple I always say are going to die and they turn out the biggest blooms every year. I'm also including a few other flowers and shrubs that are blooming as well. Let me know what ya'll think! If there is anything that ya'll know that I can do to help my roses, please feel free to give me some advice! I will take all that I can get!

My neighbor calls this shrub a Snowball bush. If anyone knows the correct name of it, please tell me. It is my favorite thing in my backyard.

A couple of closeups of the snowball bush

My Irises are starting to bloom!

OK, Here are my rose bushes.(Sorry so many pics)

These are a couple of the bushes that I never think are going to bloom. Eventually they do.

This is one of the roses I planted.Can you tell?

Another one I planted

Yet another one I'm guilty of planting

Another rose I planted. I really wanted this one to live. I LOVE white roses!

I'm afraid this one has no hope...

This one has bloomed every year we have lived here. I'm not sure what happened to it, but maybe it will make a comeback. Doesn't look to promising though.

Ok, not that I bombarded ya'll with photos, I hope I get some good feedback. I am really enjoying this website and I'm glad I'm a part of the fantastic four along with my cousin,sister-in-law and mama.
Here we come to save the day!!!
Take care ya'll!

This blog entry has been viewed 554 times

My poor tulips

Category: all my tulips | Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:32 am

Well, I figured I would share a few pictures of my poor brown and decapitated tulips. I sure hope some more bloom, but it doesn't look too good for the little guys.I tried at least.

Here is a pic to show how brown they turned

Here is a picture of the whole tulip bed in all it's glory.. or not

Another pic of how brown they are.

My poor decapitated tulips.. they never had a chance!

A pic of the water hose wielding, tulip decapitating bandit(With nacho cheese Doritos on his face and in desperate need of a haircut!)

If anyone has any advice on my tulips, I sure would appreciate any!! I also posted some pictures of my rose bushes that are starting to finally come to life.. go take a look!
Take care ya'll!

This blog entry has been viewed 398 times

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