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dooley's Blog
Beautiful days!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:05 am We had two beautiful days so outside I went. I raked some more leaves. I used some of them to cover some bulbs that were starting to come up. I think it is a bit too early yet. I put artificial green garland in a scalloped pattern along the front fence and also lights that follow the scalloped pattern of the garland. Brian hung a huge star on the front of the house. My Christmas decorating is now done. Today, I watered the little trees that we planted in the fall and some of the bushes that haven't lost their leaves. The book said they needed water every month through the winter and more when it starts to get warm again. It was up to lower 60's after some only 40's days. I know 40 is warm for some places, but 40 is cold here. It's been in the 20's at night. It didn't rain today but the weather forecast is for rain tomorrow night. They keep moving it back a day. Our son says he is using his wood faster than he thought so maybe tomorrow we will go with him and haul another load for him before it rains. I was only going to make cookies. The ones that I have already baked have a habit of disappearing. I have sugar cookie dough chilling so I can still make them tomorrow. I want to make biscotti too. I have been looking online for recipes. I have seen ones that I won't make but I found some that I want to try. I bought lemons last week so I want to make lemon bars too. I also want to make gingerbread people. I have to find my little people cookie cutters. I don't remember seeing them in the box. I have to finish the cards. It's mostly done. So, onward and upward to the holiday. Have a merry one. This blog entry has been viewed 532 times
Another choice
Category: Choices | Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:31 am I had another choice to make today. I could stay home and make cookies and work around the house all day and maybe finish raking those pesky leaves or I could go shopping and have lunch out. I chose to go out. Brian said I do too much. He thinks that maybe once a week we should get away from the house and do something different. We visited some thrift shops that support charities and we did buy a few things. We just missed some really nice heavy wooden benches that we could have used in the yard. I was a little disappointed but what can you do.? We were looking for a 3or 4 quart saucepan. I broke mine last week. I'm going to look on the internet pretty soon. A new dollar store opened in Mayer today. It's a big deal, I guess. We can shop for some things without going to Prescott. We drove past but the parking lot was full and we didn't need anything so we didn't stop. We'll go another time. It's time to relax by the fire and do some more Christmas cards. This blog entry has been viewed 524 times
Everyday things!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:49 am Everyday things need to be done everyday. Right! I'm not good at doing things everyday. Some days I don't feel like doing everyday things. So, they will wait another day. Sometimes they will wait two days. Then they begin to pile up and the pile begins to slip and slide and you have the basis for an avalanche. I hate avalanches. So, two days is about right for putting off everyday things that need to be done everyday. There are some everyday things that cannot be put off for two days or even one day. Dishes!! I have never been fond of doing the dishes. But, putting off washing dishes makes them hard to wash and sometimes smelly. So, dishes should not be put off. Raking leaves is something that can be put off. Sometimes more than the two days. The wind blows them around and stacks them up against the fence. That makes them easier to rake. They are all in one place. I put them off for several days. More like two weeks. But, now they are in the compost. well, most of them are in the compost. Some of them are covering the bulbs to keep them cool for the winter. I thought they would be keeping them warm but the book says it keeps the ground cool not warm. It keeps the warm out. Okay for bulbs I guess. Warm in is for me. We have a nice fire and I'm going to go wash the dishes then sit in front of the fire and work on my Christmas cards. Two down and about thirty-five to go. This blog entry has been viewed 441 times
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Category: Holidays | Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:39 am I made some Christmas cookies today. I made pfeffernusse again. I made them around Thanksgiving but they are all gone. I'm glad someone ate them because they weren't so great. I was about of anise and they weren't so flavorful. This batch is much better. They still have time to age a few days before someone eats them. I also made the poppyseed cookies. Brian says they have crunch. A few go a long way.They are rich. A whole cup of butter. I think I need to start on Christmas cards too. I don't do so many now. I used to have business cards as well as family and friends cards. I don't do business cards anymore but some of the business people qualify for friends cards. I usually put a letter in each card. My father said if you can't spare the time to write a few lines don't send the card. I like getting cards with a note or letter in them. I think it shows the person was thinking about you and not just trying to send a card because it was expected of them. This blog entry has been viewed 448 times
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Early Day
Category: Holidays | Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:29 am We got up before 6 AM and went to the flea market in Prescott Valley. We do this once a month or maybe twice. We sell various things we've collected over the years. It's how I got money for the computer. Now, with Christmas close we went to see what we could sell. We did really well today and came home about 2 PM. It was cold all day. It maybe got into the 50's but it was windy. We stopped at the grocery store coming home because I have a recipe that needs half a cup of almonds. They were expensive almonds. We spent $24.00. I guess you cannot go into a store and buy just one thing. We ended up with three bags of stuff. The grocery store has a policy where if the scanner scans a price different from the shelf price you get the item free. So, when I got in line to buy a powerball ticket there was a lady in front of me that had an item and her sales receipt. The customer service clerk had to go and check the shelf price visually and compare it with the scanned price so the line got quite long. There was only one clerk on duty. But, the lady did get her money back. We did one time, too. So I wasn't too unhappy with the wait but there was some grumbling. People are so impatient. We made several other stops on the way home but still made it by 3:30 PM. Then, I made myself some tea and decorated the Christmas tree. My son stopped by and said I had a lot more decorations than he had. I reminded him I was a lot older than he was and had been collecting them a lot longer. We used to live in a house with 10ft ceilings so we had a big tree. The taller the tree, the wider the base. We had a LOT of ornaments for the tree. They won't fit on our 6ft tree. So, We have ornaments hanging around the house, too. Those I haven't done yet. You can only accomplish so much in one day. This blog entry has been viewed 576 times
A Day Off
Category: Holidays | Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:01 am I had mental plans for today. Nothing concrete mind you but things I thought I should do. Brian hijacked me. He thought I needed a day away. He was right I think. We went to Cottonwood to the Mount Hope Organic Store. I needed to buy currants and poppyseeds. For some reason you can't buy currants in the grocery store. I needed currants. For some things you can't substitute raisins for currants. Brian wants some poppyseed cookies and though I have some, they get stale fast. The organic store sells them bulk so you can buy as many or as little as you like. I needed about a cup for two projects. They were only 25cents an ounce. I also bought some fresh ground ginger. I wanted crystalized ginger but they were out of it. I think I can get it at the oriental store. We stopped and had a sandwich, We went to Camp Verde and then we came home. I did feel better, not as rushed. It reminded me that things will still get done and I do need time off now and then. Tomorrow, I will work at the library in the afternoon and we have all day plans for Saturday so maybe on Sunday I will finish the tree and then take some pictures. Then, I will have to dig through my basket and find the directions for making them smaller and loading them to photo bucket and then to this site. Dan laughs at my filing system. He thinks I should put things in order and I wouldn't have to sort through the basket everytime I want something. I bought a book to write everything in but of course I haven't had time to transfer things to the book. I suppose I must be getting slower as I get old. It's not true that you are only as old as you feel. some days I don't feel old and some days I feel older than I am. It's good to do something entirely different for a day. This blog entry has been viewed 520 times
A new day
Category: Holidays | Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:57 am It wasn't so cold today. I wanted to work outside but we brought all the Christmas stuff out of the shed and installed the big tree and the little bear tree. The big tree has a tree topper now. The little bear tree is decorated and the little bears have gathered around. Not as many fit by the tree this year because we have a Thomas Tank train circling around it. We didn't want one of them falling on the track and getting ran over. I will take pictures as soon as the big tree has more decorations. We can't do that before Dec. lst. It's not according to tradition. We even push the envelope a little by starting so early. When the boys were small we didn't do any decorating before the last Sunday before Christmas. They will remind me of it when they get the chance. My oldest son is the traditionalist in the family. My younger son and his wife live near her parents so their traditions are more like she had at her home, which is as it should be. The son who lives here doesn't celebrate Christmas. He has another religion. But, he comes to help us celebrate. He still believes in some traditions. He's a good son. This blog entry has been viewed 438 times
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Category: Holidays | Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:34 am Today we went to Phoenix. My sister is going home to Illinois on Wednesday. I thought it would be warmer but it was cool there. Not as cool as it was here this morning. It was only 20 F. here this morning. It was very windy too so it felt colder. Our house is only sixty degs now. We started a fire and brought in more wood when we got home. The big mulberry tree in the front yard had all of its leaves last night. This morning they were almost all gone. I had to laugh when I looked out the window. The whole front yard in about knee deep in leaves. I only have petunias blooming now. I haven't looked into the back yard yet. It may be half of knee deep in leaves. Oh, well! It is supposed to warm up by the end of the week but I think winter is here to stay. No snow though! It was probably about 60degs in Phoenix. We had our sweatshirts on. We stopped and walked around the outlet mall that is about halfway home. Just before you climb from 2.000 ft to 4,200 ft. That's what makes it cooler here. The altitude. I quickly made a pot of tea and started some vegetable soup for supper. This blog entry has been viewed 495 times
Category: Holidays | Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:16 pm Christmas is only 28 days away. Since I never start Christmas before Thanksgiving I have a lot to pack into those 28 days. Yesterday, I rearranged the living room to make room for the Christmas tree (which isn't going up yet) and the little bear tree. Brian says he will install the tree so the branches can settle down. The tree is artificial so the branches are already down when it goes up. Today, I started the day making banana nut muffins for breakfast. I made enough to share with our neighbor. When I called to see if they wanted warm muffins for breakfast, the answer was, "Sure, just let me put my pants on." He had just gotten out of the shower. I made a loaf of Honey Wheat bread in the bread machine. It turned out very well this time. Then, I made a raisin spice cake in a bundt pan. It will last until almost Christmas. It goes into a tin like fruitcake. Then, I made Sally Lunn. That is an egg bread. It had to raise so I made a double batch of oatmeal raisin cookies. By the time I divide them with the neighbors they will not last long. I made pfeffernuesse cookies the day before Thanksgiving. They are in a tin with an apple. When the boys were home I had to make a double batch and they didn't last long. These will last a week or two. My neighbor is from Germany and he really likes those cookies too. It is cold and windy here today. Wind gusts 20 to 30 mph. It is only 38 degs so it feels very cold for us warm weather people. The rain and snow went to the north of us. Hooray!!! Tomorrow I may go to Phoenix. My sister is leaving for Illinois on Wednesday and I would like to visit with her and my other sister before she leaves. This blog entry has been viewed 488 times
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Category: Choices | Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:00 am It seems every day we have to make choices. Sometimes they are called decisions. But, since I dislike making decisions choices is my word. When my computer quit we had to make several choices. To fix it or buy a new one. What kind do we buy? Where do we buy it? How do we pay for it? When do we buy one? Do we stay with a dial up connection or do we go with the local cable connection? So many choices. These were just a few. The choices were finally made. None of them were easy choices. We bought a computer that suited our needs and was reasonably priced. We didn't buy it at a computer store as the prices were considerably higher in the specialty stores. We chose the computer desk at the same store. We chose a corner desk. Only one problem, we don't have an available corner. So it's against a flat wall. We didn't have a flat wall either. It entailed moving things here and there to make room. Some things were moved clear out of the house. It's a big desk so the next choices were where to put each thing. On the top shelf, on the bottom shelf, in the middle. Somehow, things got put where they worked best. I quickly filled up the empty spaces. Next choice, internet connection. Do we go with the dial up we had or with the faster cable internet? Faster is also more expensive. Christmas is just around the corner. We are on a fixed budget so we decided to go with the dial up until after the first of the year. I may get a cable modem for my birthday. It's soon after the new year. When to get internet reconnected was the next choice. That was merely finding a time when Dan could come and install the firewall and virus protection and browsers and the other things that needed to be installed. I bribed him with dinner and used up his entire evening. There will probably be more choices to make before things are all the way they should be. The next choice will be what to eat for Thanksgiving dinner or how much to eat. Then, how many miles to walk on the treadmill to compensate for how much I ate. Maybe I'll put that choice off for a little longer. This blog entry has been viewed 1329 times
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