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dooley's Blog
Some new plants!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:27 am Today, dr wanted to go up the hill early. It was good to get out of the smoke, too. After he did his errand we went to Home Depot just to look around. They had some roses, acutally they had a lot of roses in big bins. We bought three climbing roses, one red, one white with pink edges and one yellow. We are going to put them down in the lower yard where dr is going to put the lattice fence. They probably won't fill the fence this year but in a few years it will. Then, I bought three six paks of pansies. I have a pottery dish and a step bed to put them into. Not much else is out yet. Everyone knows it's going to get cold again. I did buy a plant for a hanging basket. It's called Lysimachia Nummularia, Goldilocks or Creeping Jenny. It has round leaves that are a shiny golden green. That's what it says. Golden green. I thought it was pretty and I've never had any. I'll find a hanging basket for it. I have that nice pole that I bought last week at a yard sale. I'll hang it in the backyard by the bridge. It says full to partial sun. What did I do today? Not much. Wrote a letter to grandma so I could mail her Saint Patrick's Day card. Sent a cheery card to Heather. Took the pictures and resized them and loaded them to photobucket. Cooked lunch and went to work. It was so slow at work that I had all the books shelved by 7:30 and then I shelved video's which I don't normally do and then, I went and rearranged shelves and put books back in order. dr did some shopping while I was working. I think on Friday, which is my day off as you know, that instead of going to yard sales we will go sight-seeing. We want to go to Camp Verde to Montezuma's Castle, which is an Indian Ruin. We want to buy a Golden Eagle Passport so when Andy comes we can go to the Grand Canyon and the entrance fee will be cheaper. I looked on the internet and the closest place to get one is at Montezuma's Castle. It's probably 50 miles one way, but we can also go to Cottonwood which we like to do sometimes. They have a good organic store there. Camp Verde also has a variety store that I like and maybe a place for lunch. So, that's about all for tonight. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 633 times
Short blog tonight
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:47 am I think I will just write a short blog tonight. I am about ready for bed. I went to bed late last night and slept late this morning. I read a little this morning. About ll:30 I decided I'd better go and get those glads planted. I had 40 corms. So, with my trusty trowel, I dug 40 holes. I put one corm in each hole and had two left over. I couldn't believe they miscounted when they packaged them so I counted my holes again. Sure enough, it was me who miscounted the holes. I dug two more holes. No great job, they only had to be six inches deep and a couple inches across. I covered all the corms and they are planted. Then, I took the allysum and marigolds and zinnia's that I bought in boxes mixed with vermiculite? last week and mixed those and spread them over the whole area. They will fill the spaces that the glads don't fill, I hope. Glads don't last too long. I didn't plant them every week like you do if you don't want them to bloom all at the same time. Then, I hooked up the hose and watered everything. I hooked up the hose in the back and watered the apple trees too. Pippens are a late apple but there are little thingies on the ends of the branches so I thought maybe they needed some water. I ran out of tree food this week so I need to buy some for fruit trees I guess. That's about the extent of my gardening today. I was going to water my peas. Yesterday they were about an inch high. But, today they aren't there at all. I suspect the neighbors birds ate them. He feeds all kinds of birds, mainly sparrows but he has a list of birds that have come to his feeders and its pages long. He said there were yellow waxwings this week. There is the biggest cardinal and of course those scrub jays and mocking birds and thrashers. But, I bet it was the sparrows that ate my peas. I did a search for earwigs and only found a few very small ones under one rock. I found a slug and a snail. I took care of them. The swiss chard still hasn't come up. I'll have too look for row covers for them or the birds will eat those too. I bought some little plastic cups at a yard sale last week. I'm going to use them for earwig food. I have some all mixed up already. I wonder if snails and slugs would like it too. I've about decided to leave the hollyhocks grow in the garden. I'm having trouble digging. It hurts my knees. If the birds are just going to eat the stuff anyway I might as well let the hollyhocks grow there and plant other things in my new flower bed. It's still too early to set out anything but cool weather plants. I have 15 daffodils blooming now. I keep check but haven't seen any hosta's yet. I planted two bleeding heart plants in pots. I got the plants at the Dollar store for two dollars each. I see one has sprouts coming out of the ground. I moved the pots to the front yard because the book says all parts are poisonous to animals. Chance does eat some things. Grass and grapevines and walnuts. Dumb dog! I trimmed the dead leaves, etc. out of the geraniums this morning, too. They are looking good. All but one anyway. It's still green but has no leaves to speak of. I think the sun and water will help it grow some. I'll add a little plant food tomorrow. I still have some miraclegro. I did some maintainence work on the computer, updates and defrags. I still need to do the antivirus tomorrow. Always something. I need to scan the pictures for the disc I'm sending Andy so he can add them to the DVD slide show he is making for the reunion. dr ask me how I was going to label them. Label them? I have to label them! He says I may know what or who is in each picture because we took them but the rest of the family won't know. I think I'll stick a number in the corner of each picture and make a list for each number and then I won't have to write on the picture before I scan it. He can do it on the computer when he makes the dvd. I think he can anyway. I have way to many things to do. I thought I was retired. Now, I have a part time job evenings and Saturdays and a long list of things to fill my spare time. Spare? I think I need to drink my cherry juice and go to bed. Maybe! Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 605 times
Didn't get finished today!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:26 am I didn't get finished today. I wanted to get the glads planted today. Didn't get it done. I started to spread the manure/compost blend but thought I would water it after. So, I went and hooked up the hose and turned it on and went back to the side yard. Then, I decided while I had the hose I would water the daffodils and the hosta and ended up watering everything in the front and then watered the roses and the trees and then I went into the backyard and uncovered the spinach and gave it some water and watered what I have planted in the garden and watered the butterfly bush. I had to come in and have a snack and some tea by then. Dan came and we went over the scanner stuff and he showed me shortcuts and how things work. I did some other computer stuff. We went to the post office. Then, I finally had to rake the side yard before I could put the manure blend down. I cut off the dead parts of the mums. They are coming up from the ground again now. I raked up two piles of old leaves from the apricot trees. Still need to bag them or something. I did finally get the manure blend spread out and found the rake and raked it and spread it around. Only found two centipedes. Dark gray ones about two or three inches long. They are no more. Did in an earwig too. I lifted two flower pots that were sitting there all winter and they were under them. They were cold or I'd have had a harder time stomping on them. I'm glad I moved the pot though because a tulip was coming up under one of them. It is all yellow. I hope being in the light will help it bloom. I don't know how it was growing under that pot. There was no place for it to go. I had to quit and go shower and get ready for work. We had a couple of errands to run before work. We stopped at In and Out and had a cheeseburger and fries and since it's right next to WalMart we went to see what plants they have. No flowers yet. But they had a rack with herbs and BIG tomato plants. They were $4.82 each. Where do they get the odd prices? Most places would charge $4.99. We filled our water bottles and then it was time for work. It wasn't busy tonight but we practically had to toss one guy out when it was closing time. He just wouldn't leave. He kept saying he had two more minutes. But, we don't get paid past nine and we still had computers to shut down. We can't do that until the doors are locked. One lady said she wanted to ask him where he worked so she could go hang around while he was trying to go home. Marge finally shut the lights off so he couldn't see to read the book and had to check it out. This is spring break so we didn't have all the kids doing homework. dr said they were hanging around outside with their skateboards. They were riding them down the handicapp ramp from third floor to ground level. Making a pest of themselves. dr stood and stared at them until they left but they just went around the other side of the building. The city doesn't think we need security at night. The building is closed except the library and usually it's just four or five women there. We all leave together at night. dr stays while I work and reads or writes. About ten minutes before closing he goes down and checks out the parking area and waits for us to come out. Only one time was there someone there that he didn't think should be there. He just stared at the guy until he got nervous and left. dr is good at staring people down. He has a sense of humor, too. One night a guy pulled up in his car and said, "May I ask why you are hanging around here?" dr told him,"yes." The guy sat there and waited and finally said, "You aren't going to answer me are you?" dr told him, "You didn't ask yet. You only ask if you could." The guy said something derogatory and sped away squealing his brakes. There was a man in on Saturday that had the same sort of sense of humor. He came in and wanted to know if he was still on file because he hadn't used his card for awhile. The girl on the desk said she could look it up. She asked, "Do you have a driver's license?" The guy said, "yes" and just stood there. Finally, the girl asked, "May I see it?" He said, "Yes" and took it out and gave it to her. dr would have done that same thing. My boys, too. They used to drive me batty doing things like that. We added an answering machine to our phone to screen calls because they were calling from work wanting me to come in early or work extra time and I really didn't want too do it. Anyway the boys have been calling and when the answering machine comes on they hang up. I called them and said if they would just say their name before they hang up I would call them back. I told one of them when I call their house and get their machine I always say, "This is your mom." He said, "Well, he wasn't much into saying This is your mom when he got an answering machine. Smarty pants! I need to go and put Chance to bed and make my cherry juice. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 656 times
I didn't get much done today!
Category: Herb Garden | Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:41 am I had a list of things to do today but I don't seem to have gotten much of it done. Since DR bought me a scanner yesterday, I spent most of the morning trying to figure out how to install it and how to make it work. I'm not very computer literate and Dan wasn't around today. I think I figured it out and I scanned and e-mailed two pictures to andy and one to wannabe. I hope they got them. After I finally got it all figured out I quit and went outside. I finally got that big leaf pile moved from the front yard. I put them all in a huge black plastic bag and stuck it in a corner in the side yard for now. Then, I raked the front patio area. I'd like to work on the waterfall but I know that though it's in the 80's now it doesn't mean we are out of the cold weather. I have several daffidils blooming and the tulips in front are doing well. The ones in the side yard are being eaten by something. After I came inside we went to the Dollar Store to return something and I bought a St. Patrick's Day card to send to grandma. I've been buying things to send her in a package for Easter and I found a little wind chime with pink butterflies on it. She can hang it in her room for some color. We came home and I made some popcorn and read one of the Sunday papers. The other one will wait until tomorrow. Most of the news is the same anyway. I cleaned out the little bedroom. There is still a box or two that I'm not sure what to do with. The shed is getting a bit full. Now, I have the dining room and the living room to clean up. Then, I have my quilt project to finish. But, not tonight. I talked to Andy, my youngest. He lives in Wisconsin. Then, I talked to Tom. He's my oldest. He lives in California. I talked to my granddaughter too. Tom had some good news. Kirsten and he are having a baby in August. He says things are going fine. August 15th is the due date according to the ultrasound. I wonder how it figures that out. We always counted backward when I was having babies. That was weird too. So, I'll have four grandchildren then. They told the doctor that they didn't want to know what sex it was going to be. They want to do it the old fashioned way and be surprised. I talked to my sister in Phoenix for a bit. Her husband isn't doing well and was sleeping. She's trying to get the yard cleaned. They are digging out the grass and putting in rock and then they have to have termite treatment along the house. The porch had to be replaced because it had termites. Isn't it always something? After I talked to her I made supper. Now, I'm probably going to go to bed. It's going to be nicer tomorrow and though I have to work 6-9 I think maybe I can get a bit done outside tomorrow. My peas are up and the spinach is really growing. It has it's second set of leaves now. I'm still keeping it covered up. I put some plants outside today and I didn't put them in tonight but I don't think it will get frosty. It's only supposed to go into the 40's. Guess that's enough of my day. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 612 times
What I did on my summer, er, my day off!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:10 am We did go to yard sales today. We did quite well. We quit when the truck was full, inside and out, too. I didn't sleep too well last night so we got a late start. At the first sale we bought quite a few things, some dr intends to resell. I bought another bear and then of course I bought a chair with a bear sitting in it. Where did I put it? It's in the middle of the floor right now. That's two bears, right. Those people were moving. Wish I could buy their house. It was all made of stone, six sided with a great room in the center. Only thing is, they attached an ugly garage onto the front of it. They only want $400,000.00 for it. I guess I will wait a long time if I have to save for it. The next was a bust. We hit a good one when we was looking for a different one. We only spent $3.00 there but came away with half a truck full because they had a lot of free stuff. There was 2 and 1/2 pieces of that lattice (redwood). We were going to buy four pieces so now we need to buy only l and 1/2 pieces. The lattice was free but she charged us a dollar for the posts. There were a lot of them and some other boards with rebar through them that dr has plans for already. He bought a huge amount of heavy plastic sheeting for two dollars. We always have a use for that, even just to cover plants or things we have outside when it rains. There was some free rolled roofing. That comes in handy sometimes. Could have used some when we built Chance's dog house and her deck. Then, we hit a couple that weren't so good. When we finally found the one we were looking for we didn't buy anything at all. We went way across town for the next one. Directions weren't so good but we found it. dr bought some things there. We had to turn around and go back the way we came because we had seen a sign for another one. We bought a couple things there. When we were leaving I asked the lady where the road went if we kept going on it. She said it went around in a circle and took us back to where we had turned onto the road. So, we went on around the circle. We hit another jackpot because before we completed the circle we found another sale. Everything was under a dollar. Well, most everything. dr managed to find a few things that were higher priced. I bought a yard ornament. A frog made from heavy duty wire with a green glass ball inside. Picture will come when we get one taken. I set it down with some other things by the people who were collecting money. Everyone who came in zeroed in on it. I don't know why no one had bought it before we got there. I got one of those big poles with the crook for hanging pots in the yard. I got a welcome sign with a hummingbird and one with windchimes in it. All on poles to be stuck in the ground. I got five more bears. Lots of flower pots to be filled with seeds. dr bought a hose reel with hose on it. He says the reel isn't too great but he can probably fix it. But the hose is super duty. He bought things to resell there. I bought practical things like super large yard bags, small plastic cups for earwig food, bamboo plant supports, all kinds of little things that were 10 cents to 25 cents. Now, it's sitting all over waiting to claim a space. dr sorted his out and loaded it back in the truck so he can go to the flea market tomorrow. It's going to be near 80 and not windy. He made a reservation so he's sure to get a spot. I'm going to work a bit early so he can be there by eight o'clock and get started. They like you to be early so they know how many spaces are taken before they start giving them away because someone didn't come or call them to say they weren't coming. While dr was sorting and loading the truck for tomorrow, I took my diet coke and some popcorn and a book and went out and sat with Chance in the backyard. I didn't get much reading done. My eyes weren't inclined to stay open. We went to the local restaurant for supper. Fish since it is Friday. That was the special. I almost fell asleep waiting because they had a couple of big groups and it was pretty slow coming. I think an early night is called for. I'm having a mug of tea right now and dr is playing squeaky with Chance. The apricot trees have really put on blossems so I stopped at one to smell them. I almost smelled a bee. They are very busy right now. I hope we don't have a heavy frost and kill the apricots again this year. I'll have dr take a picture of some of the pots we got. A lot are just the average red ones but one or two look quite nice. I didn't get any housework done and I didn't get any yard work done. But, I have another day off on Sunday. I need to work on my quilting project too or it won't get finished. I almost bought more material today, but sanity preveiled and I left it there. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 621 times
Things are blooming!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:03 am Things are beginning to bloom. The apricot trees are starting to bloom. It's a few days before they are covered but it's always nice to see them. Last year, they bloomed in February and then got ten inches of snow on them. We only had three apricots because of the cold. This year, already, the bees are buzzing around them. The trees sound like they are humming when you walk under them. Then, there is that one wee little daffidol that is blooming. It isn't very high. Guess it couldn't wait to grow taller. There are a few more that will bloom in a few days and there are more that are just coming through the ground. The tulips are coming up nicely. Only something is eating the leaves on the ones in the side yard. Not the bulb, the leaves. I suspect earwigs. I blame earwigs for everything if I can't find anything else. The grape hyacinths are coming up too. I haven't seen any sign of the hosta's but I only planted them a couple weeks ago. I looked in the garden for the asparagus but no sigh of it. The plants that were already there aren't growing yet either. It really is a bit early for it but I thought I'd look. Our last average frost date is the end of April but it's going to be in the 70's for the next couple of weeks so I thought maybe it would be early this year. Maybe not. I took all the plants back inside and covered my spinach when I got home tonight. The row of Little Marvel peas that I planted are coming up. Nice little shoots just peeping through the ground. I gave them water today. I couldn't see any swiss chard yet though. I was hoping it would get big before it got warm enough for ants and earwigs and slugs or snails. I moved a board a couple of weeks ago and found some big snails. Got rid of them. I'm afraid to pick up any more boards. I really am not fond of snails. Dan tells me there are good snails and bad snails but... This morning I stopped at the Dollar Store. I bought some things to put in a box for grandma for Easter. I also bought four boxes of flower seeds. Zinnia, marigold, mixed and allysum(?) Also, two bleeding heart plants which I planted in big pots. dr says they are poisonous so I am going to move the pots to the front so Chance won't have the opportunity to nibble on them. I dug a little of the grass out of the spot for the new bed. My knees have been bothering me and I think it's the digging so I'm trying to do it a little at a time. One of the ladies at work suggested Cherry Juice Concentrate is good for arthritis so we bought a bottle. I have taken it three days not. I hope it works. It seems like it has a little, but three days is not a fair trial. I'll keep at it a little longer. I hate taking so much pain relievers though. Tomorrow is a day off. dr says we'll do whatever I want to do. Oh, boy! He brought me a list of the yard sales that was in the Prescott paper tonight. Do I want to go to yard sales? Maybe! I got paid today. We bought several bags of dirt this week, big bags. I could fill pots with dirt. I really need to wait and see how much it takes for the new flower bed though. I need to plant the gladiola bulbs. I could put the manure blend mix on the garden and flower beds I already have and rake it in. That sounds like work. I need to clean the small bedroom. I only got the laundry room done this week. I rested on my last day off so....Maybe I will go to yard sales. It was a very slow night at the library. No one brought up the book cart from the drop box today so there will be lots to do on Saturday. I finished early so sat at the checkout desk. It was very slow. I think people were not coming because it was so nice outside. There weren't even a lot of kids. The new supervisor they hired quit before she even started work so now they have to look for another one. They are supposed to decide on the new aide for the children's room tomorrow so she can start next week. They are hiring another ass't director but that's not a done deal yet. Now, I hear another person may be moving. New faces again. I have been there almost nine months now. Doesn't seem like that long at all. Guess maybe I should go to bed and rest up for my day off. Chance and dr have both gone to bed. I'm always the last one to bed and the last one up. I wonder why. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 582 times
Not so busy today
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:57 am It has been cold the past week or two and I've been staying inside because of the congestion and cough I've been having. But, today was so nice. It was 70 and sunny. The thermometer said it was in the 80's but it was in the afternoon sun so it was lying. dr and I sat outside for quite awhile. We'd get up and do this or that and end up back at the table. Chance hung out with us. I took the camera out but with her keeping us company the birds stayed away. I started several different things but didn't finish any of them. I marked out where I want a new flower bed but I need to dig the weeds out and put some dirt in it. We need to sort of terrace it because it goes down the slope by the shed. I used railroad ties along the other side of the yard but I might use big rocks along the shed. We have to get some fence for it too so Chance won't get into it. dr fixed the long flower bed in the lower yard. I put rocks along the bottom of the fence. Chance was out moving the rocks when we looked. dr says now he will move the rocks and put landscape timbers there. Dumb dog! The butterfly bush is looking good. The apple trees are a late tree so probably won't get leaves or flowers until April or May. They are Newton Pippens. We just planted them last year. dr said they probably won't get flowers this year. They are doing well though. They grew about triple in one year. I didn't decide where to plant the gladiola bulbs I bought last week. I can't put them in the front. It's too shady. I put Hosta's in the front. I'm going to put Impatients in the front too. As soon as it warms up a bit more. I have daffidols about to bloom and tulips are up. I notice that something is eating on the tulip leaves and on the daffidol buds. I should get my flashlight and go look to see if earwigs are out. The rose bushes have little red leaves so maybe tomorrow I will hunt out the rose food and feed and water them. I think it's time. I can do the honeysuckle bushes too. I see the star Jasmine is getting ready to bloom too. It has yellow flowers. The chives are about three inches high. The spinach in the wheelbarrow is about an inch or two high. I see a teeny little second set of leaves coming. I was going to dig a small ditch to drain water into my flower bed but didn't do it. We put a grate over the drainage basin and will finish it after it rains and we can see where the water goes. We haven't had rain for some time. At least not enough to flood the lower yard. I cleaned the laundry room and dr put a set of shelves in one corner behind the washing machine. Then, he had to relevel the washing machine. Chance tried to help. She got between him and the washing machine so dr couldn't see anything. I had to bring Chance outside and make her sit. She does that very well. It's the "stay" that she can't quite manage. She did stay but only because I stood by her and kept saying,"stay." She hasn't quite managed "down" either. She just gets too excited when anyone comes in her territory. We're working on it though and it is getting better. I told her we bought an owl for the garden so she won't have to work so hard. She keeps the birds out. Because she doesn't get to go into the garden after I plant things they tend to ignore her. She does a good job keeping them out of her yard though. She doesn't understand she can't walk where things are planted and she runs pell mell over things or she stops and digs. We have these serious talks about it but it doesn't do much good so I keep the gate shut. We had to take the truck up for service on Friday. A 20 minute job that seems to take 2 hours. We went early and stopped at the DAV thrift shop. I bought some half pint jelly jars, a welcome sign with bears on it for the front door (maybe) and a hot air balloon for a little bear. I posted a picture of it in the member's gallery. dr bought me a turtle yesterday and I posted a picture of it too. Dan took the pictures for me. This morning when we went to breakfast we stopped at the flea market. I found two hat racks for hanging on the wall. dr is going to put them in the hallway tomorrow. One has a big turtle and one has a little turtle. Seems like I'm collecting a few turtles. I sure hope they don't accumulate like the bears do. I really need to rearrange things and get some of these bears out of the living room before we have visitors in April. Right now the computer chair is about the only one not occuppied by a bear. I don't understand it at all. Oh, well! Chance says it's bedtime. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 592 times
Biscuit trees and squeaky toys!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:00 am We have this weird dog named Chance. She likes to bury things. We used to bring her these yeast biscuits from a restaurant where we went to eat. She'd give a big sign and take the biscuit and head out to the yard. We could never figure out where she put them. We finally gave up bringing them to her. I think it was the size because if dr would break them into pieces she would eat them. We bought her some chew bones and she also buries them. Last summer we bought her a squeaky toy. She looked at it and picked it up and headed outside with it. When we went outside it was no where to be found. So, on Christmas we bought another one just like it. She picked it up and headed out the door. It, too, disappeared. While I was looking for it I found the one she buried last year. About a week ago I was looking at a spot by the shed where we want to add a flower bed. There I saw a piece of blue and dug up the squeaky toy from Christmas. She has squeaky toys all over the yard. She has them all over the house, too. I pick them up and put them in the basket and she goes and takes them out again. She does have favorites and when dr says where's the squeaky she runs and gets one of them. Last night I was playing squeaky with her. She usually won't play with me because I don't know the rules. dr says it's like Calvin ball, the rules change with every toss of the squeaky. Tonight when we were eating supper I heard her chewing on something. I got up and looked and she had a stick from the woodbox. dr must have dropped one when he started the fire. I took it from her and told her that sticks were not for dogs to chew. She looked so down that I broke a cornmeal biscuit in half and gave her one half. You are right! She heaved this big sign, picked it up and headed for the door. She came back without it. Then she went and sat by dr's chair looking for a handout. I fully expect as the weather warms up the yard will begin sprouting biscuit trees and squeaky toys. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 678 times
Did you ever.....
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:58 am Did you ever just want to go back and start the week over again? My week started on Monday with an "emergency" trip to the doctor. It wasn't my emergency. The doctor's office called and said he had the results of my thyroid tests and I had to come on Monday at 11 am. Now, Monday was a holiday so I had to go in the middle of the day to the doctor so I couldn't do anything before or after. It turns out it wasn't such an emergency anyway because now it's Friday and absolutely nothing has been done. I stopped taking thyroid medication in October and now instead of the hormone level going down, it's still going up so I have to go see a specialist and have some radio active iodine treatments. Probably then I will have to go back on the replacement medication. I have been taking another medication for 25 yrs and found that I can start reducing it with the intent of being off of it in three months. I probably haven't needed it for a good portion of that 25 yrs. Just nobody ever wondered why I was still taking it. This doctor I go to now I have been going to for about three years and Monday was the first time he actually ask me why I was taking it. He just prescribed it because it was in my records from the last doctor. It's not that I change doctors so often. We just moved a few times in the 25 years. So, I was just a little depressed this week. So, today was my day off. What did I do with it? I went up to have lab work done and I had to go at 12:30 for an interview with a consultant on teamwork. The library is doing a study on teamwork in conjunction with moving to a new library which isn't even started yet. It probably won't be done for three years but I had to go in the middle of a day off to have the interview. I have not been feeling all that great as I have a cough and chest congestion and haven't been sleeping all that well. It was COLD and WINDY and SNOWING!! I wanted to stay home in bed. We had a really busy week and tomorrow will be a catchup day. We were short two people all week and days after holidays are always busy. I really wanted to hide under the bed instead of going to work. So, can I just go back and start my week over? On a good note, the spinach that I planted in my wheelbarrow has came up and is doing well. I have covered it with plastic until it is big enough that the birds won't use it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and all the snacks in between. I have buds on two of my daffidols. The large pile of leaves is still in the front yard and will be there until The congestion is gone and I'm feeling better. The weather is cooler and windy and going out will probably not be at all beneficial. The peas and swiss chard have not come up and my going to look several times a day isn't encouraging it any at all. I cleaned out my pantry cupboard and redid all my spice jars. I bought new jars and threw out all that I haven't used in the last few months. Some had no smell left at all. Well, another week is coming. It will start on Sunday so maybe I can improve on this one. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 712 times
Asparagus roots are planted!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:41 pm I wasn't going to do anything today. I was tired last night and the damp weather has made my knees hurt some. So, we went to breakfast and stopped at WalMart and bought some yellow embroidery thread. Wouldn't you just know that on the way to the front of the store to check out we saw just the set of shelves for the new microwave? dr has to sort of rearrange the legs, etc to make room for the microwave on the bottom shelf and I have room on the next two shelves for spice bottles and jars and there is the top shelf. He's going to redo the leftover shelf so I will have room for my flour canisters. I have four different ones right now. Plus fructose and sugar. If he gets the shelf built there might be room for the bread machine, too. After "helping" dr do the shelves, I sat and worked on my quilting project. Chance wanted me to come outside. So, I went outside with Chance. Now, you know you can't be outside without doing something. So, I got my shovel and was going to just dig a space about two feet wide and long enough to plant the asparagus roots. BUT, I was NOT going to plant them today. Just dig the space was going to be enough. I came in and washed my hands and started to make a cup of tea. It's getting a little breezy and feels like rain so while I was reading the directions for planting the asparagus roots TOMORROW I decided if I got them planted today they would have the benefit of the rain tomorrow. So, back outside I went, got my shovel, looked at the space, went and got the rake. I raked it good and turned the dirt a few times and then made my trench. I put some of the composted mulch in the bottom. I arranged the roots and covered them with the three inches of soil and put a layer of the composted mulch on the top. Now, it says when they begin to show above the ground to fill the trench to ground level. Let them grow this year and next year I will have a very limited harvest. They are two year roots. They looked very healthy. Oh, dr had to make my tea. I forgot to turn the kettle off when I went outside and it has a tug boat whistle on it. It was either make my tea or listen to the whistle. It's a wonder I didn't hear it outside. You can hear it outside in the summer. I think it's about time to think about something to eat now. We've only had popcorn since breakfast. I only burned one bag before I got the direction book out to see what I should have done. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 704 times
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