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dooley's Blog

Dreary day!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:23 am

It's been so sunny and pleasant here this week but today was overcast and dreary looking. It was warm, near 80 but no sunshine. After working all day yesterday, I didn't do much today. We need to go shopping tomorrow. I did have a staff meeting at the library. It was postponed until next Friday so I won't be able to go as I'll be in Phoenix on Friday and Saturday. Don't exactly know what we'll be doing. I talked with Andy last night. They'll get to Phoenix late on Tuesday. They'll come up on Wednesday and then on Thursday, they'll spend the day with Wendy's Aunt Mary. Friday night it's pizza at Chucky Cheese's for all the kids. Grownups, too. But mostly for the kids. They should enjoy reunions, too. Saturday is up in the air since my sister just had the hernia repair. A cookout is planned and the weather is supposed to be sunny and 80's. I haven't finished typing the stories I was supposed to have done. I've been doing things outside and working on the quilting project and reading. When I found I was going to be home for a couple of weeks I ordered a lot of books through our county library system. We can order books from any library in the county and they are delivered by courier to our library. I was hoping they would come one or two at a time but there was 12 when I went yesterday. I read the new Maeve Binchy book called Whitethorn Woods. That was quite good. I enjoyed it. Now, I have a mix of romance and thrillers and a couple fantasy. I don't usually read fantasy but wanted to see what this author was like. Not sure I'll order any more of it.
Yesterday, the compost fairy left a pile of compost by our front gate so with buckets, dr and I moved it around all the trees and bushes and flower beds. I was tired and my knee ached so today the only thing I did was dishes and a bit of reading and some work on the quilt project. I'm going to go to work Monday, 6-9 pm. There will be another staff person there to help and the manager said I could leave early if I needed to do it. Actually there will be five other people there but the one has been filling in for me and she will be there all next week because I had planned on being gone some of the days. I will only work on Monday and Thursday.
I found another hosta today so that's two out of ten that have come up so I'm hoping the others will be along soon. I, also, found one gladiola so the other 39 may be just waiting to come up. The birds have been eating the little flowers off as soon as the appear. They don't seem to see that owl sitting in the middle of the area. So far no more asparagus has emerged and I did water it yesterday. I only have a small patch from before so I can't pick it all. Maybe one more time. Otherwise it won't come back next year. I cut the big squash today and took out the seeds. There is a whole cookie tray full. I have to send some to Tom and some for myself and some to send to friends. If you don't remember the big squash from last fall I'll recount the story. I planted about 40 squash seeds last spring and they all came up. But, the birds and bugs apparently don't like squash because they didn't eat them. As I have limited space they were pretty mixed up. There was zucchini, yellow crookneck and one called butterstick which is a straight golden zucchini like squash. All summer varieties. Well, of course they cross pollinated and I had some pretty weird looking squash. They all tasted just fine though. Tom wanted me to let some grow and save the seeds. He thought it would be interesting to see what kind of squash grew from them. So, I let two grow. One I have misplaced. It was in the laundry room but when I cleaned the laundry room it wasn't there. It either got threw out with the trash or put in the shed with other stuff. I hope it's threw out with the trash. I'd hate to find a smelly squash in the shed but maybe it's dried up by now. I guess I should really go and look. Anyway the squash was about two foot long and a mix of golden yellow and a dark green. Tom says we should get some yellow, some green and a mix of both of them. If you would like a few seeds let me know. I can send a few until I run out of them. Time to go now. Dooley

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Roses are planted!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:43 am

We did get those three climbing roses planted today. Dan dug the holes when he was here yesterday. This morning I mixed some MiracleGro and fed the spinach and the flowers. Then I dragged the hose around and watered all the plants and flowers and trees and bushes. I sat everywhere and moved the chair when I needed to move the hose. We soaked the roses and dr planted them and I put vitamin B water on them. I had to trim some leaves off of my new Royal Red butterfly bush. The frost nipped some of the leaves. There are new green shoots so I didn't do much. I still have a couple of areas to water but I was getting worn down by the time we finished with the rose bushes. I got dr to move a couple clumps of morning glories to the arbor in the side yard. I walked around and looked for stuff to be coming up. There are purple and white iris coming up down by the lower driveway. That trailer was parked there so I couldn't see them but the neighbor moved it back to his house and there they were. They will open any day now. There is fleabane blooming. Those are wildflowers and you can't tell where they will come up. The hosta isn't coming up yet but I watered it good and it's supposed to be in 80's rest of the week and next week so maybe it will decide to grow. I checked on the new asparagus today and found some new shoots of the ones I just planted. I need to fill in the trench now but decided to wait for more of them to come up.I'll water them tomorrow. The hollyhocks are coming up everywhere. We haven't finished the new flower bed yet but I haven't gotten anything to put in it yet anyway. I saw the lemon balm is growing and the columbine is peeking through the ground. The thyme is getting new leaves and the sage is getting new growth. The parsley is coming up but I haven't seen any oregano yet. The mint is coming up and the chives are about a foot high. I'm debating on whether to keep in in a pot or move it to the garden. If it stays in a pot, it will need a bigger one. I need to put the petunia's down by the bridge. They are in front right now. The bleeding heart bushes I bought at the Dollar Store are growing great and one has three little hearts on it. So, things are beginning to come up and fill in some spaces. There is a lot to be done. Just before I hurt my knee I cleaned out some small flower beds by the back of the side yard. One has Russian Sage in it and it's doing well. Lots of new green growth. The honeysuckle is beginning to climb the fence and the Jasmine is blooming away on the little yard fence. I noticed the grape vines are beginning to leaf out. dr will have to get the trellis reenforced before too much longer. He wants to build another deck for Chance and take the dog house and put it somewhere else. I wonder about that because Chance doesn't use it for sleeping and maybe a cat will move into it and Chance won't like that.
Dan is in the process of moving and said I could have the big flower pots that he had roses planted in. One rose died and one is doing some growing. I think I will move the rose somewhere else and find another use for the big pots. He wants some pots of iris to put beside the patio where he is going. He will still be at Mayer Library but he will be living a few miles away instead of right next to us. He has a girlfriend and needs more space. I like her. She has two children, teenagers. I haven't met them yet.I have four tulips and some grape hyacinths and some daffodils and pansies, too. I almost forgot about them. And the minature snapdragons and allysum that I put in pots. Andy, Wendy and boys will be here next Wednesday. They are arriving in Phoenix Tuesday evening but are going to stay the night down there. I don't know what we will be doing. He says he thinks going to the Grand Canyon will be rather much for a short trip. It's about 3 1/2 hours from our house and another hour up from Phoenix.
I've been working on my quilting project all week and have over half the blocks finished. I need to look for some quilt batting now so I can get them finished. I still need to do some dusting and move some bears somewhere (where?) so there will be room for people to sit. I wonder how I can accomplish that sitting with my feet up. Long handled dust mop I guess. Oh, well they aren't coming to see how clean my house is going to be. I hope not anyway.I guess I've about wound down for tonight. Dooley

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Not much tonight

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:00 am

I wanted to write a blog tonight but there isn't much to write about. This wasn't a great week, but it could be worse. My sister next younger than I am is in the hospital with a hernia. It's going to get repaired in the afternoon tomorrow. I was going to try to call her, but decided to wait until morning. Wannabe was going to call her tonight. Her kids will probably all be around or calling so I will wait. I talked to Maxine on Friday when I called her and she saw it was hurting. Her daughter took her to emergency last night. Seems they almost never do anything on Sunday.
My knee seems small potatoes compared. I'm home anyway and can get around. It's not painful tonight. I'm still taking the painkiller/anti-inflamatory medicine. I think I will start tapering it down tomorrow. It doesn't pay to get too used to it. I went to the flea market with dr today. He took the lounge chair and it's cushion so I could stretch my leg out. It's not so swollen so I'll live with it.
I took my quilt blocks and have six almost finished now. I finished the tiger and almost have the elephant done. This is on project two. Project one is finished almost. It just needs some tweaking. If I have to stay home from work this week I should probably get most of the rest of it done. dr won't let me do things in the yard. He got on about me being out today without my walking stick. Andy and family is coming on the 10th and I do want to be able to do things with them. I don't know how Maxine will be feeling by the 10th. Wannabe will be staying with her. But, Maxine has four kids and several grandkids old enough to help out, too. It's not a good time but nothing ever happens at a good time. Just when it's supposed to slow you down. I think I'd better to to bed. I still don't have much to say and I'm just typing whatever comes into my mind. It isn't much. Dooley

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The lost needle!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:29 am

I've been doing embroidery on some quilt blocks. On Wednesday evening, I was threading the needle. I am using three strands of thread and one strand wouldn't go through the hole in the needle. I was holding the needle in my right hand and the thread in my left hand. Using my left hand, I brought the thread up to my mouth to moisten the strands so they would stick together. I then proceeded to try to push them through the needle. EXCEPT the needle wasn't there. I know I was holding it when I moved the thread. I searched my lap, the chair and the floor. dr brought my magnet and we searched my lap, the chair and the floor. We looked on the end table. I know I never moved my hand and it took only seconds to moisten the needle. Thursday, I got out the big magnet and searched again. I even ran my hands down the sides of the chair. dr lifted the chair and I ran the magnet under it. No needle. I still haven't found it. It was in my hand, my hand never moved, the needle was gone, completely. Today, I searched the cuffs and pockets of the robe I was wearing and ran the magnet over it. No find. Someone is another demension is using my needle. Only explanation.

I went to the library this morning to pick up the papers that I need for the seminar. Then, to Michael's for black embroidery thread. You can't make a penguin or panda bear or a tiger without black thread. dr ran a couple of errands and we came home. My knee was a bit swollen again. The library director called and said bring a pillow and I can have two chairs so I can put my leg up. Pain is gone unless I move too fast or too something. I sat with ice on it while I sewed this evening. I'm off to bed as morning comes early. Have to have dr help with that darn pillow splint, too. Got to send Chance to bed. she's been sticking close. She doesn't understand the change in routine. Dooley

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To bed I go!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:23 am

I am going to go to bed. I think Chance and dr gave up but it's still early compared to when I usually go to bed. I stayed in my recliner most of the day except for riding to the post office and stopping briefly at the library for a book. Wouldn't you know I usually have a dozen books checked out and when I really need one there is none. I wore the brace all day and took the pain/anti-imflamatory today and my knee feels better. dr says I am walking better. He has some errands to run tomorrow and I will go along for the ride. Saturday morning I have to go to that seminar on teambuilding in the morning. The director says it's all sitting or will be for me. dr will go to the flea market and then pick me up about one. We'll see how that goes and decide how many more days I need to "rest" my leg. Got to go have dr put the pillow splint on it and go to bed. Thanks for all the good thoughts. Dooley

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Know How You Always Expect The Worst!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:36 pm

Know how you always expect the worst when you go to a doctor. Last night when I was getting ready to go to work I twisted my knee while I was getting into the truck. It hurt like the devil and I felt like getting out of the truck and going back inside. But, all at once it quit hurting so I went ahead and went to work. I had to sit at the reference desk at first and it was okay. Then, I put the books in order and started shelving them. The more I did, the worse my knee hurt. I took some pain medication which didn't help at all. Finally with encouragement from co-workers I quit and came home. Had one more cart of books left, at least. I felt a bit quilty for not staying to finish. I thought with another half an hour I could get it done. The reference desk lady then felt guilty because if I hadn't subbed for her so she could have supper I would have finished. Well, maybe I would just have left that much earlier.I put ice on my knee when I got home and went to bed early. Couldn't sleep. Pain every which way I tried to position my leg. Finally drifted off only to wake because I moved my leg while sleeping and set off the pain cycle. This morning after a cup of tea and a leftover blueberry muffin we headed up the hill to the urgent care clinic which is associated with the clinic where I normally go to the doctor. I dreaded going to the doctor. All sorts of visions were going through my head. I do have arthritis in my knees and have been having some problems associated with my gardening and yardwork. I thought it was the digging that was doing it. dr dug the hole to plant the new butterfly bush. I thought it was the arthritis that was the problem now and he would say that I needed a new knee or would have to quit work (which I like) or something equally dreadful which I'm not sure what that would have been. Anyway, after a "short" wait (is any urgent care wait short) I saw a doctor. Not my own, but an equally nice one the verdict was not so bad as my thoughts of it were.
I pulled the ligaments in both sides of my right knee. It will take a "bit" of time to heal but I don't need a "New" knee yet. I have a nice black neophrene knee brace to wear during the day. It feels a bit weird and tight. The doctor said it will collect the fluid on my knee and make it be absorbed easier. It will provide support to keep the knee from twisting side to side. I will have a "pillow" splint at night to keep it stable. Using a pillow, shape it into a U lengthwise. Add an ice pak both sides and tie it to keep it in place. That doesn't sound too bad except for the ice paks. Doesn't he know cold is a bad word to me. Still, I suppose it will also help with the swelling. Three of the pain medication, twice a day. Now, the part that affects the gardening projects and working at the library. NO squatting,NO stooping, NO kneeling, NO ladders and
or NO stairs. Now, how do you garden without getting down on your knees, crawling along pulling weeds or digging in the dirt to give the plants some breathing room. I have already put a lot of plants in pots. He didn't say no lifting. He probably just didn't think of it though. Oh, well! dr says he will finish the garden projects that I have started. He doesn't think I should start any new ones for awhile though.
After I finished at the doctor I went over to the library to see the director about having some time off. He was very nice about it and though I did not have a definite time period for being off was willing to work it out. He'll ask for someone to work for me while I am gone. I told him that I probably would not be able to shelve books on the bottom shelf anymore but could do the rest if a volunteer could be found to do the lower shelves. He suggested that maybe I could do the desk for awhile when I come back, too. He did wonder if I could come to the seminar on Saturday morning as the city manager has more or less made it a mandatory thing. It's all sitting so I think I can do that. dr says it's a give in the give or take of things. They are willing to give me time and I can give them things I can do. I was really worried about not being able to work anymore. I would miss it because I really like library work. I think if I were younger I would pursue more schooling for library work. So, to Mary, I would say if you can still do it, GO FOR IT. Everyone wonders how I can do the same thing every night without becoming bored with it. So, putting the books on the shelf might be boring if I let it become so but everynight it's different books. I meet different people and check out different books. I get to know each book and where it goes and who reads it. It's not a boring job to me. I would have missed it if I could not do it again. So, I had good news though I expected bad news. I still have pain and probably it will never totally go away. Twinges will haunt me now and again. But life could be MUCH worse that it is now. I have dr and the flowers will still bloom, just with less care. Dooley

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I'm glad it was Saturday

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:56 am

I'm glad it was Saturday. I have a day off tomorrow. I work seven and a half hours on Saturday and today it was busy, busy, busy. The school system had an arts and crafts show with things the kids made in class all year. There was music and a fife and drum corp and a band and choir. All school kids. Of course they were in and out of the library along with parents and friends. When four o'clock comes there is normally a few people left that we have to shoo out. Today, we had to shoo out a lot of them and they kept trying to come in as we were locking the doors. Next Saturday we aren't going to open until noon because we have a seminar on teamwork from 8 to 12. That should make a few people unhappy especially the ones who are waiting at ten am to use the computers.
dr didn't go today. This rainy weather has him under the weather. His allergies are bad now, too. That mulberry tree has pollen but it wasn't open enough for the rain to make it drop. Maybe next week because we are supposed to have rain on Wednesday. My knees have been hurting some, too. It rained most on Thursday, but Friday was messed up by it too. I don't remember what I did on my Friday off and it was only yesterday. I guess I'm a bit tired. I was sitting here trying to play a game and I kept getting zapped because I was falling asleep. I finally quit and went and worked on my quilt project. It's embroidery. I didn't even go to sleep and stick my finger. I'm thinking about going to bed when I finish my tea. dr has gone to bed and Chance is sleeping by my chair. If I go to early I wake up in the middle of the night or wee early hours of the morning and can't go back to sleep.
I mailed grandma's Easter package yesterday and finished the picture disc and sent it to Andy. I hope he can figure it out because it looked like a mess to me. I have my pots of plants inside and I covered my spinach. It's just to yucky outside right now. If it gets sunny I will move them back outside tomorrow.
I'll have to walk around tomorrow and see if anything else has come up. I noticed that since I fed the trees that the apple tree is getting some flowers. It's too bad that I will have to pick them off but the tree isn't big enough to support apples this year. The butterfly bush is getting new bright green leaves. The arborvitae that Pondlady doesn't care much for has flowers. I really never noticed that they even had flowers until she posted a picture of them and sure enough there was flowers on them when I walked by yesterday. The lilac bush has buds showing purple. The rose bushes are greening up nicely and I saw a flower bud on one of them. So, I'd like my sunshine back so we can have spring to enjoy what is now growing. Dooley

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Short rain blog

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:03 pm

It was actually raining when we got up this morning. I had to use the wipers when we went to the post office. I'm having trouble with my computer this morning. First, in the middle of a post Firefox decided to update. Blew me back to my desktop, off the internet. Then, the electric went off. There went everything again. No Thunder now so am trying it again. Chance is glum. She is a sunshine dog. Some dogs just can't stand to get wet. Everytime she sees me get the hose out and turn the water on she goes inside until I'm finished. I never spray her but she connects it with getting wet. dr made a fire this morning and Chance was on her blanket first thing. Now, she's by my chair. It got too warm by the fire. I think I will put my plants inside before I go to work, just in case it decides to get cooler than the weather forecast says it will. I'd hate for them to get frost on them. The pansies and dianthus and daffodils will be okay. They are planted in the ground so it would be a little hard to move. I tried to grow a trumpet vine once. The first year it got about 4 ft tall and had small flowers. It died back to the ground in the fall. Last year it got about six inches high and quit growing. Nothing else. It died last fall. This year no sign of it yet. Maybe I will have to get another one. I wanted it to grow on the trellis. Does anyone know how long it takes hosta roots to come up? I planted mine about three weeks ago and I keep looking but haven't seen anything. I water them so the ground isn't dry. Maybe it's a case of watched pot never boils. I hope the rain helps. The new asparagus roots haven't come up yet either but the ones from the "old" bed are coming up now. One is tall and the others are all short. I may have to cut the tall one and use it in stir fry. Glads aren't coming up yet either but I only planted them on Sunday so I guess they really haven't had time to grow. I plant something and immediately start watching for it to come up. I guess it doesn't happen overnight. I think I will go and see what I can make for supper though it isn't quite time yet. I don't have to work until 6 tonight. I was thinking of soup but what kind. dr bought me a soup cookbook and I got it out and looked at it. But, wouldn't you know every recipe calls for something that I don't have. Mostly fresh ingredients that I don't always keep because if you don't use them they don't keep. dr went shopping last night for onions and carrots and a couple of other things. He went to two different stores because at the first store onions were $1.99 a pound for plain yellow onions. They were $1.29 at the second store. I figure it was because they were stored onions and it's coming up on a new season. He only bought a few. I have dried onions from the health food store but somethings really call for the fresh ones. We try to buy USA things first because our economy needs boosted too. If we can't find it, then we will buy other stuff but it's harder in winter. Even though we know the things grow in California and Flordia and some even here in Arizona stores find it cheaper to carry only foreign stuff in winter. Health foods stores usually carry stuff and it is usually higher in price but sometimes it's worth it. Oh, well!
I've been reading a Celtic Folklore Cookbook. It has recipes, but also folklore connected to the recipes and food. Very entertaining. I now know how to attract fairies to my garden except you have to collect the flower petals facing east at sunrise on a dewy morning. Okay! We don't have many dewy mornings here. I have an everything blogging book checked out but I'm having a hard time wading through it. It will be due back before I half finish it. Guess I will look at the bookstore to see if I can buy it. No, I'm not planning on starting a blog site but I've been trying to read more about computering and that book was one I had to shelve so thought I'd bring it home and see what it was about. I have to wait for Dan to have time to help me figure out how to burn those pictures to disc. I got into the program and down to step three and the computer told me it couldn't find the pictures. I typed the address in the space but it probably wants it more specific that I put there. Oh, well! That's getting old I guess. It takes me longer to figure it out. I have a whole book of step by step instructions from things Dan has shown me. If I don't write it down I forget it the next day. I guess this isn't about rain anymore so Good bye. Dooley

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Dare I say short blog?

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:12 am

I'll try to keep it short. It's past my bedtime. I got up early this morning. I had my tea and some cereal, checked on gardenstew and went outside to work in the yard. It was nice but I put on my jacket anyway. I put ironite on all the trees, roses and shrubs. There was an ironite place up the road in Humboldt but it quit last year and they gave all the employees the ironite that they hadn't shipped yet. A friend of Dan's worked there and he gave me two 40 pound bags. So, I put that on the plants and watered it in good. Then, I watered all the flowers and what is left in the garden that the birds haven't eaten. That took most of the morning. We stopped and went to the post office and the bank. I got another garden catalog but they have me mixed up with someone else because I can't afford their prices. Threw it in the trash can so I wouldn't even be tempted. I ate a bagel when we got home and then went and started putting those plants in pots. I filled 14 pots and one small square bed. I planted petunia's, pansies, alyssum, dianthus and baby snapdragons. I had 12 paks of six flowers each. Dan came to help me burn a disc of the family pictures that I've been scanning into the computer. Somewhere along the line I got a wrong box checked because instead of being in jpeg they are saved as bit maps. Dan says Andy will be able to change them. So now I need to get a mailer and send them off. I didn't reduce them in size so I decided not to e-mail them. Andy said to make a DVD slide show they needed to be big anyway.After we finished that, I finished the flowers. I had to come and shower and change because I had to be at work at 6pm and we had an errand to do first and then we stopped and had a piece of pizza at Costco. We had to buy some dog food for Chance too. Not canned, but dry. It was very busy at work tonight. That was to make up for how slow it was last week. I didn't get everything finished. I still had large print books to do. I did adult fiction and paper back books twice though. They just kept filling the return box. We couldn't get them to leave. I had to tell that last man that he was getting locked in because I was locking the door now. He left. We stopped and bought ice cream to go with our strawberries left from last night. I resized the pictures and loaded them to gardenstew and now, I'm going to send Chance to bed and then I'm headed that way myself. Dooley

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Finished, almost, well not quite!

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:05 am

I was trying to make a new flower bed by the wood shed. The area has been a repository for rolled fencing since we moved here. Some chain link fence was already there and off and on more was stored there until needed. Tall grass grew up through the fence and little animals made nests there, etc. So, of course, when I started to dig out the grass my knee decided it didn't like me digging anymore. So, today, deciding I was going to get it done I got the little rolling cart and set it in the flower bed area and got out my long handled trowel and started digging it. Since it is on a slope, I soon found that I had to block the wheels everytime I moved it or I rolled down hill. Then, there was the problem of it rolling uphill when I wasn't ready to move it yet. I ended up sitting on the ground so I had to block those wheels, too. Chance helped but not helpfully. She was checking out where the critters had been. After I had it about done I decided that I wasn't going to transplant those hollyhocks out of the garden into that bed. I looked at the amount of hollyhocks growing there and looked at the size of the new bed and decided to leave the hollyhocks where they are growing. I, also, decided that since the hollyhocks are growing pretty thick in the garden that I didn't need to rebuild that section of the terrace. So we took the big wood beam sort of pieces of wood and moved them over to the new bed and the two just fit in the space. dr tied the pieces to the fence posts with wire so they won't fall and tomorrow he will put up the fence. Maybe! We never seem to get things done when we think we will. When I packed up my trowels and clippers and diggers into the little wheeled cart and moved them to the shed I walked around looking at things. I noticed the lemon balm was coming up so I got the clippers and cut the old stems and raked old leaves out of the bed so it has a chance to grow. I raked out the little square bed where the columbine should come up. It's not there yet. I checked and the thyme is getting new leaves so I trimmed out the old dead stems. The Russian Sage is starting to get leaves so I trimmed it, too. I couldn't find any new growth on the oregano but I cut it back to about an inch from the ground. The sage is doing well and starting to put on new growth. I didn't trim it. The apple trees are getting tiny little leaves. The butterfly bush is starting to grow. It's more than doubled in size from when I planted it last spring. I watered a few plants with a pitcher. It was getting too late to drag out the hose. So, my number one job tomorrow will be to water things. dr smoked some beef ribs and now they are in the Nesco Roaster. Supper will be a tad late as we were both working on the flower bed and didn't check the time. Then, of course, we stopped to chat over the fence with our neighbors. Frank, not our gnome, was trimming bushes and trees, too.
This morning we went to Golden Corral for breakfast. There is a Basha Store in the same shopping center so I went to look at their plant section. We saw the truck delivering plants yesterday. I bought 12 six paks of flowers. Alyssum, dianthus, petunias and baby snapdragons. That's 72 plants. They are sitting in the exercise room waiting. The pansies that I planted on Thursday are doing okay. They need water, too. I keep forgetting that plants in pots need water more often than plants in the ground. I moved my inside plants into the exercise room too because I think it is just a tad too cool for them to be outside at night. It's been in the 80's this week but it's going downhill on Tuesday with rain predicted Wed. and Thurs. Then, it will go back into the 70's. We've been having some record breaking weather for March. Our apricot trees bloomed and the bees were really buzzing around them so I hope it doesn't freeze and kill the little fruit now. Our neighbor has a huge nectarine tree. It is blooming now and the bees have moved over there. I hope he gets lots of nectarines. Last time he gave me some for jam. He's hoping we'll get lots of apricots because he likes apricot jam. Of course, he expects me to make it.
We stopped at the flea market coming home and I found a set of shelves that just fit the space between the sidewalk and house by the front door. That's where the inside plants will set during the day and then in the summer. They are black and sort of like a baker's rack. I'll see if I can get a picture soon. We went to some yard sales on Friday and bought a few things that dr took to the flea market on Saturday to sell. I worked 8-3:30 yesterday and it was very slow. I started putting the paperback section in alphabetical order according to title. So, far it's just been by author.
I guess, I should to and check on the ribs and finish supper. We also bought the first strawberries of the spring and we're having strawberry shortcake. Dooley

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