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dooley's Blog

The days are going too fast!

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:08 am

Today, I had to give the kitchen a good cleaning. I've been spending too much time outside, maybe. I have a large rectangular table in the kitchen that has become a catch-all. It was near ll am when I was finished with it. Then, we went into town and bought some dog food and the papers. I sat and read the papers. I must be slow or the clocks suddenly sped up because when I looked it was after 1:30 in the afternoon. I quickly got up and made sausage and Kale soup for lunch. Then, I went outside and hoed some weeds in the garden area and between the rose bushes and when I came in I had to check what had been going on here at the Stew. Before I knew it it was 6:30 pm and I had to go make some sandwiches for our supper. Now, it's almost 8 pm and the day has gone by too quickly.
The whole week has been that way. I finished planting the tomatoes and cucumbers and put down mulch on my black plastic and started to mulch around the rose bushes. We had to go buy some more mulch to finish them. I did that after I did the weeding this afternoon. But, when we were buying mulch and of course a few more bags of garden soil I found some pepper plants that needed to be planted and some zucchini and yellow squash, too. I planted seeds for the squashes but they haven't come up yet so these will give me a bit of a start while I'm waiting. dr found some sweet onion sets. They will need to be planted too. Did I tell you that we downsized our garden area? Just a kitchen garden, we said. It's about 12 by 30. It's almost full already. So, where will I plant 8 pepper plants, 12 squash plants and 60 onion sets. The onions need to be 4 inches apart.
Well, being experienced and "old" gardeners we will find a place for them, I'm sure.
I finished the slipcovers for the frontyard lawn chairs. Then, we found some foam mattress pads at the thrift shop that will make just the right padding so I will bring them back inside and modify the design to fit the padding inside and they'll be more comfy. I built the circular flower bed in the middle of the semicircle of the chairs and the rocker. I still need to retrieve a couple of logs for side tables. I was sitting and looking it over. dr said, "What?" I said, "rocks." He said that it did need some rocks around the flower bed up to the chairs and maybe even under the chairs to mark the sitting area. I thought the ground looked too "dirty." There is no grass under the trees. But, we have enjoyed spending a part of each afternoon or evening sitting out there.
I still need to get the plants into the flower bed. Maybe tomorrow. No, tomorrow is library day in the morning and in the afternoon we need to do those vegegtables. Are vegetables more important that flowers? Maybe they are since the prices of them keep going up and up. I'm not sure growing them is too much cheaper since I buy the starter plants but they sure taste good all summer. It's getting to be salad time.
It's a good thing the days are getting longer, but I sure hope things slow down a bit so I can fit everything into them that I need to get done. Every day we seem to start with a list of things that didn't get done yesterday.

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Every day a little more gets done!

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:11 am

Every day we get a little more done. I'm sure about 30 years ago I could have gotten this all done in a few weeks. But, now I've been working on it for the most part of a year. I'm hoping to be able to put some pictures on here soon. But, we have some of the trees planted. Today, our young gardener planted the fig tree. It's a mission fig. I let him do it all himself while I cut roots and little scrubby trees that keep popping up all over the yard.
It looks good and he mulched it and watered it when he finished. He asked questions when he needed to and I showed him what he needed to know. I had a hole dug so I had him look at how deep it was dug and how wide and the water well I made around the top. Then, he knew how he should do his hole. Then, he put in the soil and manure and mixed it and put in the tree and filled around it. I showed him how to loosen the roots a bit. He finds it all very interesting. He's always ready to do something else.
He and Brian moved the wood pile from the front yard to the back yard today. They have to finish stacking it neatly yet. That was a lot of work. They moved it on the garden wagon so they didn't have to carry it. They still have the kindling pile to move. It's still in big pieces so they are going to cut and box it before they move it. Then, we will be able to finish cutting those scrubby trees and start to plant the new trees in the front yard. We can dig some flower beds and get some seeds planted. Glenda said that last fall she pulled some branches down from her Carolina Jasmine and buried them in the dirt. I'm supposed to go see if they grew roots. If they did I'm supposed to go cut them and bring them down to finish the fence line. We couldn't do it today. Maybe tomorrow or Monday. We watered everything and I moved the rosemary and basil from the small pots. The basil went into a large tub. The rosemary went into the ground. I have little basil and thyme coming up in the boxes that I planted last week. Maybe tomorrow we can start planting what I bought yesterday. There is just so much that you can do in one day. I wonder when days started getting shorter. I thought that only happened in winter time. We stopped at noon and went to have a Subway sandwich. Then, we did some more until everyone was hot and tired. It was 85 degs today and mostly sunny. After we ate this evening I went out to the front yard with my photo books to read more instructions but after a busy day isn't the best time to try to decipher instructions . So, we just sat and let Chance wander around and enjoyed the cooler evening. We talked about what needed done and how we could do it and how the deck will look when we do it and all sorts of things. Of course, that dog that didn't want in the yard and kept digging out suddenly wanted into the yard. Tough! Now, Chance has a front yard and a back yard and that dog has a small space and the driveway. She's getting friendlier so maybe one of these days we will be able to catch her and take her to the shelter. I'm thinking maybe we can borrow one of those live traps and put a bacon strip in it. We'll see how it goes from now.
Anyway, it's getting done a bit at a time and some day we'll look and say, "We're done!" Of course, you are never done because there is maintainance and in the fall you put everything to bed for the winter and start over in the spring. Hopefully next spring won't be so hectic.

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Trees, bushes, vines and more!

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:51 am

Last year we moved down the hill to a smaller place. It was carved out of land that had trees, bushes, brush and lots of weeds. I spent most of last summer and fall chopping down brush, digging up roots and generally trying to make a front and backyard. I had a few health problems that slowed things down but I worked on it whenever I could get out and do it. I didn't plant much at all.
I did get 10 Blaze Climbing Roses planted along the fence line with the house next door. They didn't do very well because we didn't have an outside water line and they didn't get watered as much as they should have. Last fall, I planted five small crepe myrtle trees that I bought at a yard sale. The man said take them home and plant them. They looked like dry sticks. But, I planted them. Today I was digging out grass and weeds that grew around them. Grass and weeds will grow when nothing else does. I noticed that three out of the five are getting green buds and leaves. I'm hoping the other two will have some tomorrow. I mulched around them today. A friend gave me a rose bush. He didn't know what kind it is but I planted it along the fence with the others. I don't think it is a climber though. The climbing rose bushes are doing very well this spring. I fed them Miracle Gro and have been keeping them watered. In December I planted daffidols, iris and freesia. The daffidols are getting flower buds. The iris that Toni sent are getting flower buds. The other iris are growing steadily. The freesia must be a later flower because the largest are only about three inches and I see they are still coming out of the ground. Today, I mixed alyssum, dwarf marigolds and dwarf zinnias and sprinkled the seed in the flower bed with the freesia and daffidols. I'm hoping they will fill in the spaces when the bulbs die back.
I dug along one fence today to plant morning glories. I will dig along more fence tomorrow. I need to put the seeds to soak before I go to bed. They germinate better if you soak the seeds before you plant them. I nicked nastursium seeds today and put them to soak. I'm not sure where I'm going to put them but I'm thinking along the fence between the rose bushes. I planted four lilac bushes in the front yard last week and two bleeding heart bushes in large pots. Then, I planted two purple leaf honeysuckles along the fence line fence in the front yard and a confederate jasmine on the fenceline between the house and the rose bushes. I'm thinking I may have to put some morning glories along the fence between the honeysuckle and the jasmine to fill in that space at the end of the house.
We bought four small trees at the plant sale, The two dogwood trees are growing and have lots of little leaves. We put them in buckets because they were so small but we may have to put them into the ground before long. The two little plum trees are just straight sticks but I notice little buds on them. They will probably stay in the buckets until fall or maybe spring next year.
Today, I bought basil, oregano and thyme seeds when I went to WalMart for mulch and potting soil. I planted them in the cassette tape cases that I got when the library lady was throwing them out. I'll let them grow in the cases until they get too big for them. I need to put my other herbs into bigger pots. I have a tub of mixed lettuce/greens, a tub of spinach, a tub of kale and a tub of swiss chard. I have lots of little foam cups filled with potting soil that I haven't planted yet. We bought black plastic to put in the small area designated as the "garden." It's not down yet. It's been too windy to do that since we bought the plastic. I planted a row of pole beans along side of the back deck. I will need to put some string down from the fence on the deck for them to grab onto. So, I have things started this spring. The front yard is still full of roots and some brush and some scrubby trees that I need to cut. I bought some wildflower for shade seeds. I want to put them under the trees that we are leaving. There are still some brush piles that need burning but it's too dry to burn and there is a burn ban. It doesn't stop everyone from getting out and burning but it does help. The other day the air was full of smoke and it was hanging at tree top level. The news said it was from a fire about forty miles from us. The wind was blowing the smoke. It was a wildfire that got out of control.
I'll be back outside every nice day that I can until I have what I think of as a yard.

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I have a different Internet Provider

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:17 am

Since I got back on the computer at home in October I have been having problems with the internet provider. It was slower than dial up should be and half the time it would say that it couldn't find the page because it was removed or something. I'd go around about until I'd finally get to it. Then, they promised me something and two days later reversed it without telling me and added to the cost and overdrew my bank account. So, they are history starting yesterday. They don't know it yet but I will call them on Monday. I installed the new one yesterday and it was a lesson in frustration. I'm not too computer literate but the directions said, "put the disc in your D drive and follow the directions." Doesn't that sound simple? Well, it took about 4 hours. First, I put the disc in the D drive. Did it give me any directions? No! So, I went to start and found the run place and clicked on run. It started up and the first thing it did was put two numbers on the screen and tell me these were the local access numbers but I should check with the phone company to make sure these were really local and that I wouldn't be charged a fee. So, I called the phone company. Nine people and an hour an a half later I finally got to talk to a man who knew what I wanted and had the information. The numbers were indeed local numbers and could be dialed up without extra fees. So, back to the dialup installation. I got it all finished, clicked on the little icon and nothing happened. I tried it again and went back and redid things. Still nothing so I called the support tech. He walked me through the whole thing. I did all the things he said to do. Nothing! So, we went around their disc installation and made a new connection. It works! I still haven't gotten the email and home page working but I was so frustrated when it came time to make dinner and I was still working on it that I quit. If it works then I'll use it and do the details later.
I sure did want to overload those 8 people's ears (the ones who couldn't help me and transferred me to someone else who transferred me elsewhere who transferred me back to someone who had already transferred me. I wanted to just throw the phone through the window. The one that really got me was the automated voice who came on at one point and told me it was time to go, "Good bye." I just hung up and started over. Once I found someone who knew anything it took about 30 seconds to verify those numbers.
We had a couple of cold weeks. It started on Friday a week ago. We woke up to ice and snow and wind. It lasted a couple of days. It wasn't that the temps were so low (20's) but that the wind was blowing so hard. I covered up my newly planted lettuce and in the morning found the coverings and everything I weighed it down with out in the yard. My kale didn't survive it. So, I have little dead kale plants. The lettce that was coming up disappeared. The freesia and daffidols froze, well, the tops froze. I looked today and some new shoots are beginning to appear. Sunday and Monday were not too bad weatherwise. It was in the 60's. Tuesday it was cloudy and was going down into 20's during the night. It was forecast rain during the night and rain on Wednesday with 40 degs. Well, that didn't sound too bad. But, we woke up Wednesday morning to rain. Then, the wind came and it turned everything from wet to ice. Then it started to come down snow flurries. It didn't amount to much but the wind tumbled the temperatures down. It didn't get to 20 degs and with the wind chill it was probably down to near zero. We stayed in the whole day. Thursday it was 20 when we got up but it was supposed to be in the 40's so we got up and went to the library. It was closed until ten am but the librarian was there and let us inside. It was sunny and all the story hour children showed up for the Valentines party. By noon it was 40 degs and the wind had stopped and it felt quite nice.
Today, it was 66 degs and people were out in shorts and tank tops and t-shirts. I still had on my long underwear shirt and a sweatshirt. dr was wearing his padded jacket. We don't move as fast now and can't outrun a runny nose or sneezes.
But, I was looking at things outside this afternoon. My rose bushes have buds for new leaves and the daffidols and iris are coming up and the freesia still looks a little wilted. But, the coming few days are going to be in 60-70 range so maybe they will recover. As I was coming across the deck I stopped to look at the lettuce tub and there, to my amazement, were little green shoots coming up again. I hope it is lettuce and not just common ordinary weeds. I will keep an eye on it for a few days. The little trees that I planted in buckets on Sunday are still looking good. Tomorrow I will water them and maybe add a little fertilizer. I want to rake out my rose bushes and hoe around them and add that fertilizer that the neighbor lady gave me. She gets it from a local rancher. But it's aged so it should be okay. She uses it on her plants.
We moved the outside table from the front yard to the back yard because it's shady in front (cold) and it's sunny in back(warm). We'll use it more in the back yard. We'll get it an umbrella when the sun starts getting too hot.
Today, I bought a scrabble game to put on the computer so I will go and do that in a bit. I bought another disc at the same time. It's a teach yourself Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 in (I'd like to say three easy lessons but I can't do it)
It says it has 50 to 10 hours of training per Course and the disc has two courses, 14 chapters and over 110 ten lessons. Probably not easy either. I think if I did and hour each day it might take me a few months to do it. But, I need to do it. I bought a book but I can't figure out things from a book. I need a visual guide. It says it guides you through practical exercises. So, maybe I will be a little more computer literate in the future.
I'm off to make a cup of tea and to see if I can load the Scrabble game without tearing out anymore of my hair.

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We are having some outside weather!!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:33 am

It's been a colder and wetter winter here this year. This is our third winter in Texas. We haven't had any snow but we've had lots of rain and some below freezing weather. Bt, yesterday and today were for doing things outside again.
Since we moved here I have been cutting out brush and digging out roots all over the place. During the summer I had to quit due to some problems that landed me in the hospital a couple of days. I think that is finally taken care of. A change of medication and an over the counter supplement seems to be doing the job.
So, Yesterday I took my loppers and my shovel and went out to the front yard. I had to take the rake, too because there are several trees out there that lose their leaves in the fall, including oak trees. Those oak trees have huge leaves. There are some still hanging on the tree waiting for me to finish raking so they can fall and make me do it again.
Yesterday, as I raked, I cut off all the little trees and offshoots that grew from roots I didn't get dug out. I got about half done. Today, I raked and left the little trees and offshoots. I got all of the raking done but about three feet along the fence. Now I can see what I still need to lop off. I also need to take a saw and cut down some scrubby trees that are growing in the wrong places and will not amount to anything. It will give the trees there more light, too. Then, I have to rake in the little yard. That's where we fenced off an area for sitting. It has lawn chairs and a table and lots of flower pots for flowers. It's a shady area so not much grew back but there are those oak trees that dropped their leaves. That won't take more than an hour or so. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday so I guess I won't get it done this week unless the rain goes around us.
Today, I had to take a break and go with dr to Home Depot for some small nuts and bolts for the project he was doing. We stopped for vegetables, too. On the way we went past a large yard sale so of course we had to stop and go back. We found a few neat things we can use here. There were some "walls" taken from a camper or something. They have windows in them. There were three of them and they make a total of 12 feet. dr says he can use them to make a shed addition on the back of the house. We have some metal roofing he can use and painted they will look nice enough for a shed. I can grow some flowers around it and it will be good. We also found some wooden frames about six foot wide and eight foot tall. They have lattice in them. We are going to build a deck on the front of the house. It will be three steps down from the front porch and three steps down to the ground. It will hold our deck chairs, a small table and of course some flowers. These lattice panels will go onto the front of the deck. Then, we have a piece of lattice that dr can make into another frame for the end of the deck. I will plant morning glories along the side and ends to grow up the lattice like I did with the long front porch at our other house.
So, we have more projects ahead of us. Of course, I would like the deck first but being practical we will build the shed first. Well, first is getting the stuff home. We can't haul them in our small truck. The man said if we can't get someone to bring them home he might be able to deliver them with his work truck. He'll call us or we can call him the beginning of the week. We might be able to get our neighbor to do it for us. His truck is bigger.
Yesterday I went up along our very bumpy road and cut all the weeds along the side. Everytime we came down the hill they brushed the sides of the truck. Our neighbor came out to help but she couldn't find her hoe and didn't have loppers or a weed eater to use. We talked about how to fix the road but it's not up to us so we just talked about it. At some point the property owner wants to level it out and gravel or rock it. It's waiting it's turn in the scheme of things I guess. There's always something else that has a priority. They are trying to build a small farm holding and have been buying animals and building fences and houses for the animals. They have three pigs, two goats, chickens, two heifer calves and two horses. They already had the horses. They were bought for the grandkids a few years ago. Nobody rides them much. The kids aren't old enough to ride by themselves and everyone works too much to help them.
I, also, emptied my lettuce tub and emptied it out and refilled it with soil and planted more lettuce. I tented it and will cover it when it gets too cold at night. I'm hoping we are done with the below freezing weather and won't have to cover it with more than one layer of something to keep the frost off of it.
If it rains tomorrow it will be inside projects that I really need to work on. I've put things off for too long and since I'm feeling better now I'd better get myself in gear and get a few things done.
Chance did something this evening that she's never done before. She went into the bedroom bath and emptied the wastebasket and chewed on the rolls from the toilet paper. She has never bothered waste baskets before. I wonder what got her started on it today. Boredom, maybe. She had to be inside while we went to town because it was supposed to rain and she doesn't have outside shelter from the rain. That is another project coming somewhere down the road. Our road seems to be getting longer. Maybe I should quit here and get started on fixing it. Oops! I can't. It's dark outside. Maybe tomorrow!

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A New Year, another chance to get it right!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:26 am

Here we are getting ready for another New Year! I hope this one is better than the last one. We moved from the big house at the top of the hill to the little house at the bottom of the hill. That was a good move for us. The big house was just too big, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, and family room plus that great long porch. I did enjoy that porch though. We grew some great morning glories along it. We moved late enough that we couldn't get a garden started so I planted some things in feed tubs. It was a hot, dry summer so things didn't do well at all. I hope to plant a few things in the ground this year. We worked all summer and fall to get the roots dug and the trees and brush under control.
While we were in the process of moving our good friend died. We hadn't known him for long but it's amazing how much he and dr did together in that short time. He was a good guy for sure. He left us his dogs. Two of them, one had puppies the day he died. Six of them! but, only one puppy has survived. So, we have two because the mama dog died, too. I think she was too old to have so many puppies. The one puppy that is left is a thief. Every day we have to return things that she's brought home. I think she has help though. I'm not sure who is doing it. She brought home a kid's toy bat one day. I took it back. The next morning it's back out there with a tennis ball laying next to it.
I took the bat back, leaving the ball laying there. The next morning, the bat is back, the ball is laying next to it and an added feature, a baseball cap. It says "Dallas" on the front of it. Isn't it football that is played in Dallas?
In July I ended up in the hospital with angina and an irregular heartbeat but they didn't find anything wrong and it went away so that's good.
I pulled and cut brush when it got cooler this fall. But, a spider or something bit my ankle and it swelled up and turned a nasty purple color. dr made me quit cutting brush until it healed. I still have a small spot there that hasn't went away. Maybe it could be called a scar?
I started volunteering at the library in June and go every Monday and Thursday mornings. I shelve books, process new books and watch the checkin/checkout desk. I enjoy that a lot. I used to work in libraries in Arizona.
My computer quit in March so I went to the library to use theirs until we got another computer. I got to know the ladies quite well and started helping out when they got really busy. So, I decided to just volunteer. I had just thought that if I was a volunteer I could jump in when they were busy. But, they were moving to a new computer system and since I was experienced with the newer, larger systems I could help them with it. They do quite well with it and didn't really need my help. But the library director says I do help them a lot since I can do a lot of things the ordinary volunteer isn't capable of doing such as the processing of new books.
I think they could learn to do it if she had time to train them in it.
I had another brief spell of the irregular heartbeats but they found it was caused by a low magnesium level. Magnesium and Potassium regulate the heartbeat. Two of the medications I take combined to lower the levels. A change of medication seems to have take care of it.
We had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas. The boy from next door came over and helped me make cookies and I helped him make a bear to give to his grandma.
We have some great neighbors and we gave them cookies and stollen for Christmas. One of them brought us dinner on Christmas Eve. It was really good.
I think we did okay this year but there are some things that we might do better next year. Especially in the gardening area. I have planted some crepe myrtle trees, bulbs and rose bushes so I'm sure to have a few flowers.
Happy New Year!

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The days are getting shorter!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:42 am

I think the days are getting shorter and it has nothing to do with moving the clocks around or winter coming when the naturally get shorter. I just do not get as much done anymore. So, the days are getting shorter. There must be only 16 hours in a day now instead of 24. Someone tried to tell me it wasn't that the days were shorter. It's because I'm getting older. That can't be right, can it? I will be 70 in January. I used to think that was old but now it's not so bad. If my knees weren't wearing out it would be a little better. I go outside and start doing things and before you know it, it is rest time. So, I make a cup of tea. You can't have a cup of tea without a snack of some kind, can you? I guess I could but I don't usually. Do you know any zero calorie snacks? I'm really trying hard to lose the extra weight I gained when I wasn't on the thyroid replacement medication. I'm doing pretty good but it's harder when you have too many snacks. We did well in the summer because there's vegetables and fruit and good fresh things. In the winter there is things like muffins and scones and homemade bread with butter and of course, homemade jelly. So, I go back out to work off the snack. I have the weeds and things under control in the backyard. I need to do some more work in the front. With the cooler weather, I've made some headway on it. We are in the process of putting up some fence, just wire fence, to keep our little dogs in the yard and those big dogs out of the yard. We still have a bit in the front along the driveway to do. dr is going to build a drive gate.
We bought some landscape timbers a few weeks ago. I want to put a flower bed at the end of the house along the driveway. Not sure yet what I will put in it. I'm hoping to have more flowers this next spring. With the moving and things I didn't get much planted this year.
It's a problem with too much digging so I'll put the landscape timbers in place and fill them with soil and I won't have to dig too much. Just loosen the dirt under what I add. I'm hoping that will be the case. Of course, we do have to build the flower beds.
Maybe I am getting old. It sounds like it might be a lot of work and a lot of rest periods and a lot of snacks. Then, I just might have to ride that darn exercise bike twice a day.

This blog entry has been viewed 449 times

Two years in Texas!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:37 am

As many of you know dr and I lived in Arizona for many years. Two years ago on Dec. 1st we arrived in Texas. We had been thinking of moving from Arizona and wasn't sure where we wanted to go. Gardenstew played a large part in our moving to Texas. We met Glenda through the forum. We came out to visit her on our vacation. We did like this area and told her if she could find us a house to rent we would move here. She did find us a place....right across the road from her. It was a large house and dr and I got lost from time to time. I guess we knew where we were but couldn't always locate where the other was at any time. So, the lady we rented from offered us this smaller place at the bottom of the hill.
We like it fine but it had no yard, just brush and trees and dirt. We moved down here is April and since then we have been trying to make it home and create a yard. I've cut brush and dug out tree roots and dr has made fences and a yard for Chance and we are gradually turning it into our home. I planted five small crepe myrtle trees yesterday and have 11 rose bushes planted. Ten are climbing roses, Don Juan, I believe. Last week, Rick gave me another rose. I'm not sure what kind but it's red so maybe it's another climber. I planted it by the fence with the rest of them.
Texas is a very beautiful place to live and we've met the very nicest people here. We've made many friends and have traveled many miles seeing all the places close enough for day trips. I love the green. Arizona is more brown being a much drier state. I like some of the humidity but not as much in the summer. I do like it warm but Arizona was too dry. I do miss my son whom has his own family in Arizona. We have a son in California and one in Wisconsin. We acquired a loaner son here in Texas. When I was in the hospital in July he brought dr down to the hospital and stayed all day with us. He brought him back the next day, too. dr doesn't drive. When the hospital staff was giving us a hard time about leaving he told them he came to bring me home and they had 30 minutes to get the paperwork done because we were leaving then. The nurse was trying to explain something to dr and he wasn't hearing well that day so she turned to our friend and told him, "Would you explain this to your father?" She turned and left the room. We had a good laugh because our friend is just 10 yrs younger than we are. Ever since then he's been our "son." We made friends at the farm market and I began sewing aprons and tote bags to sell there. With the hot and dry summer we had the farm market didn't do well this year. Well, the farmer's didn't do well. Maybe next year it will be better. I'm still sewing and making things. It keeps me occupied when I can't get outside. I volunteer at the library two mornings a week and love doing it. Moving to Texas was a very positive thing for us. Since moving to the bottom of the hill we don't see as much of Glenda as we did. I'm not sure why. It's only a quarter of a mile and we go past every day on our way to here and there. Our truck doesn't seem to like staying in the driveway.

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Computer is online at home now!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:30 pm

Well, here I am, sitting at the computer here at home. I had to put it in the small room I'm using as a sewing room. It's getting a little crowded in here and Chance says I'd better not add anything else. Now, how can a sewing table, a computer desk and a set of shelves for the printer to sit on, a small writing desk, a small table for herbs I'll need to bring inside, three sets of shelves for material, a set of shelves next to the sewing table for odds and ends, an exercise bike and a wastebasket take up all this space. There is still room for Chance's bed too. When I'm sewing and dr is at the computer, then it's a little cramped but hey, we both manage to get things done. I still have to download Firefox. Yesterday the firewall and antivirus told me I couldn't download it because the program was corrupted. I'll have to call Dan tomorrow and ask him which one I should be trying to download. He downloaded all the security stuff to a DVD and sent it to me and I loaded it to my computer so I didn't have to sit and wait for them to download on my slow dial up system. I'm getting used to it and can always use the faster computers at the library when I want to look at a lot of pictures. I can't post pictures yet. I still have to take the old computer to get the hard drived cleaned and restored. The man said he could do it but I have to save a bit for it. I need to load my camera program stuff on here and then I can start taking new pictures and loading them to this computer. I still need to load the printer disc.It needed to access online to do it. So, I am back in business.
We went to several yard sales today. I bought five crepe myrtle trees/bushes to plant. They aren't too big. They are in gallon size pots (one is in a 3 gallon pot). The man said now is the time to plant them. They are red, purple and white but which is which he didn't know. I guess his wife potted them and she wasn't there. She probably wouldn't know either because they aren't marked. They all look just alike
It's getting cooler here now. It rained for a few days and then a cold wind blew through and it was only 37 degs this morning. I brought my herbs in last night and covered my lettuce. I have a tomato plant with 5 tomatoes, still green. I have an eggplant with five small eggplants. I guess I'll have to pick them one of these days but the weather channel says it will go back to upper 70's lower 80's during the latter part of next week and 50's at night so maybe I will leave them and just watch the weather. It will be 37 degs again tonight. I also have planted a tub of kale. It's about an inch tall. It is rather thick so I will thin it out when the leaves start to get the curl to them. I found a great recipe for sausage and kale soup. Maybe I should post it in the recipes section here. It's easy to make and so good. I made it this week and made oatmeal molasses bread that day too and chocolate chunk cookies for dr. They are gone already so I guess I'll have to buy some more chocolate and try again. I'm a diabetic so you know it wasn't me that made them disappear so quickly.
The bread goes quickly, too and that might be my fault. I do make two loaves but have been giving one to the people next door. There is four kids there and both parents work so they don't make bread. The kids do like baking cookies and the oldest (17) makes award winning cakes for 4-H and FFA.
I've started a purse for wannabe. It can be used over the bar on her walker when she goes shopping or if she isn't using the walker that day, it converts to a normal purse. I have it cut out but haven't sewn it yet. The lady at the library gave me the pattern. But, dr and I re engineered it so much the basic shape is all that's left of the original design. She is going to try it out and let me know how it works. Maybe I can start making some to sell. I have to start thinking about a web site but guess I'll ease into it.
I don't know how we do it but we manage to have something scheduled most days and if we don't the truck insists we have to go somewhere. It just doesn't stay in the driveway. One of these days, I'll forget to stop at the gas station and then, it will have to sit in the driveway. I'm going to be 70 in January and thought I was slowing down but it seems like we keep busier than when I was working and gardening and doing all the things we do now.
Guess it's time to start thinking about supper. I wonder if dr has found a place for the armoire he bought yet. We have to pick it up tomorrow. He says I have all the closet space and he needed it to hang some of his stuff. Well, mahybe! dooley

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It was a long, hot summer!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:50 pm

I'm glad the weather has finally cooled off. The mornings are chilly and I have started making hot tea to start the day now. I made oatmeal current scones this morning. We haven't had those since last spring because heating the oven hasn't been in the picture during this summer.
We moved down the hill in April and I cut brush until it got too hot. In July I had that bout with acid reflux and ended up two days in the hospital, which I tried to tell them I didn't need. Now, I watch my diet and never eat after six pm if I can help it. With things going along good, finally that man ran the red light and we hit him. We weren't hurt but it messed up the front of the truck. Our insurance paid for fixing it except for the deductable. It paid for the rental car for ten days. Now, we have our truck back but have to watch our budget a little closer for awhile. We got a new computer tower but I'm going to stick with dial up because it's not as expensive as the satellite internet. I can do slow. We have the phone line installed and got the first bill! Ouch! But it's mostly installation fees and stuff. It will be less next time. Now, I just have to figure out the internet bit. I work slow on stuff so it make take me a few weeks. I can use the computer here most every day. Our truck seems to know the way here because every time we come to town it heads this way. I volunteer here two mornings a week. The past two weeks I've been making cloth bookmarks for the book sale at the Mushroom Festival on Oct. 23rd. I put them in a basket which will set on the checkout table. They are a great impulse buy. If you are waiting in line you can go through the basket. I made two hundred of them. They sell for 50 cents each. I hope they do well. We keep a basket of them on the checkout desk here at the library and kids especially like them so I make some with kid print quite often.
I need to get back to sewing tote bags I guess. The farm market has been closed but the guy said he would be there the middle of October through December so I'll have to call and see what's up with that. When I get the computer set up again I'm going to try to set up a web site. I'm not to computer literate but maybe I can manage it with a little help. Time to go now.

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