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dooley's Blog
Clouds and ?
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:38 pm It is very cloudy outside and the forecast is for rain today and tonight rain and rain mixed with snow. Tomorrow it is to be snow showers or rain mixed with snow showers. So, so far we have had rain, rain mixed with snow, a bit of sun and now just clouds. Nothing has made the ground even a little bit wet. There was some snow on the sidewalk but it's about 45 so even that is gone now. I think we must be on the edge of the storm system because the news says it's raining in Phoenix. We went up to breakfast at Blondie's. It's about 8 miles up the highway. We have to pass through Poland Junction which is just a collection of houses but in the old days it was a place a train stopped. No tracks there now. It sets between two mountain ridges and every thing that even looks like a storm in the area comes roaring down through that pass. When we went past there this morning it was raining.When we came back, it was snowing. They even had snow sticking on the ground. None on the highway, just on the ground. They get rain when we just get clouds. Not much mind you but it is wet. I wouldn't mind some rain but snow, no thanks. I decided it was a baking day. DR has a fire going but it is so dreary. I made some bread dough. At Christmas it was called stollen, but today it is called Cardamon Fruit Bread. I needed to use the fruit mix that was left over from the stollen before it was all dried out. I'll just bake it in rounds, not stollen shaped. I'll maybe just brush it with egg and sugar the top instead of glazing it. I made oatmeal raisen cookies. Only a single batch, six dozen. Then I made chocolate chip cookies for dr. He said I was making chunky drop cookies and he liked flat ones, so I took a fork and flattened them. I will add less flour next time and they will flatten themselves. The bread was just sitting there so when the cookies were done I shut off the oven and opened the door and moved the dough to the top of the stove. Now it is coming up. It was just a bit chilly in the house for it to rise properly. The cookies will be divided three ways and I think maybe the bread will be divided three ways, too. We just don't need that much sweet stuff this soon after Christmas. DR has been hauling wood up from the shed and cutting pallets into kindling wood. The school gave us the pallets just to get rid of them. I saw some more there the other day so when we go buy when the janitor is out we will stop and get them, too. DR is saving the boards off of the good ones to make a fence behind the storage trailer behind the big shed. Pallets can be used for a lot of different things. When we lived in Black Canyon City we made a deck at ground level with them. We filled in the spaces between the boards with boards from other pallets. We burn all the extra bits for kindling. We might be making a gazebo in the back this summer and will use some of the pallets for a floor. Chance likes being up off the ground, too, but she has her own covered deck. DR made it for her the first year. Chance is black and in summer her fur gets so hot so dr made her a covered deck. She uses it too. Guess I will go and type some more of those stories. I bought new ink for the printer on Wednesday. Oh, we stopped at the Dollar Store this morning and dr bought me two small turtles. They aren't anything special but they are currently residing on the top of the computer. When he checked out the clerk told him, "oh, my second turtle customer this morning." Guess I'm not the only turtle person around. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 583 times
Things to do and places to be
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:45 am I've been busy doing things. There will be a family reunion in April. I write stories and have about 30 of them that I wrote about us when we were small kids. All from my point of view, of course. I've had them in a folder for a lot of years. But, I wrote them of those big yellow pads in longhand. So, I've been trying to type them on Microsoft Word and print them out. I want to make copies so anyone who wants one can have one for their scrapbook. I have to go through family pictures too and scan them so they can be copied for scrapbooks. I'm glad I am not the one organizing the thing. I have eleven of them typed and printed now. I have outlines for about 40 more than I have written but I think 30 is all that they are going to get this time. If they have another reunion maybe they will get 30 more. I think that I do need to start working on the others before I get too old to remember what I wanted to write. I have been busy at work too. I moved more books this week. Of course, I moved paperbacks this time and they weren't so heavy as the ones I moved last week. But, it was still a lot of up and down and sideway motions. I was really tired last night. I think I went right to sleep when my head hit the pillow. DR is finally feeling better and he's not coughing so much at night. It was cold when we got up this morning. The thermometer in the back said 5F and the one in front that had the sun shining on it said 22F. The one in the kitchen by the stove said 44F. I turned on the oven and made a coffeecake. DR started a fire in the stove but it still took a bit of time to get it warmed up in here. DR kept the fire burning all day. He just let it go down when he went to bed. Chance and I are still up but it will be time for us to go to bed in a little while. I need to write a letter to grandma. Oh, tomorrow is a holiday. I don't have to work. The post office isn't open either. We are going shopping again tomorrow to look at monitors. We didn't buy one yet so we have this whacky colored screen every morning. After it's been on for half and hour or so it turns it's normal color. We are looking at a flat screen LCD 19 inch monitor. Dan has a day off so he said he will go with us. He knows more what we should ask the salesperson than we do. I need to buy something for grandma for her birthday too. She will be 9l this year. She has her own room but there still isn't a huge amount of space for things. Her birthday is Feb. 3rd. So, with that, I think I will turn off this computer and head for the bedroom. Chance has deserted and gone to bed. I heard the doggy door. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 603 times
Back to normal?
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:09 pm It's warm today so I may go out and rake up Chance's yard. DR is busy doing laundry. Yesterday, I got Christmas all back in the tubs and dr put it into the shed for another year. I don't understand though, it didn't fit into the tubs that I took it out of. DR bought two new tubs and I could use one more. I know that I didn't buy all that much new stuff. I must have packed it differently. Already I have found a few things that I missed. We moved my desk back into the living room so now I have a computer desk and a writing desk. I guess I will have to do some writing. What I have to do in the next month is pull out all the stories that I wrote about my childhood. There is going to be a family reunion in Phoenix in April. The stories have been requested for scrapbooks that are being assembled for each family. Well, the pages will be layed out for each family to take what they want for their scrapbook. I have to get some pictures together too. They need to be copied or scanned into the computer for my sister to make copies. There were seven children in my family so with spouses, children, grandchildren and steps there will be close to 80 people. I hope most of them can make it. I know Dan and Andy can make it but I'm not sure about Tom. He had to go and check his calendar. I'm going to let my sister pester him. He will come if he can and I know that Erin wants to come. So, I have lots of things to get done. But, I think that for today I will go outside before the cold rainy weather comes at the end of the week. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 668 times
Computers, bah humbug!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:38 am I am NOT computer literate. I can use one if it does it's thing with out hiccupping. But, if it doesn't I can't make it do anything. I have a wireless keyboard and mouse. For weeks, it's been saying the batteries in the mouse were weak, did I want to replace them. I just checked the later box and ignored it. Last night, it just died. The little arrow wouldn't move. I tried hitting various buttons but nothing changed so I had to crash the computer to turn it off. This morning it booted up okay but it wouldn't go onto the internet. I had to go to work on my day off with out a Gardenstew fix. I don't know how I managed to get through the day. It still wasn't working tonight so when Dan came over I asked him to look at it. He's my computer fixer upper person. He ran a program that the DSL provider put on the computer to check for problems. Now, why didn't I think of doing it. ??? The program said it found the problem and we should reboot the machine and it would give us an answer. So we rebooted the computer and it says, You have a loose connection. Check all connections. So, Dan checked all the connections. No loose ones, Duh! So, he's sitting here musing through things in his head when he ups and shuts down the computer. When it's turned off he shuts down the modem and after awhile he turns it back on and things are now fine. He said when I crashed the computer to shut it down last night, it shut down the internet part of the modem. He just rebooted the modem and now it's working fine. There are three boxes or top of the computer desk that have blinking lights. One is for my computer. The other two were from when I was connected to the internet through Dan's cable program. There is a cable modem and a splitter. I don't need them now, but they still work Dan's computer . I never pay any attention to them. I didn't know the lights meant anything except if they are all off it doesn't work. Well, only one was out and that one controlled the internet access. So, he says check the modem next time. Okay!! So, I worked today without checking Gardenstew first. Wonder how I made it through the day! Ha,Ha!!! Have to work 8:30 to 4 tomorrow. Since there was nothing for me to do today, I got most of the books shelved so there will be not so many tomorrow. So, I will get to play with the books and move them around some more. I can make noise and drop a few and have a little fun. There is two volunteers on in the morning. One is going to shelve the fiction books. Anything without the dewey decimal numbers on them. The other will sit at the checkout desk. Our afternoon volunteer had the first baby of the New Year in Prescott, Prescott Valley area. She will have maternity leave now. The baby was due before Christmas but it just stayed and stayed. She finally had induced labor. We all thought she was going to do it on Jan. 30th. She must have decided to wait. She has two older children. A boy, almost 5 and a girl almost 2. So, now I have to quit and go to bed. Although I might see if I can finish this J.D. Robb book that I'm reading. Depends if my eyes stay open, I guess. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 697 times
It was great!
Category: Holidays | Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:10 am I got Christmas and my birthday rolled into one gift. It was great. No pictures yet because I just can't resize them tonight. Dan is going to help me sort them out and fix a couple of them tomorrow. We had a great time with Tom and Erin and Kirsten and Courtney and Aaron. Courtney and Aaron are friends of Tom and Kirsten from when they both worked at Beringers. Aaron and Kirsten are the support team because they don't run. Aaron and Courtney got engaged on the trip over from California so it was a happy time for them. Now, where do I start. I did get the right motel, so that was good. It wouldn't have been as much fun if we had been five miles away. We left home at 9 am, and 9:05 am and 9:15am because you never remember everything the first time. I forgot my padded shirt first and then we stopped at the post office and there was a package that we brought home and then, we were on our way. We wanted to have breakfast at the Cracker Barrel but we couldn't find the entrance. It wasn't on the frontage road so we went around a BIG block and back to the next street but it wasn't there either. So, we stopped at the waffle house. That was okay, but I want to find the Cracker Barrel next time. Instead of getting back on the freeway we took surface streets. It takes much longer but saves some sanity. We found the motel with no problems, but they weren't there. It's a good thing I remembered to ask Tom for his cell phone number when we talked last time. They had gone to the bank and they came back for us. They had rented a mini van which was big enough to hold all seven of us so we were off to Scottsdale to find the Dollar Rental Car place so they could add Courtney and Aaron to the driver's list so they could also drive going back to California. The race is on the southwest side of Phoenix and the rental car place is on the northwest side of Phoenix. It's a good thing Tom is used to driving in California and doesn't mind driving of freeways. After we left the car rental place we wanted to have lunch. They wanted to go to PFChangs. A Chinese place of renown in Phoenix. But, no parking to be found for "miles" around. So we went to Old Town Scottsdale and walked around and found a Japanese place where we ate. I'm not fond of Japanese food and Erin wasn't either but we found some chicken that wasn't too bad. Courtney had Udon noodles which she shared with Erin. We went back to the motel and Courtney and Aaron went out by themselves to have a romantic dinner to celebrate their engagement. Kirsten went to take a nap. Tom and Erin showed up at our door with a Yatchzee game so I played with them. DR had a snooze or tried too. We played kind of noisy to say the least. Kirsten came and played a game with us and we sat a spell trying to decide what to do for supper. Since Aaron and Courtney took the van and our truck only seats three it was a hard decision. We ended up ordering Italian takeout and Tom, Erin and I went to pick it up. We wound up eating at 8:30 pm. They went back to their room as they had to be at the race sight by 8 am. We overslept because we didn't sleep well at all and we missed the race start by 10 minutes. Of course, it didn't help that I took surface streets instead of the freeway and ran into construction in a couple of places. We watched Tom and Courtney go around a few times and then we took Erin and went shopping. That was a fun day and I'll blog more about that later. We did find out one thing about Erin. She is obsessed with office supplies. She wanted to go to Office Max shopping for her Christmas present. So, being a good grandma and grandpa, we went to Office Max. She picked out pencils (looked like pens, but used lead), erasers because she makes BIG mistakes, a pencil box and some post it notes. She loves post it notes. Kristen said she showed up one weekend with a briefcase and it was filled with all different kind of postit notes. So, that's what they put in her stocking. Strange child! No, she was loving and polite and kind to everyone. We made a few other stops and went to lunch. It was a sandwich place so DR had a pattymelt, I had a grilled sandwich with turkey, ham and cheese and Erin wanted a plain hamburger on a bun without all the junk. DR ordered a strawberry banana shake and I ordered iced tea. She was looking at the list of drinks and DR told her she could order a shake too. She had a cookies and cream shake. It was big so the waitress put the rest of it in a takeout box. We went back to the race track. It's a beautiful place. DR took a couple or two pictures of it. We went back to the motel about five thirty. Kirsten, Erin and Aaron stayed until about nine. Then, they went back to the motel. But they got up and was back at the track by 6:30 am. We didn't get there until 8:30. Their 24 hours ended at 9 am. There was another group starting either 24 or 48 hour races today and ther 48 and 72 hour people that started yesterday kept going. The person in the lead had run 132 miles in 24 hours. Tom ran 74.56 miles and Courtney ran 50.02 miles. Courtney's goal was to run 50 miles and she just made it. Tom just wanted to beat his fastest time which was 73.5 miles. So, they were both very happy. The race that started yesterday had about 76 runners. I'd say about a third of them was over 60. Some would run, some would only walk, but this morning no one had under 45 miles. There were about 20 women or girls running. One was just 14. Of the 20 or so new ones that started today, there were two boys under 12 and one girl that just turned 12. The oldest runner/walker was signed up for the 72 hour race. At the end of 72 hours, he will get a special prize of a race jacket because he will have completed 1,000 miles at this particular track over the last few years. He was in his 70's and he liked DR's beard. Mainly because it matched his own. He ran and walked and ran and walked and that is what most of them were doing. But the two or three that had over 100 miles ran the whole time. Not fast, but steady. You never saw them break pace. They were true runners dedicated to the sport. I'd better stop here and blow my nose. I've been sneezing since sometime yesterday and my nose hasn't stopped running. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 669 times
The day after Christmas
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:58 am When we got up this morning it didn't feel like the day after Christmas. Now, I don't know how it's supposed to feel, just that it didn't. I was going to make oatmeal for breakfast but dr wanted to go to Prescott to a sporting goods store sale. We stopped at McDonald's for a bagel with eggs and sausage. We went to the sporting goods place. It's mostly gun stuff so I stayed in the truck. He said it was really busy so he was going quite a while. We really didn't encounter a lot of shoppers at other places. Costco wasn't any busier than usual and no one seemed to be buying large amounts of stuff. We stopped at K-Mart pharmacy and that store was practically empty. WalMart had a lot of cars but they generally do so it didn't look to be any more busy than a normal day. We didn't stop there. We stopped at the grocery store to fill our water bottles and buy some dog food and it was mostly empty. I don't know where all the after Christmas shoppers were but not where we were. As usual we just went for a few things and ended up being tied up most of the day. I guess it's because things are so far from where we live. Small town living does have drawbacks but it's better than city living any day. I found out from Tom yesterday that I made our motel reservations at the wrong motel so this morning I called and cancelled them and got new reservations at the right motel. I did call the right motel first and made sure I could get a room before I cancelled the reservations at the wrong motel. I was surprised when there wasn't a cancellation fee. But at least we are going to be in the right place now, not ten miles down the road. I didn't get the yard raked but I guess there is always another time for that. Maybe tomorrow morning if it doesn't start to rain or snow. A mix is predicted. Yuck!!! I just got snow on Friday. It's too soon for more snow. Maybe it's a good thing we are going to a lower altitude. Nothing but sunshine for down there. Sometimes the storms stay in the mountains and go around the valley. DR says he is feeling better today but Dan is still coughing. I think because he isn't getting enough rest. He's had to work. His ass't went away for the holidays and couldn't work for him. Chance says I should do something for her. Maybe it's time for her to go to bed. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 603 times
Quiet Day
Category: Holidays | Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:28 am We had a rather quiet day. Dan didn't come over last night. He still has crud and was tired. We slept in this morning and had breakfast before we opened gifts.Chance was the most excited about her gifts. DR took off the bows and let her open them herself. Then, she took the one out and hid it so it can age. She isn't playing with the one shaped like a hot dog either. She went and got an old squeaky when dr told her to go get a squeaky. But, now she just wants to nap. It was really nice so she spent most of the day outside barking at things once in awhile. DR has some crud too and was tired yesterday. He says he felt better today and isn't coughing as much.He's used a box or two of kleenex though. We had rib roast and baked potatoes and pie for dessert. A friend of Dan's stopped by and we had tea and talked awhile and they left to go back where Dan is housesitting. I talked to both of the other boys. Neither of them had a white Christmas though Andy said they had slush and snow yesterday. We are meeting Tom and Erin and Kirsten in Phoenix on Thursday and Friday he is beginning his run. We didn't manage to get in the same motel because I thought his motel was on I-10 and it wasn't but we aren't too far away. Anyway things will work out. We are also planning on spending time with Erin and with our friends from Goodyear. So, we still have some Christmas coming up. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 769 times
Christmas Breakfast
Category: Holidays | Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:46 am The library has an annual Christmas breakfast. This has been happening for about 15 years or so. It's a potluck breakfast. The director makes egg casseroles. It's like baked scrambled eggs. He makes them 24 hours ahead and refrigerates them. Then he brings them in and bakes them in the community room kitchen. Everyone else brings something to go with it. We had sausage, biscuits and gravy, cheese and sausage, several kinds of sweet bread and cookies. There was a fruit bowl and juice and coffee. I made kringle. I made cherry kringle but I decided I didn't like how it looked so we ate it and I made a date nut kringle. It turned out much better. I threw out the directions and did it like I remembered it should look and it turned out great. There were only two or three pieces left. They put all the leftovers in the backroom for snacks and lunch. There is a refrigerator for things that need to stay cold. We had a good time. DR wrote a poem in tribute to the library ladies which the director read to start things off. We had a gift exchange. Everyone brought a gift costing under ten dollars. Then each person got a number and you went according to your number and picked a gift and opened it. Then, when everyone had a gift opened in front of them, they went according to number and everyone chose either to keep what they had or take something from someone else. I had two passes to the movies. Someone took them from me which was okay because we never go to the movies. Then, someone else took them and then someone else took them. I ended up with a chocolate pot (sort of like a teapot, only for chocolate) and some hot chocolate mix. The pot is two snowmen with brooms, etc. I took a metal basket, oblong in shape with circle medallions on the side. I really liked it. I filled it with pinecones and red christmas apple ornaments and put evergreen branches (small ones) around the sides. I put a green and red plaid bow on the front of it. Diane chose it to begin and Michelled took it from her. She told me she needed a centerpiece and she loved the basket and pinecones. The little apples just made enough color. I was thinking I should have put a candle in the center but couldn't think how to do it without it becoming a fire hazard. Oh, well! Maybe next time I'll figure it out. I know that they do make centerpieces with candles in the middle. Anyway, a good time was had by all. This was the first time I went to a breakfast Christmas party. Someone suggested that instead of coming early before the library opens for a party that next year we have a midnight mass. That turned into a running joke all through the meal. The director kept telling one lady if she didn't behave that she would really need that midnight mass. She has a good sense of humor and was making bad jokes about all the presents. So, I have to work tomorrow and then I have three days off and work one day and have five days off. I think that one day may be busy as people will have had Christmas and did their day after Christmas shopping and be ready to go back to normal before the New year. I am now ready for Christmas except for making a couple of pies. Oops! I got a gift certificate for a grocery store from the City of Prescott Valley and we went and bought a small rib roast with it. I need to take it out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator or we'll have really rare beef for Christmas Dinner. Oh, and I haven't wrapped anything but I don't have that much to wrap. So, Merry Christmas to everyone. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 673 times
It snowed on me!!!!
Category: Holidays | Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:18 am Being my day off, I had to make a special trip up to Prescott Valley today to attend a Christmas breakfast at the library. When we left, we had to go around to Willow Creek Road so I could go and get my driver's license renewed. As I was getting into the truck a few flakes of snow began falling around us. As we went it got more and more until it was falling quite hard. We had to Walk Through Snow when we got out of the truck at the DMV building. But, there was no line. When DR went last year to get his renewed, the line was all around the building and it took us two hours. Today, there was no line and no waiting. We were in and out in twenty minutes. Now, I'm good until 2012. We stopped at Habitat for Humanity because it is just a few blocks from the DMV building. We had to drive right past it to get back to the main road so we stopped. We bought a dining room table. Mainly it was on sale for half price and it's square with a leaf you can add and it takes up less space in the room. We seldom need space for six people anyway. I think it is a little taller than the old one or someone cut the legs off of my chair. But, it's a good looking table. Then, we went to Wal-Mart. It snowed on us the whole way. It made visibility poor in a few places. Of course, there was no parking close so we actually had to walk in it. We just got a few things I needed at Wal-Mart and then we were going home. But, I got in the wrong lane coming out and we had to turn a wrong direction so we went to lunch. I wasn't very hungry so we skipped dessert. I mean why eat cookies and ice cream or whatever when there is a ton of stuff home on the counter. So, we came home. I had to find the top of the other table and then we took it apart and put the new one in its place. It looks good. You can still see the top. Wait until tomorrow though. I decided I needed to take a short nap. I took my pooh lap blanket, sat down in my recliner, and a dog landed in my lap. So, Chance and I took a nap. Except, Chance had to stand up and look out the window. When I told her taking a nap meant laying down, not standing up she lay down facing the window and proceeded to growl at everything that moved. Finally, I told her to knock it off so she curled up and we both had about an hours worth of nap. I put a couple of potatoes in the oven to bake and I think I will grate some sharp cheddar cheese to go over them and I don't know what else and call it supper. DR has the crud and says he doesn't really want supper anyway. I think I may wrap some packages in a while. Then, I'll call myself ready for Christmas. I just have to work tomorrow from 8:30-4 pm and then I have three days off. Then, I work one day and have five more days off. Next week, 28th, 29th and 30th we are going to Goodyear to meet up with our oldest son. He's coming from California with his girlfriend and his daughter. He's going to run in a 24 hour race beginning 9 am on the 29th and ending at 9 am on the 30th. There are also 48 and 72 hour races. I cannot imagine running for 72 hours. You do get breaks for eating and napping but still 72 hours?? There hasn't been a lot to do at the library the last two weeks and I don't think there will be much doing tomorrow. I will probably have time to move the rest of the fiction books around. I started at the end of the alphabet and I'm to M's now so I still have about half of them to do. I need to move some shelves in the CD area too. Then, I will start working in the non fiction area to get them back in order again. Better go check on the potatoes. Dooley Oh, I can't take a picture of the snow. It's melted already. Last edited: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:19 am This blog entry has been viewed 721 times
The tea party
Category: Holidays | Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:35 am We had our tea party. DR made coffee which is a good thing because Joe doesn't drink tea. DR makes strong coffee and Joe like it just fine. Now, we are relaxing. I put a couple of potatoes in the oven to bake so we can have our supper in awhile. I'm afraid I ate too many cookies but when I think about it I probably did not. Talk, talk, talk, or as Wannabe called it chatting over tea. Joe and Anna live across the street. Anna is Joe's aunt I think. She is 93 and has cancer and doesn't get out too much. She was pleased when I went over to invite them to tea today. I think because she is old and sick that people don't think to ask her out. Joe said she was watching the clock and reminded him that it was time to go to tea. She is quiet but listens and puts in her comments. She is so thin and eats very little but she had tea and the lemon cookies. I had some "store bought" butter cookies that she could eat. Marilyn and Frank(not our gnome) live next door. His weakness is cookies and I always share what I bake with them. Joe gets his share. When we were just talking and everyone quit eating cookies, I brought out Christmas boxes and told them that they were take out boxes and they should fill them with whatever they liked because there were a lot of cookies. So, they filled their boxes like a kid in a toy shop. I gave Marilyn an extra box to fill for the older people who live across the big street. (It's paved, ours is not so that makes it the big street) After everyone went home I filled a larger box with cookies and some little hard Christmas candies and delivered it to the kids at the end of the street. I still have to fill a box for the couple that live across the alley but that's for tomorrow. Then, I will have enough to take a box to work. I hope that uses up most of them so I don't have many left to eat myself. I saved the zucchini coconut bars for dr. Now the countdown to Christmas. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 605 times
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