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dooley's Blog
Daily Happenings
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:14 am I decided I needed a new catagory for day to day happenings. Today, exactly nothing happened. It was my birthday so I decided to do nothing that I did not want to do. I finished two books. I had started both of them so it wasn't a big task. I checked my email for messages and had three more birthday greetings. I made lunch, left over ham from yesterday with cheddar cheese sandwiches. Nothing too earthshaking. For dinner Brian bought two T-bone steaks. I had half a one and he had half a one. We should have just bought one but now we will have omelets tomorrow. I made macaroni and cheese. Enough for about a dozen people. There are some things that you just can't make for two people. I come from a large family. There were seven children. So, when I cook we often have leftovers. Even with only three boys of my own, I still cook some things for lots of people. Vegetable soup is another thing that you can't make small. By the time all the vegetables are in it the pot is full. If you use a small pot, it it overflowing onto the burner. I'm glad some things freeze. Not macaroni and cheese though. I'll give some to my son tomorrow. I should have invited him for supper. But, he was here for Christmas and New Year's and he does have a life of his own. Other than that and taking care of my dog I didn't do anything. Tomorrow now, we are going to do something for my birthday. We haven't decided exactly what. I guess we'll just get into the truck and see what happens. I need to remove the Christmas decorations but I can't see the need to hurry. They aren't going anywhere. Brian says I can rearrange the living room after we remove the tree, but he will give constructive advice so it will go back the way it was. Okay, it's not something to fuss about. There was nothing wrong with the way it was before. I should work at the library tomorrow, but I needed the day off. Everyone needs a day off sometimes. On Friday, I will go and redo the bulletin boards. I need to find some clip art of winter things that I can download to use for a wintertime bulletin board. Oh, I just remembered there is a great book at the library if it isn't checked out. Maybe I will go and check it out myself if it's still there. Then, I can decide what to put on the bulletin boards before I go on Friday. Well, I'm off to find a game to play. More tomorrow or soon This blog entry has been viewed 504 times
Herb choices
Category: Herb Garden | Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:10 pm I couldn't decide if I should put this under choices or under herbs. I finally decided to use the herbs. I spent hours looking at the garden catalog. Since I have a gift certificate for a specific one I thought I would order herb seeds. That is why I want a greenhouse for my birthday. I finally made a list. It could change. I could order online, but I think I will mail order. In my mind I have a reason for it, but it may not make sense out of my mind. I guess that means I have to think about it some more. So, I will order some seeds and then go to the nursery closer to planting time and buy some plants. I have a huge rosemary bush that Brian says needs cut back so I may dry some. I am not sure why I should dry it when I can just go and cut the fresh but Brian says I should do it anyway. If I get a greenhouse, I may want to try to start a plant from cuttings. I have a book that shows step by step how to do it. I just have no place to do it right now. There is no room in this house for starting plants. When I start plants now, I put the little pots on a table in a sunny spot. I cover it with clear plastic sheeting and at night I cover that with a tarp. It works, sort of. Not everything comes up and some things get too tall. So, I want a greenhouse that I can put a heater in at night and it will work better I think. Even the plastic kind. It's a heavy plastic called polypropylene. This blog entry has been viewed 608 times
I did it today!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:33 am It was another beautiful day so I took my rake and finished the yard and Chance's small yard. Now, I have got to get the garden cleaned out so I can dig it. I should have done all of this a couple of months ago but I had too many other things to do. I'm happy to have this time to do it. We need to trim the trees this week and I may start on it tomorrow. Last year the apricot trees bloomed in February. The mulberry tree begins to get pollen in March. Yuck!! I can't trim that one. Brian says he will trim it and Dan can carry it away. I can't even be outside when they do it. If it doesn't rain by tomorrow, I will water the trees and bushes again. They look a little dry. I'll water the bulbs too. Last year we had a lot of rain but it's been nearly two months since we had any now. I hope we don't have as much as Northern California is having. They have so much that it is causing mud slides etc. I wish our creek would get water again though. Last year it was flooded several times. This blog entry has been viewed 499 times
Don't believe everything you read
Category: Herb Garden | Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:24 am Don't believe everything you read. Yesterday, I said that I was going to work in the yard today if it was nice. Well, it was nice but I didn't make it to the yard. I went to the library and got another book. I hadn't intended to get a book. It was just there when we went so Brian could get another book. I still had three books to finish. Now, I still have three books to finish. I did finish the new Andrew Greeley book. I'm trying to finish the Frank McCourt book. I have a thriller and a mystery that I haven't started yet. I could finish a book in one day if life didn't get in the way. Maybe I will get into the yard tomorrow in the morning. I work at the library in the afternoon. Dan came over this afternoon. He was going to help me make Recovery Disks for the computer. He also installed Adobe Photoshop? on the computer. He said it would be easier for me to use than the one that came with the camera. I downloaded the update for Firefox and somehow managed to get it right. Dan's refrigerator quit last night. He called this morning when he got to work. The landlord had one stored in our big shed so I called him and said if he came after work, we could move it to his house. He came right away. His superior said it would be okay if he left if he was back by the time the library opened. so, we moved it this morning and he plugged it in so it would be cold when he came home for lunch. After he got off from work at five pm we went and helped him move the old one to his garage. Then, he came over to work on the computer. He's a good son and I'm glad he comes over to see what I've been up too. I still have to finish the Recovery Disks. He did one to show me how and there are nine more to do. I think I can start it and read my book while it is working. I can change disks when it is time and maybe finish the book. But, not today. This blog entry has been viewed 584 times
One thing leads to another.
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:18 am Did you ever have one of those days when one thing leads to another? This morning at breakfast, I told Brian I wanted a greenhouse for my birthday. Just one of those with heavy plastic would do. So, he got up, got his measuring tape and went out to see where we could fit one. He decided that it would have to go where the canopy was located. The one that covered the area where the potting bench is located. so, he moved the canopy frame. We moved it to the backyard. It does not have the cover on it right now. We moved the glider swing under it. We were sitting on the glider with Chance. I decided to get my rake and clean up the yard. It had dead grass and leaves in it. It was a nice day to be outside. Then, I noticed that the little wash we installed in the spring to drain the yard when it rained was filled with debris and dead grass too. So, I went inside and got gloves and clippers and started to clean it out. First thing, I had a blister on my thumb. Brian said I was supposed to wear two gloves. I was finding it easier to use the clippers without that glove. So, with a bandaid and the glove on I was going to finish the wash. Well, a branch on the walnut tree kept getting in Brian's way and he wanted the clippers to cut it off. Of course, they weren't big enough to cut the branch so I went and got the loppers and used them. Brian was pulling the branches down so I could cut off the ones that were in the way. He pulled too hard. The big branch came down too. Well, before you knew it, we had trimmed the whole tree since he had to get the ladder to cut that branch off. Then, we decided to have a coke before we went back to work. We tried sitting on the glider swing to drink it. But wouldn't you know the bees decided it was a nice day to be out too and wouldn't leave us alone. I think it was the coke they were after. We had to retreat inside. I went back outside to finish clearing the small wash. It is only about 20 feet long but it took me most of the afternoon. It is lined with rocks and big rocks along it. I had to move most of them to get at the pesky dead grass. Some of it was already starting to grow. Also, under the rocks were all sorts of pesky bugs and spiders. Even Earwigs!! I did them in for sure. The rest I left alone. So the day ended on a good note. I hope it is still nice outside tomorrow as there is more to be done. I've neglected the outside as it's been cold and I've had Christmas to occupy my time. Brian says he will start my greenhouse as soon as he finishes the exercise room. I've been neglecting my exercise too. I'm starting a journal with the New Year. I find if I write things down I can't neglect them. So everyday I will have to write if I exercised or not and if I ate the wrong things. Then, I can lose a few pounds that I should not have. Tomorrow's another day. I guess I should go and find my bed. Brian's already given up on this day and is snoring away. But, don't tell him I said that. This blog entry has been viewed 549 times
Seed Catalogs
Category: Choices | Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:43 pm More choices! Today, in the mail, I received the first of many seed catalogs. With this one, I received a gift certificate. So, do I order vegetables, flowers, or herbs. Do I order seeds or plants? Do I order garden supplies? Well, I won't order garden supplies. I have most of the things I need because I have been gardening a few years, at least. I mean tools, pots, etc. Potting soil and additives, etc are too heavy and best bought locally. So, will I order vegetables, flowers or herbs? Will I order seeds or plants? I think, without looking at the catalog that I will order herbs and vegetables. I will order seeds. The local nurseries have plants in abundance and Arizona has plant restrictions. You cannot order just any plant and have it delivered in Arizona. They used to check plants at the borders. I don't think they do that now, but it's been awhile since I tried taking any plants across. I did order some lavender last year and received it but it had been inspected by an agriculture inspector before being shipped. The bulbs that I ordered had all been inspected too. It's partly because of the weather here. Everything grows like weeds. Until a few years ago you could not plant morning glories here. They were classified as noxious weeds. So, I will order seeds. I will start with herbs since I am going to try to make a herb garden. I will have to choose carefully because the space is not too big. But, I have a larger garden area where the overflow can go. After I have ordered herb seeds, then maybe I will find some vegetables that I would like to order. I will see if there are ones that are not available in local markets or nurseries. I expect I will receive more catalogs, without gift certificats of course. The gift certificate was a Christmas gift from my oldest son. He is an avid gardener. He used to have 35 acres of grapes and apple trees in New York. Now, he has an average size lot with house. He gardens in a lot of large tubs, etc. He has a degree in vidiculture and works for a major winery in Napa Valley. He makes his own wine and has won awards. When he first moved back to California he lived in an apartment and his balcony looked like a jungle. Now that I have a good computer, I can also look at plant nursery catalogs online. Brian says he will pay postage. I guess that means I have to pay for the seeds. Well, I can always use my credit card. Guess who pays that? I do have things to occupy my time now. No long winter nights for me. For my birthday next week, I think I will request the parts I need to build a small greenhouse. The heavy vinyl type will do. I think I can do that for a reasonable price. Especially if I can get someone or two people to donate parts. Best get to looking at that catalog. I don't want grass growing under my feet. This blog entry has been viewed 638 times
I'm done! Maybe
Category: Holidays | Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:43 am Yesterday, we went to Prescott and did grocery shopping. Of course, we just don't know when to stop so we did a lot of other things too. We had lunch at the Chinese Buffet. That is always good. We left home at 9:30 am and got home at 4:45 pm. Long day. This morning we got up at 6:30 am and went to Phoenix to have breakfast with our friends. It was an hour and twenty minutes to the diner where we were meeting them. They only had to drive for forty minutes. I was amazed. We arrived only five minutes after them. We sat and talked and drank tea or coffee for awhile after breakfast. They finally had to leave because Al had to play accordian for a Christmas Party in the afternoon. He had to go home and pack all his equipment into the van. We went and bought fish for Christmas Eve. Then, we went to my sister's house to tell them Merry Christmas. They aren't feeling very Christmasy because her husband is having a heart valve replaced on Jan. 9th. I took her a rice steamer, cooker etc. She wants to try steaming his food to make it softer and easier for him to eat. She was a little surprised because although we had talked about it, I hadn't told her I was buying one for her. Then, she was upset because she hadn't bought me anything. I had to convince her that it wasn't a Christmas present, just something she needed right now and I could get it for her. They haven't put up a Christmas tree. They don't think they will put one up, but her daughter came and said she and the girls would come over after work and do it for her. We came home after that. We didn't feel like shopping anymore. We have it done anyway. We really didn't need to do shopping. We just wanted to connect with friends and family before Sunday. Our son Dan will come for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. I gave eight tins of cookies and still have a few left. I have one more tin that I could give away if I would. I just have to decide if I have enough Christmas spirit. I'm not too happy with the person, but Christmas is a time to be generous so maybe I should do it anyway. Should you give a gift of cookies to someone because it is Christmas and maybe the right thing to do? Should you skip it because it isn't given with Christmas spirit and love? I can't decide if it would make me feel better or worse. Maybe the answer is that it would make them feel good. This blog entry has been viewed 543 times
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Category: Choices | Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:43 am Do you ever wonder why people do the thing they do? Brian & I got out of a perfectly warm bed this morning to go to the flea market in Prescott Valley. It was 17 F. Prescott Valley is 2,400 ft higher in altitude so was only 14 F. We froze our fingers getting our tables set up. My nose may never be the same. It was either freezing or running and sometimes both. I had to sneeze and of course, I covered my mouth with my hand. Then, I had to go to the washroom and wash them. The warm water felt good but I had to be sure to dry them good so I wouldn't have icicles when I went back outside. Brian and I dressed for the cold. Insulated underwear, top and bottom. Thick socks and boots. Jeans and sweatshirts. Winter jackets and knitted hats. Gloves for part of the time too. But, the people who came through were dressed much differently. True, there were some who were dressed for the cold but many more were dressed for summer. They hurried past shivering from the cold. Why do people stomp their feet? Does it make them any warmer? Why do people blow on their hands? Why don't people like to wear hats? Does wearing a jacket or coat or a cold day make you a sissy? Do they like being cold? What irks me is people going past dragging small children dresses in dresses or short pants with no coat. If they are not cold, the children must not be cold either? They were shivering and noses were red and running. Don't parents realize that small children need warm coats? Well, I made my choices and dresses warmly. I used to embaress my boys by making them wear boots and hats with their warm coats when they went out in winter. I suspect that they took them off when they were around the corner. But, I don't remember going out dressed for summer in the winter when I was young. My parents were like me. You dressed for winter. Guess I'll get off the platform now. See you later! This blog entry has been viewed 602 times
Category: vehicles | Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:53 pm Today, we got up at 6 am so we could take our truck to the dealer up in Prescott. We had to be there at 7:30. It always takes time to get going in the morning. I had to feed the dog. She needs extra in the winter because she sleeps out. Not outside this year though she has a doghouse. She sleeps in the laundry room. It's about 20 degrees warmer than outside and about 20 degrees cooler than inside at night. She goes in and out during the day. Anyway, it was still very dark out when we left and still dark out when we got up there. We were a bit early because there wasn't as much traffic as I thought there would be. Though I made the first available appointment of the day we were still there until 9 am. Then, we went to breakfast. When the mechanic brought the truck back to explain the service, he said everything was good. In fact, the parts didn't look used much. I should try driving a little rougher and using the brakes more. He was joking about it. Brian thinks I took them too seriously because when we went to the gas station I ran over the curb. I cut too close when I turned. I guess all that wood we hauled didn't hurt the truck. I'd like to say that it has no scratches or dents but if I do, then next time we go out it will get some scratches or dents. So, I didn't say it. We had our Neon three years and when we traded it for the truck it had no scratches or dents. It only had 15,000 miles on it. It's because we are retired and don't drive as much as we used to drive. When our son worked in Phoenix he was putting 150 miles a day on his truck. He's happy to live close enough to his work now that he can walk or ride his bike. It seems like everything is further apart out here. In Wisconsin where we lived before moving here things seemed to be closer. It was more populated. The government owns more land in Arizona than the citizens. There is only one main road north and south in Arizona. There are a few ways to get around but they are longer and slower. The interstate goes from Flagstaff to Phoenix and from Phoenix to Tucson. There are two that go across from East to West. One through Flagstaff and one through Tucson. Being a mountainous state makes road building difficult and takes times. It's more expensive too because it involves blasting. Oh, well! I got off the subject again. I do that a lot if I don't watch it. This blog entry has been viewed 609 times
Category: Holidays | Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:13 am Today, we went shopping. I think one more time and all will be done. We came home early today which is fine with me. I mailed Christmas cards this morning but I still have half a dozen that needed letters. Now, I only have four left and I did three. Amazing how things seem to multiply when you aren't looking. I got one in the mail that I hadn't counted on. I had not the new address, but now I do so I have to do one for this person. I mailed the only package I'm going to mail. The others are getting gift cards. But, Brian's mom doesn't understand gift cards. She is in her 90's and mostly homebound. So, she gets a box.Dan lives close so he gets presents. The other two sons and families live off and I don't know anymore what to buy them so they get gift cards. I don't like gift cards except for the grandchildren. They get bookstore gift cards. They are all avid readers as were my children. I have the new computer so my list was short. Brian will not make a list so I have to guess. Sometimes I guess right and sometimes not. If not, he can just choose his own next year. Now, I have to go back and finish those cards so I can mail them tomorrow. This blog entry has been viewed 606 times
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