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dooley's Blog

Time sure flies

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:57 pm

I was looking and it's been awhile I wrote a blog. Time sure flies these days. I remember when a month was a long time and now it's just a couple of days.
I think it got hot and humid and I just stopped doing much of anything but sewing in my air conditioned room. My garden suffered from lack of care and weeds. I watered it but the weeds just kept growing and sort of crowded out the garden. I decided that I should just go and do some every day and see if I could reclaim any of it. Yesterday, I pulled weeds for around all the trees and bushes in the front yard. I watered everything really well. Today, I was going to do the backyard but there was some wild grape vines hanging out over our road so I took my loppers and went to cut them. Of course, they were growing over scrubby brush so I had to cut it, too. Then, I went up and down cutting the heavy weeds that I couldn't pull out. The road is clear on both sides now for awhile. We went and had a sandwich for lunch and then I took my shovel and went out and pried that petrified rock out of the road in front of the house. We clunked over it every time we went in and out of the driveway. I had to call dr to help me move it and together we couldn't move it. It's 22 inches by 20 inches by 9 inches. There were two of the neighbors brothers next door so I went and asked if they would help us move it. They picked it up like it didn't weigh anything. One of them even took the shovel and filled in the hole. We tried to hose the dirt off of it but dr says we need a stiff brush. It's more like sandstone so we don't want to scrub it too hard. I think I will call the lady from the rock club and see how they clean it. I might even see if they would like it.
So, tomorrow I will pull weeds in the backyard and water things back there.
dr is going to be working on his shed. He does a little every day. It's too hot to work on it very long. He's working on roof rafters now. We went and bought some boards for it yesterday. He has metal to use for the roof once he gets the rafters put up.
Seems like we either work slower or the days are shorter because we run out of day before we run out of things to do.
Well, I'd better quit this and go "find" something else to do. Usually it finds me first.


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An Award Winning Entry!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:08 pm

This is the short story that won the 2nd place award in the open reading catagory. We had to read them aloud so picture me reading, "Knock, knock is anyone home," in front of a group of fellow writers.

Emma Kate's Flowers

My neighbor, Emma Kate, is four ears old. She and I share a love of flowers. I have a lot of flowers in my yard and she is very careful when she comes to look at them.
Emma Kate knows she isn't supposed to come into my yard unless someone tells her it is okay. So, she stands at the gate until someone sees her standing there. I think that some days she stand there for a very long tim.
When I see her standing there I walk to the gate and ask her, "What can I do for you today, Emma Kate?" I know what she wants but I wait for her to tell me.
She tells me, "My mama needs a flower."
I take her hand and we go and find one or two flowers for her mama. This takes a little time while she looks at all the flowers and finally chooses which ones. She goes out the gate with a little bounce and a smile.
One day, I told her, "Emma Kate, if I'm not outside you need to knock on my gate."
She got the strangest look on her face and lifted her hand. She looked at her hand and she looked at the gate. She said, "Miss Laura, the gate is wire and there is no where to knock."
"Emma Kate, there is a special way to knock on a wire gate. Do you want me to show you how to do it?"
She nodded. "Yes," she said.
I opened my mouth and shouted, "Knock, knock, is anyone home. " I shouted very loud. I bet you could hear me inside of my house.
Emma Kate looked at me like maybe I was a little bit odd. So, I told her to try it.
She said, "Knock, knock is anyone home" in such a soft voice I could not hear her distinctly and I was standing just on the other side of the gate. We practiced a few times and she got a little louder. After getting a flower for her mama she went home, walking, not bouncing and she wasn't smiling.
Emma Kate hasn't come for a flower in a long while. Not since I showed her how to knock on the gate. Maybe I didn't hear her soft voice calling, "Knock, knock is anyone home." Maybe she decided that I was definitely a bit odd to be knocking on a wire gate with my big mouth.
When I am outside doing yard work I try to remember to pick a flower or two for Emma Kate's mama and if I see Emma Kate outside I'll call to her and hold up the flowers. She comes running.
"Flowers! Oh, thank you! My mama will like these flowers.
If Emma Kate is not outside I deliver the flowers to her back door. Fortunately for me Emma Kate's back door is not made of wire and I don't have to shout, "Knock, knock is anyone home."
We moved to another town and I don't know if someone else planted flowers in the yard but Emma Kate will always love flowers for her mama. Maybe she even learned to shout really loud, "Knock, knock is anyone home."

I'm not sure how award winning it is but the judges thought it was.

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Another month gone by.

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:52 pm

I wonder where this month as gone. I thought it just started and now the calandar is reading the 17th. We've been busy this past month. We planted and planted and planted some more.
We took the gift I got in the mail and bought azelea bushes and flowers and more plants.
We have 14 azelea bushes, a purple honeysuckle, a carolina jasmine, a gardenia and a red tip phontinia.
The gardenia and the phontinia got mixed in with the azeleas so we found a place to plant them, too.
We bought a new area rug for the living room. The old one has been rolled up, standing in the corner. Today, we put it in the bedroom. We moved the one in the bedroom to the sewing. It took moving furniture and other stuff around and then moving it back again. I tried to dust in, around and under stuff while it was being moved. I did some of that yesterday when we moved the exercise equipment out of the living room and put it in the bedroom. Maybe when I can't sleep at night I can get up and bicycle for awhile. dr doesn't have the weight bench reassembled yet.I have my other weights I can use though. I should have those in the sewing room so I can use them when I'm sitting here thinking about what to do next.
I always thought the day had 24 hours but it seems like I just get started and it's time to quit. I have to have more rest periods and that doesn't help get things done.
The garden is doing great. The bush beans have blossems, the peppers have blossems, the tomatoes have blossems and little tomatoes, the first planting of the sugar snap peas are picked and frozen and the second planting has blossems. The pole beans are about a foot high. I still have 17 zucchini and they are setting buds. The onions are doing well but I do have to get out there and dig around them or they will stay skinny. The kale, spinach and swiss chard and beets are growing slowly but haven't bolted yet. I pulled all of the lettuce. It bolted and was tasting bitter so it became compost. I planted flowers in the beds where the lettuce used to be. I planted some bush cucumbers, too. The eggplant has nearly doubled in size. I generally plant ichiban but this year planted the larger Black Beauty.
The roses are still blooming. They must like this weather this year. I want to take some starts off of some of them and see if I can fill the whole fence up instead of just 30 feet or so. It may not be that much but they are doing really well.
I still need to pull weeds, cut little trees, use the weedeater and water things regularly. My lilac bushes are doing good this spring. The peach trees have peaches which need to be picked off before they break the branches. Toni sent us two more small ones. The pecan tree she sent me last year is growing fast now. It's almost two feet tall. I still have a plum tree in a bucket but we can't decide where to put it. The front yard has five peach trees and the back yard has six crape myrtle and two fig trees. Well, I'll find a place one of these days.
Maybe tomorrow I can get back outside again. We've been inside since Saturday or out and about doing things. Thursday is a wasted day, doctor appointments.

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More gardening and herbs, too.

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:34 am

Seems like I haven't stopped gardening since last spring and summer. I planted a fall garden and kept it going all winter. I still have a couple of things left from it. Kale, swiss chard and carrots and some lettuce are still growing. I picked half the swiss chard last week and put it in the freezer. I'm going to do the other half as soon as I get the time. I still want to do the kale, too.
So, I started spring gardening as soon as plants came into Lowe's and Home Depot. I kept the tomatoes and peppers inside for about six weeks until they got to big for those little six paks they came packed into. I planted them all outside a couple of weeks ago, maybe three weeks. They are doing good and some have flowers. I want to fertilize them with Miracle-Gro this week. I watered them good yesterday. I planted pak choy, a Chinese vegetable. It is a cool weather crop and it already flowered and went to seed. I guess it was already too warm for it. The arugula and raddicio aren't doing too well either. The snap peas have lots of flowers and some small peas. I wanted to pick some and add to salad but decided to wait until there are a few more out there. The radishes that I planted earlier are getting big enough for slicing for salad, too. The smaller ones that I planted in the front yard got flattened by the rain last week but they are coming along now. The first row of beets need thinned out so I will pull some for using the leaves in salad, too.
So, I have, arugula, raddicio, pak choy, snap peas, tomatoes (Roma, Early Girl and Celebrity, 29 in all), radishes, pole beans, beets, red onions, zucchini (23), bush beans, wax beans, yellow summer squash, Peppers, green and yellow banana and some minature mixed colored peppers, carrots, kale, swiss chard, spinach and lettuce growing right now.
Today I planted sweet basil, Siam Queen Thai basil, oregano, true lavendar, cilentro, sweet marjarom, commor thyme, garlic chives, chives, and lemom balm. I have already growing apple mint, spearmint and oregano.
We have 5 peach trees, two that Toni sent me and three larger ones that we planted last fall. The three bigger ones have small peaches that will have to mostly come off because the trees branches aren't big enough to support them yet. I have a plum tree in a bucket that needs planting and a pecan tree that needs planted into the ground. I have six crape myrtle trees growing now. I bought them at a yard sale year before last and wasn't sure they would make it but they are doing well.
The red blaze climbing roses are doing well and blooming like crazy. I will post more pictures of them soon.There are ten of them. There is one bush rose but I have no idea what kind. Some one gave it to me and it wasn't marked. I have a star jasmine on the fence and it's about six foot high and beginning to branch out. I have a honeysuckle on the front fence that hasn't died yet.
When we moved down here two years ago in April there was nothing. They just bulldozed a yard out of a thicket of trees and brush. I've been digging roots and cutting little trees that pop up and trying to get things to grow. I didn't plant grass but the yard is green. Some kind of grass, but mostly weeds except for the stuff I planted.

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February is almost over and it was one day longer

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:04 am

Well, the second month of the year is almost over. If not for the extra day tomorrow would be March. Happy Birthday to all those people born on Feb. 29th.It seemed to be a long month for being the shortest day of the year. We did a lot of things this month. One thing we did not do was go to the doctor. I don't have to go until the end of April.
We planted some things in the garden. I made three new raised beds. I planted more peas and radishes. Chance helped dig the radishes. I had to explain to her that she needed to wait for them to grow some more before she digs them. I straightened out the row and replanted them along with a new row. The daffodils bloomed. I planted pansies and allysum. They aren't doing as well as I would like but the weather has been bouncing from warm to cold to warm to cold. The flowers are probably just confused. My tomatoes and peppers are still in the small paks. I move them outside during the day and inside at night. Maybe next week I'll move them outside or the week after. The petunias that I planted at the end of the house like it. They are standing tall. I have a few more that I want to put in big pots but still need to finish cleaning out the pots. I started, but ran into those stinging ants. They make big pus filled sores on me so I had to spray the pots and wait for them to leave. Maybe tomorrow if it doesn't rain I can get that done.
dr planted 75 red onion plants in the new long bed.
There is still room for something more and I might plant some green beans in there, too. I've been using my winter carrots so I need to plant them and I need to get my herbs started. I planted my wildflower seeds on that hilly area with all the little stumps and roots. I'll tackle that area next year maybe.
About 10 days ago we moved a ton of rock from a pile in the neighbors yard to the creekbed road. Today, I took my shovel and shoveled that dirt pile that was in front of our fence into the road. It filled up a lot of low spots. I hope it gets packed down some before it decides to rain again.
We got our wood burning stove hooked up this month and it sure comes in handy on cool mornings. Today, we hauled some branches from across the road and this afternoon we cut them into a size that fits the stove. While supper was baking (quiche) we hauled some more over. We'll cut that up tomorrow. We told the neighbor boy we will share it so he can have a bonfire in their firepit on Friday night when he has a sleepover for his birthday. He'll be 13.
We've been shopping a few times and we've been rained on a few times and it's been hot one day and warm and cold some days but it's still much better than living in the northern climates and getting snow and cold all winter.
So, March is just around the corner. I'm hoping I can get the rest of my garden planted and some sewing done. There is always something needing done and we tackle most things ourselves and help out our neighbors when we can.

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We got rained on again, again and again

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:11 am

Today, being a shopping day we went to Huntsville. We left home in the fog and stopped and had breakfast and went to the bank. Then, we started to Huntsville. It was still a bit foggy and I had my lights on and wipers going intermittently. We drove in and out of fog and it got a little misty as we got closer to Huntsville. Our first stop was Home Depot. I wanted some wildflower seed mix to put in the front yard where all the little stumps and roots are now. We went into the garden dept and I bought 8 small Early girl tomatoes. I know it's early and if I put them outside they will need to be covered at night for awhile. But, they were about 40 cents each. We also bought a pot of Greek Oregano and a pot of Sweet Mint. dr bought a metal trash can to hold hot ashes until they cool.
Second stop was WalMart. I wanted to get a few things in the grocery section to make some cookies to take for snacks and lunch at the Writer's Guild Sale. It's potluck for all the authors and guild members. I heard thunder and told dr I bet it's raining. He didn't want to hear about it. I went ahead to the sewing dept and bought some thread. They were out of the ribbon that I wanted for bookmarks. We checked out and sure enough it was pouring rain outside. We had parked just five spaces out from the store but we were soaked when we got the bags put in the back and ourselves put in the front of the truck. We wanted to go to HEB next so the lights and wipers came on and I backed out and went out the exit and started toward HEB. It was pouring rain so hard I could only follow the next car by following the tail lights.We drove through some water flowing across the street and some in low spots in the street. We made it to HEB and I parked in a space right up by the overhang of the store. We got soaked by rain getting from the car to under the roof. Our feet were wet from the water running through the parking spaces. Of course, it was still raining when we came out and there were people blocking the overhang waiting for the rain to let up. If they waited, they waited a long time. We loaded our bags and got into the truck, more wet than before. We decided to go for lunch while we waited for it to stop or slow down some. Lights and wipers came on and we slowly made our way to the street. Pouring down rain making it difficult to see again. We got to the restaurant and I turned into the parking lot. The restaurant is built into a slope so the water was running down the slope across the parking lot. I went through the water up the slope and parked by the door. We, again, got wet going from the car to the door. We were not alone as the restaurant was almost full of people waiting out the rain. Most were equally wet.
They had to shut down one section of the restaurant because water was coming under the back door and making the carpet soggy wet and slippery. The water in the parking lot was up to the bottom of the door on some cars and people were running to move them up the hill some.
It did slow down some by the time we were leaving so we didn't get so wet going back to the truck. We stopped for gas but the pumps were under an awning/roof so that was okay. We started home, but didn't get far before the rain started coming down in buckets again. Lights and wipers came on and I slowed down to a crawl. Good thing most of the traffic was on the interstate road. I didn't have to worry too much about someone running over me or me hitting someone in front of me. Would you believe with the poor vision that some people don't use their headlights? It took us more time to get back to Madisonville and the rain was stopping when we got there. We decided not to stop for anything in town and proceeded on north on the highway. We didn't get two miles down the road before...not rain again, but SUNSHINE! We had sunshine the rest of the way home. The creekbed that thinks it's a road down the hill to our house wasn't too slippery and we made it without sliding this way and that way.
We unloaded our purchases and then, we went and changed out of our soggy wet clothes. Ha! Warm again! I think I will stop going shopping because the same thing happened on a bit smaller scale last month, only we were in Bryan instead of Huntsville.
We've had four or five rains like that in the last six weeks. The cattle tanks are full, the ditches are full and the fields look like lakes. But, the weather people tell us the drought is not over. It will be back full force in the summer. Thanks, guys, you sure know how to spoil a good thing.

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Yard and gardens!

Category: Yard work! | Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:54 am

I looked here and saw that I haven't wrote a blosince November. My I'm getting lazy. So much has happened that I'm not sure where to begin so I will tell you about my yard and gardens. You all know that it was carved out of a small woods so there are roots and small stumps everywhere and whenever we dig a space we have to also dig roots. Then, those little youpon trees travel by root and come up again where we just dug them out.
In the back yard we make a small garden, put down black plastic and cut holes in the plastic for the tomatoes. That was accomplished last year. There are eleven rose bushes, 10 of them climbing around the fence. I tied the longer branches to the fence last fall and have started pulling some smaller ones toward the fence. They didn't lose their leaves this year. Well, not all of them. Now, they have new leaves and are getting a few buds. I hope it doesn't freeze them. Along the east fence I planted two rows of green peas and a row of rose radishes. It said they were salad radishes. The radishes and peas are about two inches high. When it's warm they grow and on cooler days they just sit there. The aurgula and the pak choi are coming up but the raddicio? is not up yet. I should have read the directions better there. I thought it was like leaf lettuce but it gets heads so I will have to thin it a lot. I wonder if I can wait until it's big enough to move somewhere else. I started to clean out the holes from last year but haven't finished that yet. I cleaned out the flower pots that I had marigolds in last year though. I still have some larger pots that need to be cleaned out. I stood and looked at them today but couldn't decide if I wanted to do them yet so didn't. I took my pointed hoe and dug up thistles and clumps of weeds for the goats.
Chance helped me with that. She filled in the holes left with her nose.
I have five crepe myrtle and two small fig trees in the back yard but they haven't started to bud yet.
In the front yard, I have the small bed of pansies. I put mulch on them today and filled in the spaces with turtles (not real ones). We have the winter garden (8x8). It still has carrots, swiss chard, kale and I just planted two rows of spinach and a row of swiss chard. We dug that 4 x 16 bed last week and have it about ready to plant. Would you believe that when I was hoeing weeds today I found some already growing there. I have four circular beds 4 to 6 ft across with lettuce/mesclun growing. What I had for winter bolted. I haven't pulled it out yet though. I wanted to see if it would seed itself. I did dig around and plant new seeds where there was spaces from cutting the older stuff. I have some black plastic along the front of the house that I want to take up and dig a bed for herbs there. We have three peach trees that we planted last fall and I noticed that two of them have small leaves and some flower buds. I hope it isn't too early for them. dr says they have to have time for growth so we will need to pick the fruit off this year anyway. (sigh) I went around to the end of the house and checked on the daffodils. They are blooming and making a cheerful spot. The pansies and allysum that I planted there are looking good and I noticed some of the freesia that I planted last spring are starting to come up. I carefully hoed between things to loosen up the dirt. The iris that I got from toni aren't getting buds yet but the greenery is doing nicely. So, that's my garden and yard up to date. It still needs lots of work. More in the front where those little youpon keep trying to take over. It's getting nice enough to be out for a couple or three hours a day. The doctor said I need to get more exercise and being outside is g more fun than that exercise bike or weight bench.

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No more weeds!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:28 am

It was nice when we got up this morning so I took my cup of tea and went and sat in the yard with Chance. I took my camera but the birds did not come. The sky turned cloudy and the wind started so I came in and made apple/raisin muffins for breakfast. Last night I made apple cobbler for dessert. I started to make pie but my pie crust turned out tough and doughy. I even followed the directions this time. I digress. After doing the kitchen cleanup I took my loppers out and started on the weeds in the storage yard. I haven't been in there since spring so some of the weeds were like little trees. I lopped them off and threw them into the goatyard. The goats love weeds. I got all the weeds cut with a little help from dr. I cut and he cleared them away. I picked up all the broken glass from a window falling over. I still have some trash to bag up for the dump. But the yard looks like a yard again instead of a dump site. I moved a stack of lumber waiting to be used into the storage yard out of the edge of the driveway. Another job accomplished. dr took me to lunch because I needed a break. Then, I finished the little part up by the deck at the top of the driveway. Now, all of the weeds are gone. Well, there are a few here and there but most of them are gone. I just wanted them gone before it started to rain. We did get dribbled on off and on but nothing measureable. I watched the weather a few days ago just after our last measureable rain and the weatherman said not to expect more rain for five or six weeks. Today I went to and the ten day forecast has rain six out of the next ten days. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be sunny and nice for Thanksgiving travel. We aren't going anywhere but I know that many people do go to family dinners.
My little fall garden is doing well. Maybe between rain showers I can thin the carrots. I need to pick some spinach and some lettuce to encourage new growth. I think there may be enough swiss chard for a quiche too. I have cheese, too so maybe for lunch tomorrow. I have four circle beds with mixed lettuce and one is up enough to pick and the others are growing except the one little bed with the rabbit waiting patiently for it to grow. The birds have been leaving it alone. I've been thinking of putting a bird feeder out there but first I have to discourage the neighbors cats. I wonder how I will do that without hurting them. I do use the hose and get them soggy. It doesn't seem to discourage them from trying to get dinner out there. I keep things cut short so there is no place for them to hide.
Chance chases them out when she sees them.
I guess we are almost ready for winter now. I'm not a winter person so I hope it doesn't last too long.

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What a start to the summer!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:59 pm

I was just re-reading my last blog. I posted it on June 1st. My garden was doing well and I had all kinds of plans for sewing and the farm market. But, that was about three days before I found that lump in my left breast. That blew away the plans but not the summer. It's hot and humid here and dry. How can it be so humid and dry, too. I guess the humidity is what keeps some things green and growing,like the weeds. The weeds really got out of control while I was mending from the mastectomy. I finally went out yesterday and pulled and cut weeds and threw them over the fence to the goats. I didn't get near finished. dr helped and we restacked windows that we bought to make a greenhouse. dr worried that he was working me too hard but it felt good to be back doing things and we took several water breaks and rest times. Then, he took me to lunch. We stopped at the thrift shop and I found a few pieces of material. I didn't do much sewing yesterday though. I try to sew at least one thing every day. Sewing was something I could do while mending. It was sitting and I have a/c in here. I did a lot of reading, too. Last evening I sat down and tried to make a baby apron. I did get one made but I see a couple of changes I want to make in it. It needs to be a couple inches longer and maybe the bib part needs to be just a tad bit wider. I also need to buy some velcro for the tie around the neck. I put a snap on this one but it was just a trial one. Velcro will give a little more adjustment to the ties. I've been trying to make some smaller tote bags and more kid stuff. I've been doing well with the aprons since the farm market moved to the town square. We get more people through it. They were deciding that we would close for the month of August but last week decided we won't close for the month of August. It is hot but we take lots of water and we come home at noon or one o'clock. I had those orders that I got done. A lady wanted me to make her granddaughter a denim bag with a Miss Kitty on the front but that's a copyrighted pattern and I can't do that. Maybe a different kitty but not that one. I'll tell her that next week. She was going to let me know how big it should be. I made matching aprons for my son and grandson for their birthdays which are in August. I made a pink tote bag with a John Deere logo on the material for my granddaughter. When she was younger she loved John Deere tractors and machinery. She's 15 now so maybe she has outgrown them. I saw one at the store not too long ago and thought about buying it and didn't. Then, I found a piece of the pink striped material and bought it and made the tote bag myself. I need to think about making something for my daughter-in-law since I have something for the rest of the family.
I might make her a tote bag, too.
The garden has about seen it for now. I'm going to get some seeds started for planting the first part of September. I think as hot as it is now that the frost may be late enough to grow quite a lot of things. If we get the greenhouse built I can grow some vegetables in it, too.
My pumpkins didn't do so well,Two of them died but one is growing and has several leaves now. I don't think it will be the biggest one though.
So, that's about what I've been doing this summer. Mostly sitting around doing nothing. I'm feeling much better now and only have two more doctor visits on August 3rd. One to the surgeon and one to the oncologist who will monitor for five years before they can say it's over now. But, they did get all the cancer cells so I don't have to have radiation for five weeks. Thanks to all of you who sent prayers and good thoughts. They worked!!

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It really is summer weather here!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:00 am

We've been having summer weather here since early March. I'm not a cold weather person so I like the hot weather. Usually when the sun goes down it cools off 20 degrees and it's nice. We've been having a lot of wind and that helps, too. We go out into the front yard with Chance. She checks things out and comes and plops down by our feet. Tonight there is no breeze so we didn't stay out too long.
It's been hot and dry and windy and the Texas drought makes everything dry. I water most every day but only vegetables, flowers and trees. No grass here! The rain we had was very welcome and the plants enjoyed it and grew several inches. I have the tomato jungle. The tomatoes are ripening slowly so we can keep up eating them. We eat a lot of vegetables and fruit in the summer. We stopped at a farm market in Huntsville this morning. I bought, would you believe it, tomatoes. I also bought eggplant, onions and little red potatoes.
At the grocery store I bought green beans, zucchini, peaches and strawberries and bananas and two kinds of leaf lettuce and romaine hearts of lettuce. I didn't buy cucumbers because I have half a dozen from the garden. I see some more growing so maybe I can keep Chance in cucumbers this summer. I noticed I have two wee yellow squash also. I'm glad the vegetable garden is doing well because the flowers aren't doing much at all. I only have petunias and impatients blooming and one marigold. I planted morning glories twice and the only ones to come up are the ones that I didn't plant. I don't know where they came from. They are on the garden fence.
I have a rose on the bush that isn't a climber. I'll have to remember to get a picture of it. The black eyed susans are doing well. They are a wildflower here and are seen all along the road and in fields. Chance likes them.
Maybe I can catch a picture of her smelling them. I never seem to have my camera handy when I need it.
The local farm market started in May, a couple of weeks ago. Now, starting on Saturday it is going to move to the town square in the center of town. We'll see how that goes. On Friday it will be still at the old place. So, I've been doing some sewing the last several days. I'm trying to increase my inventory of children's aprons and tote bags. One of my sisters sent me some fabric suitable to it.
The first week a young girl, maybe six or seven, looked at the aprons and tote bags and wanted to know if I made them or bought them. I told her that I sewed them. She talked her grandma into buying her an apron so she could learn to cook. Her grandma wanted to know how she was going to learn to cook. She told her that you are going to teach me. Grandma bought her an apron. She must have been six because grandma said it would be a present for going from kindergarten to first grade.
When they were leaving the little girl turned around and told me, "You are very creative." I waited until they were gone to laugh. It just tickled me when she said it. Very grownup!
I need to increase my tote bag inventory, too. There are many things I need to do and staying inside when it's so hot that heat stroke is a possibility is a good time to do it.

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